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Ocean Markets

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Ocean Markets


Ocean Markets

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Ocean Markets · WikiFX Survey

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Ocean Markets · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Ocean Markets
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded year 1-2 years
Regulation No specific regulation
Minimum Deposit $500 for Starter's account; higher for Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100
Spreads Information not available
Trading Platforms xCritical, MetaTrader4, MetaTrader5
Tradable assets CFDs, forex, commodities, indices, and other assets
Account Types Starter's, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP
Demo Account Information not available
Customer Support Telephone number and email address available, limited online chat support
Deposit & Withdrawal Information not available
Educational Resources Information not available

Unavailable Official Website

Since Ocean Markets official website is temporarily down, we could only piece together a rough picture of this brokerage as a forex broker by gathering relevant information from other websites.

Overview of Ocean Markets

Ocean Markets is a trading brokerage based in the United States that has been operating for around 1-2 years. The broker offers a range of trading instruments, including CFDs, forex, commodities, indices, and other assets, with various account types, such as Starter's, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP, requiring a minimum deposit of $500 for the Starter's account. While the broker offers high leverage of up to 1:100, it is concerning that Ocean Markets has no specific regulation. Limited information is available on several crucial aspects, such as spreads, account types, and deposit and withdrawal processes. Nevertheless, Ocean Markets provides access to xCritical, MetaTrader4, and MetaTrader5 trading platforms and customer support channels, such as a telephone number and email address, with limited online chat support. However, the broker does not offer educational resources for clients. Overall, it is important to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing with an unregulated broker such as Ocean Markets, as it poses potential risks for traders. Alternative regulated brokers can offer stronger protection and support for investors.


Is Ocean Markets legit or a scam?

It is important to note that trading with an unregulated broker, such as Ocean Markets, can pose significant risks for traders. Without the oversight and regulations put in place by a financial authority, there is no guarantee of safety or transparency. Unregulated brokers may engage in unethical practices, such as price manipulation, account fraud, or refusal to process withdrawals. As a result, traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before investing with an unregulated broker. It is also advisable to consider alternative options that are regulated and offer stronger protection for investors.

Pros and Cons

Ocean Markets offers several advantages to traders, such as a wide range of trading instruments, including CFDs, forex, commodities, indices, and other assets. The broker also provides access to xCritical, MetaTrader4, and MetaTrader5 trading platforms, allowing traders to choose the platform that best suits their preferences and trading style. Another advantage of Ocean Markets is their high leverage of up to 1:100, which can be beneficial for experienced traders.

However, it is crucial to be aware that Ocean Markets is not regulated, which poses potential risks for traders. The broker also lacks essential information on minimum deposit, spreads, maximum leverage, account types, and fees, making it challenging for traders to fully understand their options. Additionally, the official website is currently inaccessible, which could be concerning for potential clients. The customer support provided is limited, with a telephone number and email address available, but there is limited online chat support.

In summary, while Ocean Markets offers several advantages, traders should be cautious and conduct thorough research before investing with an unregulated broker.

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading instruments available No specific regulation
Offers several account types with varied entry thresholds Lack of essential information on minimum deposit, spreads, maximum Leverage, account types, and fees
Provides access to xCritical, MetaTrader4, and MetaTrader5 trading platforms Inaccessible official website
Generous leverage of up to 1:100 Limited customer support

Market Instruments

According to the information collected, when its website was still in existence, it claimed that it had a lot of products that could be traded, but it had no supervision, and now its website is difficult to log in. Therefore, traders should be more cautious with this trader and try to avoid trading with it.

Account Types

Ocean Markets offers a range of account types, designed to meet traders‘ expectations. For beginner traders, the broker offers Starter’s account. The minimum deposit for this account type is $500. Silver or Gold accounts have a higher entry threshold, but they offer more options and provide access to additional services. Experienced traders choose either Platinum or VIP accounts.


The maximum trading leverage offered by Ocean Markets is up to 1:100, which is high enough to satisfy the most aggressive trading strategy. For inexperienced traders, it is important for them to select the level of leverage that they feel most at ease with, for leverage can magnify gains as well as losses.


Trading Platform

Ocean Markets offers a range of different trading platforms: xCritical online – mobile and desktop platforms, MetaTrader4, MetaTrader5.

xCritical online offers more than 170 trading instruments, built-in technical advisor Auto chartist, the ability to lock and duplicate positions, online support chat, etc.

With Ocean Markets traders also have access to the popular MT4 and MT5 platforms, enabling access to modern development technologies and a user-friendly interface, providing the best tools and features for favorable trading.


Ocean Markets Alternative Brokers

After conducting research and considering the potential risks of trading with Ocean Markets, we recommend traders to consider alternative regulated brokers that offer stronger protection and support. Good brokers with reliable options include Black Bull Markets, which is good for high leverage trading; HFM, a low forex spread broker; and IC Markets, an excellent cTrader broker. These alternatives have good regulations and excellent conditions for traders to consider.

◎BlackBull Markets – Good for High Leverage Trading

◎HFM – Low Forex Spread Broker

◎IC Markets – Excellent cTrader Broker

Customer Support

Regarding Ocean Markets' customer support information, their listed contact address details include a telephone number of +441617681504 and an email address of While it is promising to have multiple contact channels available, it is important to note that their customer support offerings could still be enhanced. It would be beneficial for the broker to consider expanding the availability of their online chat support to ensure that clients can receive assistance promptly. Additionally, providing more detailed and comprehensive information regarding their services, fees, and trading conditions would make it easier for clients to understand their options and make informed decisions. Lastly, offering educational resources or training materials to clients could help to deepen their understanding of trading and improve their overall experience with the broker.


Based on our professional experience and conducted research, we do not recommend Ocean Markets. There are many questions in regard to the trust of the Ocean Markets company services and the manner they do operate the online trading itself. Besides, many traders shared their negative experiences with numerous complaints and were asking us to assist with resolving, see Ocean Markets Inquiry here.


Q: What trading instruments does Ocean Markets offer?

A: Ocean Markets offers a wide range of trading instruments, including CFDs, forex, commodities, indices, and other assets.

Q: Is Ocean Markets regulated?

A: No, Ocean Markets does not have specific regulation, which poses potential risks for traders.

Q: What account types does Ocean Markets offer?

A: Ocean Markets offers various account types, including Starter's, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and VIP, with varied entry thresholds.

Q: What trading platforms does Ocean Markets provide?

A: Ocean Markets provides access to xCritical, MetaTrader4, and MetaTrader5 trading platforms.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Ocean Markets?

A: Ocean Markets offers generous leverage of up to 1:100.

Q: Is there customer support available at Ocean Markets?

A: Yes, Ocean Markets provides limited customer support through telephone and email channels, with limited online chat support.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required for an account with Ocean Markets?

A: The minimum deposit for the Starter's account with Ocean Markets is $500, with higher entry thresholds for other account types.

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