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TC GLOBAL CAPITAL · Company profile

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Australia
Founded Year Within 1 year
Minimum Deposit Not specified
Maximum Leverage 1:100 to 1:300
Spreads Not specified
Trading Platforms Windows trading software, Android and iOS versions, web version
Tradable Assets Foreign exchange, precious metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies, energies
Account Types Single account type
Demo Account Not specified
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Not specified
Educational Tools Not specified

Overview of TIES CAPITAL

TIES CAPITAL GLOBAL PTY LTD is an Australian-based financial service provider that offers access to a range of financial instruments, including foreign exchange, precious metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and energies. Customers can engage in leveraged trading for these assets, potentially capitalizing on price fluctuations in these markets. However, it is crucial to carefully consider the risks involved, as the company's unauthorized status and lack of proper regulation may impact the safety and reliability of trading activities.

The company provides a single account type, simplifying the trading process without multiple tiers or variations. Leverage options ranging from 1:100 to 1:300 are available, allowing traders to adjust their leverage based on their risk tolerance. it is important to exercise caution when utilizing high leverage, as it can significantly amplify market risks. Proper risk management is essential when considering any trading activities with TIES CAPITAL.


Pros and Cons

TIES CAPITAL presents several potential advantages and drawbacks in its financial services offerings. On the positive side, the platform provides access to the foreign exchange market, allowing traders to engage in the largest financial market globally with a daily trading volume exceeding US $5 trillion. Additionally, TIES CAPITAL offers substantial leverage of up to 1:300, enabling traders to amplify their potential gains. The company also extends leveraged trading options for stocks, cryptocurrencies, and popular energy commodities, opening doors to diverse investment opportunities. However, the limited account types, lack of information on payment methods, spreads, and commissions, and the possibility of a relatively long deposit and withdrawal process may impact the overall user experience. Additionally, the lack of sufficient trading tools, educational resources, and customer support options may further pose challenges for traders seeking a comprehensive and secure trading environment. As with any financial venture, it is essential for potential users to thoroughly evaluate these pros and cons before deciding to engage with TIES CAPITAL.

Pros Cons
Offers access to foreign exchange market Limited account types
Offers leverage up to 1:300 Lack of information on payment methods
Provides leveraged trading options for stocks Lack of information on spreads and commission
Offers differential contracts for cryptocurrencies Deposit and withdrawal process may take 1 to 5 working days
Facilitates trading in popular energy commodities Lack of trading tools and educational resources
Limited customer support options

Market Instruments

Foreign Exchange:

TIES CAPITAL offers access to the foreign exchange market, the largest international financial market globally, with a daily trading volume surpassing US $5 trillion. This market allows individuals and institutions to trade various currencies, taking advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates. Customers can engage in online trading platforms.

Precious Metals:

The company recognizes the significance of gold and silver as active metal varieties globally. These metals possess unique characteristics, including commodity, monetary, and financial attributes, making them popular choices for asset preservation and investment hedging. TIES CAPITAL enables customers to engage in leveraged trading of gold and silver, offering 300 times leverage. This allows investors with limited capital to access additional trading opportunities.


In addition to its offerings, TIES CAPITAL provides leveraged trading options for stocks. By providing 5x leverage, customers can benefit from the price fluctuations of various stocks. The company focuses on cryptocurrency contracts for difference (CFDs), enabling short trading and capitalizing on the volatility of digital currencies. This offers investment opportunities in the growing field of the fourth industry.


TIES CAPITAL offers differential contracts for popular cryptocurrencies like BTC, BCH, ETH, LTC, and XRP. Given the significant price fluctuations in the cryptocurrency market, customers have the potential to achieve substantial returns on their investments. By leveraging the expertise of the company and the fluctuating nature of digital currencies, investors can engage in trading activities with the aim of capitalizing on market trends.


Engaging with global energy markets, TIES CAPITAL facilitates trading in popular energy commodities such as oil and natural gas. Recognizing crude oil as the world's most traded commodity, the company taps into the major oil trading markets across regions like Northwest Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, Singapore, and the United States. With increasing global energy demand, energy trading offers investors the opportunity to participate in this crucial sector and potentially benefit from market fluctuations.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Access to the foreign exchange market Lack of information on transaction fees and costs
Leveraged trading of gold and silver Limited educational resources on trading strategies
Leveraged trading options for stocks Lack of transparency on pricing and execution
Differential contracts for popular cryptocurrencies Potential risks associated with the volatility of digital currencies
Trading in popular energy commodities Lack of information on risk management tools and features

Account Types

At present, TIES CAPITAL offers a single account type, providing a straightforward approach to trading without multiple tiers or variations.

How to Open an Account

To open an account with TIES CAPITAL, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the TIES CAPITAL website and navigate to the account registration page.

  2. Click on the option to “Open a real account.”

  3. Provide your user name by entering it in the designated field.

  4. Enter your email address in the appropriate field.

  5. Input your phone number in the provided space.

  6. Create a password for your account and enter it in the password field.

  7. Confirm your password by re-entering it in the password confirmation field.

  8. Read and agree to the privacy policy and terms of service.

  9. Click on the “Register” button to proceed with the account creation process.



TIES CAPITAL offers leverage options ranging from 1:100 to 1:300, allowing traders to set their leverage according to their risk tolerance. However, it is important to note that high leverage can amplify market risks, so it is advised to choose leverage carefully and consider the potential risks involved.

Deposit and Withdrawal

TIES CAPITAL supports capital injection from various banks, and the daily limit is subject to the individual limits set by the user's bank. Users can consult their bank to verify the specific limits and standards and make adjustments if necessary. Withdrawals can be facilitated through the platform broker, who assists in transferring funds from the trading account to the user's bank account. The platform ensures the safety of online funding through top-level encryption technology provided by major banks, protecting users' funds and account password information from hackers.

The time required for deposits and withdrawals is typically within 1 to 5 working days, depending on the investor's bank. The exchange rate for capital injection is determined by the real-time exchange rate guide price provided by the Central Settlement Bank, along with reference rates from upper and lower banks. Conversion of funds into U.S. dollars is not necessary, as the platform automatically converts the capital injection based on the current market reference exchange rate. Users can fund their accounts by applying to the platform's customer service, which offers a comprehensive recharge system to ensure the safety of investors' funds.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Supports capital injection from various banks Lack of information on specific deposit and withdrawal fees
Helps with safety of online funding through top-level encryption technology Potential delay in deposit and withdrawal process depending on the investor's bank
Lack of transparency on exchange rate calculation and reference rates

Trading Platforms

TIES CAPITAL offers trading platforms across various devices to cater to the diverse needs of its clients. The Windows trading software provided by TIES integrates market charts, technical analysis, and order trading functions. It offers market monitoring and facilitates a better understanding of market trends and fund flows. The Android and iOS versions of TIES trading platforms are also available, allowing users to access their accounts on their mobile devices. These platforms support all order modes and automated trading systems.

The web version of TIES trading platform is accessible through the Member Login section on the company's website. It provides real-time variety quotation monitoring, charts, sales revenue, and online news and marketing reports. The platform allows users to conduct technical analysis and keeps track of all transaction records, including hedging transactions. TIES trading platform caters to various markets, including foreign exchange, precious metals, indices, and other online trading options.

TIES also recognizes the increasing popularity of mobile trading and has introduced mobile versions of its trading platforms. With the TIES for iPhone and iPad, users can enjoy the option of trading on-the-go. The mobile platform offers full functionality, allowing users to build and close positions, monitor the market, and conduct technical analysis using pre-installed indicators. Similarly, the TIES for Android provides access to trading accounts from any Android device with internet connectivity, offering a seamless trading experience.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Offers trading platforms for various devices No specific trading software mentioned
Integrates market charts, technical analysis, and order trading functions Limited information on available trading tools and features
Offers mobile versions for trading on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices

Customer Support

TIES CAPITAL provides customer support through email, allowing users to contact them at Clients can reach out to the support team for any inquiries or assistance they may need. The company values supervision and encourages users to provide their name, account details, email, and location address when submitting their queries or concerns.



In conclusion, TIES CAPITAL offers access to various market instruments, including foreign exchange, precious metals, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and energies. The company provides a single account type, and the leverage options range from 1:100 to 1:300. TIES CAPITAL offers trading platforms across different devices, allowing clients to monitor markets, conduct technical analysis, and manage multiple accounts. Customer support is available via email.


Q: What market instruments does TIES CAPITAL offer?

A: TIES CAPITAL offers access to the foreign exchange market, precious metals trading, stocks, cryptocurrencies, and energy commodities.

Q: What types of accounts are available at TIES CAPITAL?

A: Currently, TIES CAPITAL offers a single account type without multiple tiers or variations.

Q: How can I open an account with TIES CAPITAL?

A: To open an account, visit the TIES CAPITAL website, go to the account registration page, and follow the steps provided.

Q: What leverage options does TIES CAPITAL offer?

A: TIES CAPITAL provides leverage options ranging from 1:100 to 1:300, allowing traders to choose according to their risk tolerance.

Q: How does the deposit and withdrawal process work at TIES CAPITAL?

A: TIES CAPITAL supports deposits from various banks and facilitates withdrawals through the platform broker. Security measures and encryption technology are in place to protect users' funds.

Q: What trading platforms does TIES CAPITAL offer?

A: TIES CAPITAL offers Windows trading software, Android and iOS mobile platforms, and a web version accessible through the company's website.

Q: How can I contact customer support at TIES CAPITAL?

A: For customer support, you can contact TIES CAPITAL via email at Provide your name, account details, email, and location address when reaching out.

Broker Information

Company Name




Regulatory Status


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Type of License

Description of Approved License Type

Type I

The financial instrument business deals with highly liquid securities and provides derivative transactions, which have characteristics.

As mentioned above, the main business content of the first type of financial instrument business operators can be roughly summarized as securities business (securities, securities CFD, etc.), financial futures business (FX), derivative trading business related to cryptocurrencies, securities management, etc. The work can be divided into four categories.

Type II

The financial instrument business basically refers to funds (shares of collective investment plans), trust beneficiary rights with lower liquidity, that is, financial instrument transactions excluding major securities such as stocks and corporate bonds. These are referred to as "equivalent securities" in the various items listed in the second paragraph of Article 2 of this Sale Business Law (hereinafter referred to as "equivalent securities").

In addition, the self-issuance (private placement and public offering) of certain securities such as investment trust beneficiary rights that are not regarded as securities, currency-related market derivative transactions, etc. are also positioned as Type II financial instrument business.

Phone of the company










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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary



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