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Digital Academy Invest

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Digital Academy Invest · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Digital Academy Invest
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year 2023
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Forex, CFDs, Futures
Account Types Standard, ECN
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads Starting from 0.1%
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4), WebTrader
Customer Support Email support

Overview of Digital Academy Invest

Digital Academy Invest, a newly established trading platform founded in 2023, operates from the United Kingdom. While it offers traders access to a variety of market instruments, including Forex, CFDs, and Futures, it's worth noting that the platform operates without regulatory oversight. Traders can choose from two account types, Standard and ECN, with a minimum deposit requirement of $100. The platform provides a competitive advantage with maximum leverage of 1:500 and competitive spreads starting from 0.1%. Traders can access their accounts through popular trading platforms like MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and WebTrader, though customer support is primarily conducted through email. These features provide a glimpse into the platform's offerings and potential considerations for traders.

Overview of Digital Academy Invest

Is Digital Academy Invest legit or a scam?

Digital Academy Invest operates without regulatory oversight, potentially raising issues about transparency and supervision. Unregulated exchanges lack the vigilance and legal safeguards provided by regulatory bodies, thereby increasing the risk of fraud, market manipulation, and security breaches. The absence of regulation can complicate users' efforts to seek remedies and resolve disputes. Furthermore, the lack of regulatory oversight fosters a less transparent trading environment, impeding users' ability to evaluate the exchange's legitimacy and dependability.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
User-friendly interface Not available in some countries or regions
Multiple account options Lack of regulatory oversight
Competitive spreads Limited educational resources
Access to MT4 platform Limited customer support options


  1. User-friendly interface: Digital Academy Invest offers a user-friendly trading platform, making it accessible and straightforward for traders of various experience levels. The intuitive interface and ease of navigation enhance the trading experience.

  2. Multiple account options: Traders have the flexibility to choose from multiple account types, such as Standard and ECN, based on their trading preferences, capital, and risk tolerance. This variety allows for customization to suit individual trading styles.

  3. Competitive spreads: The platform provides competitive spreads, particularly for the Standard account. Competitive spreads can be advantageous for traders looking to minimize their trading costs and maximize potential profits.

  4. Access to MT4 platform: Digital Academy Invest offers access to the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform. MT4 is known for its extensive charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities, providing traders with comprehensive trading resources.


  1. Not available in some countries or regions: Digital Academy Invest is not accessible to traders in certain countries or regions due to regulatory restrictions or other factors. Traders should verify whether the platform is available in their specific location.

  2. Lack of regulatory oversight: The platform operates without regulatory oversight, which means there is limited investor protections and transparency. The absence of regulation can be an issue for traders who prioritize regulatory safeguards.

  3. Limited educational resources: Digital Academy Invest offers limited educational materials and resources for traders seeking to enhance their trading knowledge and skills. Traders who rely on comprehensive educational support will find the platform lacking in this aspect.

  4. Limited customer support options: Customer support primarily relies on email communication, which will result in longer response times compared to platforms with live chat or phone support. The availability and responsiveness of customer service representatives vary, potentially affecting the speed at which traders receive assistance.

Market Instruments

Digital Academy Invest offers a selection of trading assets primarily focused on Forex, CFDs (Contracts for Difference), and Futures. These assets enable traders to engage in various financial markets, allowing for speculation on the price movements of currencies, commodities, stock indices, and more.

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange): Traders can participate in the Forex market, one of the largest and most liquid financial markets globally. Digital Academy Invest provides a range of major and minor currency pairs, allowing traders to trade the exchange rates between different currencies.

  2. CFDs (Contracts for Difference): CFDs are derivative products that enable traders to speculate on the price movements of underlying assets without owning them. Digital Academy Invest offers CFDs on various financial instruments, including stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. This allows traders to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of market opportunities without the need to purchase the actual assets.

  3. Futures: Futures contracts involve agreements to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price on a future date. Digital Academy Invest provides access to trading futures contracts, which typically include commodities like oil, gold, agricultural products, and financial futures tied to stock indices or interest rates. Futures trading can be appealing to traders looking for opportunities in commodity and index markets.

Account Types

Digital Academy Invest offers two distinct account types to accommodate various trading preferences:

Standard Account:

The Standard account is tailored for traders seeking simplicity and accessibility. With leverage up to 1:500, it provides traders with the ability to amplify their positions. Spreads for this account type start from 0.1%, offering competitive pricing. There are no commission charges on Standard accounts, making it suitable for those who prefer a straightforward fee structure. A relatively low minimum deposit of $100 ensures accessibility to a wide range of traders, including beginners.

ECN Account:

The ECN (Electronic Communication Network) account is for experienced traders who prioritize direct market access and pricing transparency. It offers leverage up to 1:200 and features raw spreads, providing traders with a more direct connection to market pricing. However, there is a commission of $7 per lot traded in this account type, which traders should consider when calculating their trading costs. A higher minimum deposit of $5,000 is required for the ECN account, making it better suited for traders with a more substantial trading capital. Similar to the Standard account, ECN account holders benefit from free withdrawals and access to a demo account for practice.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Digital Academy Invest is a straightforward process that can be broken down into six clear steps:

1.Visit Digital Academy Invest's Website:

  1. Start by accessing the official Digital Academy Invest website. Ensure that you are on the official platform to guarantee the security of your account registration.

2. Click on “Open an Account”:

On the website's homepage, look for an option that says “Open an Account” or something similar. Click on this button to initiate the account creation process.

3. Complete the Registration Form:

You will be directed to a registration form where you'll need to provide personal information. This typically includes your full name, contact details, and a valid email address.

4. Choose Your Account Type:

During the registration process, you will be asked to select your preferred account type. Digital Academy Invest typically offers Standard and ECN account options. Make your selection based on your trading preferences.

5. Submit Verification Documents:

Digital Academy Invest requires you to submit identity verification documents to comply with regulatory requirements. This usually involves uploading a government-issued ID (such as a passport or driver's license) and proof of address (like a utility bill).

6. Fund Your Account:

Once your account is approved and verified, you can fund it by depositing the minimum required amount. Digital Academy Invest provides various deposit methods for your convenience, including bank transfers and online payment processors.


Digital Academy Invest offers a maximum leverage of up to 1:500 for the Standard account and up to 1:200 for the ECN (Electronic Communication Network) account. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions with a relatively smaller amount of capital, amplifying both potential profits and losses.

It's important for traders to understand the implications of leverage, as it increases risk exposure, and consider their risk tolerance and trading strategy accordingly when using leverage on the platform.

Spreads & Commissions

Digital Academy Invest offers different fee structures for its two distinct account types: Standard and ECN.

For the Standard Account, traders can benefit from spreads starting from 0.1%. This account type does not have commission charges, meaning that traders do not incur additional fees per lot traded. The absence of commissions can be appealing to those who prefer a clear and predictable cost structure. With a minimum deposit requirement of $100, the Standard Account is accessible to a broad range of traders, including beginners and those with limited capital. This fee structure is suitable for traders who prioritize a simple and cost-effective approach to trading.

In contrast, the ECN Account offers raw spreads, which varies depending on market conditions. While the spreads can be competitive and tight, traders using this account type should be aware of a commission of $7 per lot traded. This commission-based fee structure can be advantageous for traders who prioritize market depth and transparency in pricing. However, the ECN Account requires a higher minimum deposit of $5,000, making it better suited for traders with a more substantial trading capital who are comfortable with transaction-based fees. Traders considering the ECN Account should weigh the potential benefits of tighter spreads against the commission costs, keeping in mind their trading objectives and capital resources.

Trading Platform

Digital Academy Invest offers its traders access to MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and a web-based trading platform, commonly referred to as WebTrader.

MetaTrader 4 (MT4):

MetaTrader 4 is a well-established and widely used trading platform in the industry. It provides traders with a user-friendly interface and a range of tools for technical analysis. MT4 offers a variety of charting features, including multiple timeframes and customizable chart layouts. Traders can access a vast library of technical indicators and drawing tools to aid in their analysis. The platform also supports automated trading strategies through Expert Advisors (EAs), allowing traders to execute trades based on pre-defined criteria. Additionally, MT4 offers real-time quotes, news feeds, and historical data for comprehensive market analysis.


Digital Academy Invest also provides a web-based trading platform known as WebTrader. This platform offers traders the flexibility to access their accounts and trade from any web browser without the need for a software download or installation. WebTrader typically provides a simplified and user-friendly interface, making it suitable for traders who prefer a more accessible and convenient trading experience. It offers basic charting tools and order execution capabilities for traders who do not require the advanced features of MT4 or prefer to trade directly from their web browser.

Customer Support

Digital Academy Invest offers customer support primarily through email communication. Traders can reach out to the platform's customer support team via the designated email address, ensuring assistance with inquiries. However, it's important to note that email support does not provide immediate responses compared to live chat or phone support. The availability and responsiveness of customer service representatives will vary, impacting the speed at which traders receive assistance. Users should consider their preferred communication channels and response times when assessing Digital Academy Invest's customer support offerings.


In conclusion, Digital Academy Invest offers a user-friendly trading environment with a choice of multiple account options, competitive spreads, and access to the widely recognized MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. The platform's intuitive interface is suitable for traders of different experience levels, allowing for customization based on individual preferences. Competitive spreads can be appealing to those looking to minimize trading costs, while access to MT4 provides extensive trading resources.

However, there are notable drawbacks to consider. Digital Academy Invest operates without regulatory oversight, potentially leaving traders with limited investor protections and transparency. This absence of regulation will raise issues, particularly for traders who prioritize regulatory safeguards. Additionally, the platform's educational resources are limited, which is a disadvantage for traders seeking comprehensive learning materials to improve their trading skills. Furthermore, the reliance on email as the primary customer support channel will result in longer response times, and the availability and responsiveness of customer service representatives can vary.


Q: What account types does Digital Academy Invest offer?

A: Digital Academy Invest offers Standard and ECN account types.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required for a Standard account?

A: The minimum deposit for a Standard account is $100.

Q: Is there a commission on the Standard account?

A: No, the Standard account does not have any commission charges.

Q: What is the minimum deposit for an ECN account?

A: The minimum deposit for an ECN account is $5,000.

Q: What trading platforms are available on Digital Academy Invest?

A: Digital Academy Invest offers MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and WebTrader as its primary trading platforms.

Q: Does Digital Academy Invest provide educational resources for traders?

A: Digital Academy Invest has limited educational resources, so traders seeking extensive materials should consider this.

Broker Information

Company Name

Digital Academy Invest


Digital Academy Invest

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Phone of the company










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Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary

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