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Xpert Markets

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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First Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Xpert Markets · Company Summary

Note: Regrettably, the official website of Xpert Markets, namely, is currently experiencing functionality issues.

Xpert Markets Review Summary
Registered Country/Region Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments 60+ Currency Pairs. CFDs on Indices, metals, commodities
Leverage 1:500
EUR/ USD Spread 1.7 pips (Classic account)
Trading Platforms Web-based platform
Minimum Deposit $250
Customer Support Email:

What is Xpert Markets?

Xpert Markets, headquartered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, operates as an unregulated trading platform, offering a variety of market instruments including over 60 currency pairs and CFDs on indices, metals, and commodities. The platform caters to traders across different experience levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals. Traders can access Xpert Markets' web-based platform. Despite offering multiple account types with varying minimum deposits, ranging from $250 for Classic accounts to $500,000 for Élite accounts.

Xpert Markets

If you are interested, we invite you to continue reading the upcoming article where we will thoroughly assess the broker from various angles and present you with well-organized and succinct information. By the end of the article, we will provide a concise summary to give you a comprehensive overview of the broker's key characteristics.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse range of market instruments Lack of regulation
Various account types Limited platform features
Varying Leverage options High minimum deposits for advanced accounts
Website accessibility issues


- Diverse range of market instruments: Xpert Markets offers trading opportunities across over 60 currency pairs as well as CFDs on indices, metals, and commodities, providing traders with a wide array of options to diversify their portfolios.

- Various account types: With multiple account types tailored to different experience levels and financial capacities, Xpert Markets caters to a broad spectrum of traders, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

-Varying Leverage options: The platform provides varying leverage ratios, allowing traders to choose the level of leverage that suits their risk appetite and trading strategies, potentially amplifying returns for those who can manage the associated risks.


- Lack of regulation: Xpert Markets operates as an unregulated platform, which raises concerns about investor protection and the reliability of its operations. The absence of regulatory oversight leaves traders vulnerable to potential fraud or malpractice.

- Limited platform features: While the web-based platform provides essential functionalities for trading and analysis, it lacks the more advanced features commonly found in industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5). This may deter experienced traders who rely on advanced tools and capabilities for their strategies.

- High minimum deposits for advanced accounts: While the platform offers various account types to accommodate different traders, the minimum deposits required for the higher-tier accounts, such as Élite and VIP, can be prohibitive for many traders, limiting access to certain benefits and features.

- Website accessibility issues: Xpert Markets' official website may experience accessibility issues, hindering clients' ability to access essential information and execute trades seamlessly. This lack of transparency and technical issues with the website contribute to a higher level of risk associated with investing in Xpert Markets.

Is Xpert Markets Legit or a Scam?

Investing with Xpert Markets entails a heightened level of risk due to several key factors. Firstly, the absence of valid regulation means that there is no governmental or financial authority oversighting the operations of the platform. Regulation typically serves as a safeguard for investors, ensuring that trading platforms adhere to strict standards of conduct and financial stability. Without regulatory oversight, investors may face increased uncertainty and vulnerability to potential fraudulent activities or mismanagement within Xpert Markets.

Furthermore, the inaccessibility of Xpert Markets' official website raises significant concerns about the reliability and credibility of their trading platform. A reliable online presence is crucial for any trading platform, as it serves as the primary interface for clients to access their accounts, conduct trades, and obtain essential information. The inability to access the website not only disrupts the normal functioning of trading activities but also erodes trust and confidence among investors.

Market Instruments

Xpert Markets provides a diverse range of trading instruments.

- Currency Pairs: With over 60 currency pairs available, traders can engage in forex trading, taking advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates between different currencies. This allows for both major and exotic currency pairs to be traded, providing ample opportunities for profit.

- CFDs on Indices: Xpert Markets offers Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on indices, allowing traders to speculate on the price movements of stock market indices without owning the underlying assets. This enables traders to participate in the performance of global stock markets, including popular indices like the S&P 500, FTSE 100, and DAX.

- Metals: Traders can also trade CFDs on metals, including gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

- Commodities: Xpert Markets offers CFDs on various commodities, enabling traders to trade on the price movements of agricultural products, energy commodities, and other raw materials.

Account Types

Xpert Markets offers a range of account types for clients.

- Élite Account: This account is designed for seasoned traders with significant capital to invest. With a minimum deposit requirement of $500,000, Élite account holders enjoy exclusive benefits and personalized services, including dedicated account managers and premium trading conditions.

- VIP Account: The VIP account is suitable for experienced traders looking for enhanced features and privileges. With a minimum deposit requirement of $100,000, VIP account holders receive priority customer support, advanced trading tools, and access to exclusive market insights.

- Expert Account: The Expert account is tailored for proficient traders seeking a competitive edge in the financial markets.

- PRO Account: The PRO account is designed for traders who are proficient in their trading strategies and seek professional-grade trading conditions. With a minimum deposit requirement of $25,000, PRO account holders enjoy preferential treatment, institutional-grade liquidity, and advanced risk management tools.

- Advanced Account: The Advanced account caters to traders with some experience in the markets and a desire for improved trading conditions. With a minimum deposit requirement of $10,000, Advanced account holders gain access to a wide range of trading instruments, educational resources, and analytical tools.

- Classic Account: The Classic account is suitable for beginner to intermediate traders looking to start their trading journey with Xpert Markets. With a minimum deposit requirement of $250, Classic account holders benefit from basic trading features, customer support, and access to the full range of trading instruments.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Target Audience
Élite $500,000 Seasoned Traders
VIP $100,000 Experienced Traders
Expert $50,000 Proficient Traders
PRO $25,000 Professional Traders
Advanced $10,000 Intermediate Traders
Classic $250 Beginner to Intermediate Traders


Xpert Markets offers a leverage system across its various account types, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions relative to their initial capital. Leverage essentially allows traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, magnifying both potential profits and losses.

Starting with the Élite account, which offers the highest leverage of 1:500, traders can control a substantial position size compared to their deposited funds.

Moving down the scale, the leverage decreases with each account type, from VIP (1:400) to Expert (1:300), PRO (1:200), Advanced (1:100), and finally Classic (1:33). While higher leverage can potentially yield higher returns, it also amplifies the potential for losses, making it crucial for traders to exercise caution and implement appropriate risk management strategies.

Spreads & Commissions

Xpert Markets employs a tiered structure for spreads across its range of account types, offering varying levels of competitiveness. Spreads represent the difference between the bid and ask prices of a currency pair, and they play a significant role in determining the cost of trading for traders.

Starting with the Élite account, which features the tightest spreads of 0.5 pips, traders benefit from minimal costs per trade. As traders move down the hierarchy of account types, from VIP (0.7 pips) to Expert (0.85 pips), PRO (1 pip), Advanced (1.4 pips), and finally Classic (1.7 pips), the spreads gradually widen.

Regarding commissions, specific information about Xpert Markets' commission structure is not readily available due to the inaccessible website. However, it's common for brokers to charge commissions on certain account types or trading activities, such as ECN (Electronic Communication Network) accounts or specific trading instruments. Commissions are separate from spreads and represent a direct fee charged by the broker for facilitating trades.

Account Type Spread (pips) Commission
Élite 0.5 N/A
VIP 0.7
Expert 0.85
Advanced 1.4
Classic 1.7

Trading Platforms

Xpert Markets provides a web-based trading platform for its clients, offering essential functionalities for placing orders, customizing charts, and applying technical indicators. While this platform serves as a fundamental tool for executing trades and analyzing market movements, it lacks the more advanced features commonly found in industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5).

MT4 and MT5 have established themselves as industry benchmarks due to their extensive range of features, including robust options for customization, support for multiple accounts, and the ability to design and implement custom scripts for automated trading. Additionally, these platforms offer advanced tools for backtesting trade strategies, enabling traders to assess the viability and effectiveness of their approaches before risking real capital in the market.

In contrast, Xpert Markets' web-based platform may appeal to traders who prioritize simplicity and accessibility. It provides a user-friendly interface for executing trades and conducting basic technical analysis, making it suitable for traders who are new to the market or prefer a straightforward approach to trading.

web-based trading platform

Deposits & Withdrawals

Xpert Markets offers options for both depositing funds into trading accounts and withdrawing profits. Clients can conveniently use bank transfers, credit cards, and cryptocurrencies to manage their funds on the platform.

Bank transfers provide a traditional and widely-used method for depositing and withdrawing funds. This option allows clients to transfer money directly from their bank accounts to their trading accounts with Xpert Markets.

Credit card payments offer a convenient and efficient way to fund trading accounts instantly. Clients can use their credit cards to deposit funds and start trading immediately, without the need to wait for bank transfers to clear. Credit card deposits are typically processed swiftly, providing traders with quick access to the markets.

Additionally, Xpert Markets supports cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals, catering to clients who prefer the flexibility and anonymity offered by digital currencies. Cryptocurrency transactions are processed quickly and securely, allowing traders to fund their accounts or withdraw profits with ease.

Customer Service

Customers can visit their office or get in touch with customer service line using the information provided below:


Address: First Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines


In conclusion, Xpert Markets presents a mixed offering for potential traders. On the positive side, the platform provides a diverse range of market instruments and various account types with different leverage options, catering to traders of all experience levels.

However, the significant drawbacks of operating without regulatory oversight cannot be overlooked. The lack of regulation raises serious concerns about the safety of client funds and the overall reliability of the platform. Additionally, the platform's feature limitations, particularly in comparison to industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader 4 and 5, along with high minimum deposits for premium accounts, could deter more experienced and professional traders.

In all, for those considering Xpert Markets, it would be prudent to approach with caution, fully aware of the risks involved, particularly the potential for higher financial exposure due to the unregulated status of the platform.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1: Is Xpert Markets regulated by any financial authority?
Answer 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation.
Question 2: How can I contact the customer support team at Xpert Markets?
Answer 2: You can contact via email:
Question 3: What platform does Xpert Markets offer?
Answer 3: It offers web-based platform.
Question 4: What is the minimum deposit for Xpert Markets?
Answer 4: The minimum initial deposit to open an account is $250.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

Broker Information

Company Name

Xpert Markets


Xpert Markets

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • First Floor, First St. Vincent Bank Ltd Building, James Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary


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