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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

Blackwell Global

Bahamas|5-10 years|
Market Making(MM)|MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|New Zealand Financial Service Corporate Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|Offshore Regulated|


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification


Full License


United States



Influence index NO.1

India 5.00
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
BlackwellGlobal1-Demo5 MT4
Server Location United States




Influence index NO.1

India 5.00

Surpassed 19.47% brokers

Biz AreaSearch StatisticsAdvertisingSocial Media Index

201 Church Street, Sandyport, P.O. Box N-3406, Nassau, NP, The Bahamas


VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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WikiFX Risk Alerts 10
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 13 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 5. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • CyprusCYSEC (license number: 159/11) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unsubscribed. Please be aware of the risk!
  • New ZealandFSPR (license number: 3061) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • GermanyBaFin (license number: 129780) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by China Hong Kong SFC(license number: BGX296)SFC-Dealing in securities Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by China Hong Kong SFC(license number: BJU094)SFC-Advising on securities Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by Cambodia SERC(license number: 005)SECC Common Financial License Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by New Zealand FSPR(license number: 3061)Financial Service Providers Register Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Bahamas SCB regulation with license number: SIA-F215 is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
A Visit to Blackwell Global in the Bahamas -- No Office Found

A Visit to Blackwell Global in the Bahamas -- No Office Found

The investigators went to the Bahamas to visit the foreign exchange dealer Blackwell Global as planned, but did not find the dealer's office at its publicly displayed business address. The dealer may have just registered a company at this address without a real business venue. Please choose this dealer carefully.

Danger Blackwell Global  Bahamas
A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

The survey team went to London, UK, to visit the the dealer Blackwell Global and found no office at its business address. It was supposed that the dealer might just use that address to register its company, or there was no offline exhibition place. Please be prudent when trading with this broker.

Danger Blackwell Global  United Kingdom
A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

The survey team went to London, UK, to visit the the dealer Blackwell Global and found no office at its business address. It was supposed that the dealer might just use that address to register its company, or there was no offline exhibition place. Please be prudent when trading with this broker.

Danger Blackwell Global  United Kingdom
A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

The investigators went to London, UK to visit the foreign exchange dealer Blackwell Global as planned. They did not find the dealer’s office on the publicly displayed address, and the dealer simply registered the company at that address without real business premises. Investors are requested to choose the dealer carefully.

Danger Blackwell Global  United Kingdom
A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cambodia -- Office Confirmed Existed

A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cambodia -- Office Confirmed Existed

The investigators went to visit the dealer Blackwell Global in Cambodia as planned. The dealer’s logo can be found on the publicly displayed address, indicating that the dealer has a real business place. Unfortunately, the investigators failed to enter the company for further visit, so the specific scale of the business remains unknown. Investors are asked to make a sensible choice after careful c

Good Blackwell Global  Cambodia
A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cyprus: Office Moved away

A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cyprus: Office Moved away

The inspection team’s site visit confirms that the office of Blackwell Global in Limassol, Cyprus had moved away. This session of Field Survey is presented as above.

Danger Blackwell Global  Cyprus
A Visit to Blackwell Global in the Bahamas -- No Office Found

A Visit to Blackwell Global in the Bahamas -- No Office Found

The investigators went to the Bahamas to visit the foreign exchange dealer Blackwell Global as planned, but did not find the dealer's office at its publicly displayed business address. The dealer may have just registered a company at this address without a real business venue. Please choose this dealer carefully.

Danger Blackwell Global  Bahamas
A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

The survey team went to London, UK, to visit the the dealer Blackwell Global and found no office at its business address. It was supposed that the dealer might just use that address to register its company, or there was no offline exhibition place. Please be prudent when trading with this broker.

Danger Blackwell Global  United Kingdom
A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

The survey team went to London, UK, to visit the the dealer Blackwell Global and found no office at its business address. It was supposed that the dealer might just use that address to register its company, or there was no offline exhibition place. Please be prudent when trading with this broker.

Danger Blackwell Global  United Kingdom
A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

A Visit to Blackwell Global in UK -- Finding No Office

The investigators went to London, UK to visit the foreign exchange dealer Blackwell Global as planned. They did not find the dealer’s office on the publicly displayed address, and the dealer simply registered the company at that address without real business premises. Investors are requested to choose the dealer carefully.

Danger Blackwell Global  United Kingdom
A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cambodia -- Office Confirmed Existed

A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cambodia -- Office Confirmed Existed

The investigators went to visit the dealer Blackwell Global in Cambodia as planned. The dealer’s logo can be found on the publicly displayed address, indicating that the dealer has a real business place. Unfortunately, the investigators failed to enter the company for further visit, so the specific scale of the business remains unknown. Investors are asked to make a sensible choice after careful c

Good Blackwell Global  Cambodia
A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cyprus: Office Moved away

A Visit to Blackwell Global in Cyprus: Office Moved away

The inspection team’s site visit confirms that the office of Blackwell Global in Limassol, Cyprus had moved away. This session of Field Survey is presented as above.

Danger Blackwell Global  Cyprus

WikiFX Verification

Blackwell Global · WikiFX Survey
Danger A Visit to Blackwell Global in the Bahamas -- No Office Found

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Blackwell Global · Company Summary

Registered Country/Region Bahamas
Regulation FCA, SCB
Minimum Deposit $0
Maximum Leverage 1:200
Minimum Spreads From 0.0 pips
Trading Platform MT5 Trading platform
Demo Account Available
Trading Assets Forex, Commodities, Indices, Precious Metals
Payment Methods VISA, MasterCard, Bank Transfer, skrill, Neteller
Customer Support Phone, Email, Online Chat

General Information & Regulation

Blackwell Global Investments (UK) Limited (“Blackwell Global”) is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales with its registered office at 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN, United Kingdom. Blackwell Global Investments (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Register Number 687576. Blackwell Global Investments Limited is authorised and regulated by the SCB since 2020, with registration number SIA-F215. Over the last decade, the London-based broker has gained an international presence in over 90 countries, including Singapore, China, Thailand, and the Bahamas.

Market Instruments

Blackwell Global offers its clients more than 60 popular market products, including Forex, Indices, Cryptocurrencies, CFDs, and a series of Commodities like gold and oil, etc.

Account Types

Three account types on offer in total, Standard, ECN, Pro and swap-free accounts. The minimum deposit for start a standard account is $500, much higher than most broker's initial account opening requirements.


Blackwell Global Leverage

Leverage allows clients to hold a larger position than the initial cash deposit, and to increase the value of their underlying investment. Leverage increases the potential of high returns when the market moves in their favor. However, leverage will also act against clients when the market moves in the opposite direction to their prediction. According to UK or Cyprus regulations, when trading in Europe, foreign exchange can use maximum leverage of 1:30, cryptocurrencies use the leverage of 1:5, and commodities use the leverage of 1:10. Pro accounts are not subject to leverage caps, which ESMA believes could lead to poor outcomes.

Spreads & Commissions

Standard account trading costs are built into Blackwell spread, while typical ECN account spread for EUR/USD is 0.3 pips along with a 9$ round commission per trade, but the ECN account requires more balance to maintain. Overnight interest will be considered a cost, and the fees charged for overnight open positions will be more than daytime positions.

Trading Platforms

The MT4 platform is named as a user-friendly trading software. The platform is equipped with an advanced icon software package, which contains more than 30 technical indicators to help users make trading decisions. Blackwell Trader supports more than 20 languages and supports EA, also available for web use, desktop, and mobile device access.

Deposit & Withdrawal

The deposit and withdrawal methods are commonly-used options. Blackwell Global supports Neteller, Skrill, Bitcoin payments, Visa/MasterCard credit cards, and wire transfers. Bank transfer options may incur additional fees charged by the bank.


Customer Support

Multilingual support is provided in over 10 languages, including English, Arabic, Chinese, French, and Korean. Investors can contact customer support by filling in the enquiry form or calling +44 20 3769 9881. Alternatively, there is a live chat service that was helpful and responsive when tested. Blackwell Global is headquartered at 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN, United Kingdom

Or you can follow this broker on some social media platforms,s such as Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Trading Hours

The MT4 server has specific asset trading sessions, which you can access once you sign in to the platform. Commodities trading is available 23 hours a day, 5 days a week. Cryptocurrencies are available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Server times are provided in GMT +2 (+3 DST).

Accepted Regions

Blackwell Global accepts traders from Australia, Thailand, Canada, United Kingdom, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Italy, Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Qatar and most other countries.Traders can not use Blackwell Global from United States, New Zealand, Belgium.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
FCA-regulated High minimum deposit requirement
Four trading accounts to choose from Average trading fees
MT4 trading platform Limited product portfolios
High leverage up to 1:200 No CFDs on shares
Demo Account available
Cryptocurreny trading supported

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Blackwell Global regulated?

Blackwell Global is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) under regulatory license number 687576.

Does Blackwell Global offer leverage?

Yes, Blackwell Global provides leverage up to 1:400.

What trading platform are supported by Blackwell Global ?

Blackwell Global supports the MT4 trading platform and Infinitum platform.

What is the minimum deposit for Blackwell Global?

The starting capital in Blackwell Global is $1.

What payment methods does Blackwell Global supported ?

Blackwell Global supports Neteller, Skrill, Bitcoin payments, Visa/MasterCard credit cards, and wire transfers.


1 Minute to Know Blackwell Global Before Trading

News1 Minute to Know Blackwell Global Before Trading

2022-05-12 16:49

Blackwell Global Investments Ltd was established in 2010 in London to offer high quality brokerage trading and solutions for private individual traders and institutional investment companies on global forex markets.

2022-05-12 16:49
1 Minute to Know Blackwell Global Before Trading

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