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Netherlands|2-5 years|
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Euronext · WikiFX Survey

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Euronext · Company Summary

Euronext Review Summary in 6 Points
Founded 17th century
Registered Country/Region Netherlands
Regulation Unregulated
Products & Services Capital-raising for IPO and listing; Trading services (Equities, ETFs, Financial derivatives, Fixed Income, Warrants & Certificates, Commodities, Funds, Structured notes, FX, Indices); Listing (Equities, Bonds, ETFs, Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Structured Notes, Indices); Technology Solutions (ETS Services, Trading Solutions, Data Solutions);Post-trade Services (Clearing, Settlement, Custody); Advosory Services (Post-Listing Advisory, ESG Advisory, Shareholder Analysis etc.)
Trading Platform Optiq
Customer Support Address, phone, email, social media, live chat, FAQ

What is Euronext?

Euronext, headquartered in the Netherlands, is a pan-European financial company with markets spanning Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo, Paris, and the US. It offers a variety of financial services and products. These range from capital-raising for IPOs and listing, comprehensive trading services across numerous asset classes, to listing of diverse instruments. Euronext also provides advanced technology solutions, post-trade services like clearing, settlement, and custody, and advisory services such as post-listing, ESG advisory and shareholder analysis. However, it's necessary to be mindful that the company currently operates without a confirmed regulatory oversight.

Euronext's homepage

In our upcoming article, we will present a comprehensive and well-structured evaluation of the company's services and offerings. We encourage interested readers to delve further into the article for valuable insights. In conclusion, we will provide a concise summary that highlights the distinct characteristics of the company for a clear understanding.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Wide range of services • Unregulated
• Pan-European market presence • Negative reports from clients
• Educational resources available

Pros of Euronext:

The wide range of services of Euronext, including IPOs, trading, listing, technology and post-trade solutions, and advisory services enables users to diversify their investment portfolio.

Its pan-European market presence provides a broad reach for investors.

The company offers key educational resources and training programs through its Academy, helpful to both novice and experience traders and institutions.

Cons of Euronext:

The firm currently operates without verified regulatory supervision, posing questions regarding its operations and commitment to ethical practices.

User exposure on WikiFX regarding withdrawal issues indicates potential operational risks.

Is Euronext Safe or Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like Euronext or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and safety of a financial company:

  • Regulatory sight: The current modus operandi of Euronext, without any established form of regulation, raises potential questions pertaining to its authenticity and reliability. The absence of such oversight implies inherent risks for its customers associated with precious metal dealings.

No license
  • User feedback: Five reports regarding withdrawal issue found on WikiFX raises questions about the company's operational dependability and liability which should be a red fag to interested traders.

  • Security measures: Euronext's security measures are established within its privacy policy. It ensures data protection through various strategies including SSL encryption, secure data storage, and regular system audits.

Ultimately, the decision to trade with Euronext lies with the individual. It's recommended that one meticulously weighs the potential risks against the projected benefits prior to initiating any actual trading transactions.

Products & Services

Euronext's categories of products and services offer specialized solutions curated for diverse requirements across its pan-European market in Amsterda, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, Milan, Oslo, Paris.

In their Capital-Raising field, Euronext's primary offering is initial public offering (IPO) and listing services. They serve to facilitate businesses in their venture to go public, providing required advisory and technical assistance.

Their Trading Services offer a broad range of asset classes to cater to various investor preferences. This includes equities, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), financial derivatives, fixed income, warrants & certificates, commodities, funds, structured notes, foreign exchange (FX), and indices. This ensures that they can cater to a broad spectrum of trading needs.

The Listing Services provided by Euronext enable various entities such as equities, bonds, ETFs, funds, warrants & certificates, structured notes, and indices to get listed and thus gain visibility and credibility.

For firms with a technological inclination, Euronext offers Technology Solutions. This includes services like ETS Services for electronic trading, Trading Solutions that equip businesses with cutting-edge trading technologies, and Data Solutions that collect, clean, organize, and distribute data.

Post-Trade Services are another facet of Euronext's offerings. They provide Clearing services to ensure safe and efficient transfer of ownership, Settlement services for the execution of trade obligations and Custody services for the safekeeping of assets.

Lastly, their Advisory Services, which includes Post-Listing Advisory to guide newly listed firms on navigating the public sphere, ESG Advisory supporting the adoption of Environment, Social and Governance practices, and Shareholder Analysis to gain insights into shareholder structure.

Each of these categories is tailored to address specific facets of financial market operations, thus to comprehensive solutions to customers.

Products & Services

Trading Platform

Euronext's trading platform, Optiq, features harmonized and simplified messaging across multiple markets. Known for its outstanding performance, Optiq ensures high reliability and significantly enhances efficiency, throughput, and latency performance. It has an improved connectivity and messaging model which provides traders with a highly optimized experience.The modular-based service structure allows flexibility and alignment with individual business needs, thereby providing a high-quality service.

On top of that, Euronext offers global market access via the Secure Financial Transaction Infrastructure (SFTI), well-regarded for its secure and resilient framework for electronic securities trading. It provides a wide range of access methods tailored to specific requirements. Lastly, its unique model of the Single Order Book enhances liquidity, lowers costs, and facilitates cross-border trading clearing and settlement.

Trading Platform

User Exposure

Five report on WikiFX regarding withdrawal issue calls for traders' vigilance. Before deciding to trade with the company, we highly suggest you conduct a thorough investigation of all the pertinent information. Our platform tries to support your trading endeavors effectively. If you stumble upon dishonest brokers or have been a victim of such fraudulent, we strongly encourage you to report through our “Exposure” section. Your input is essential to our pursuit of transparency, and our skilled team will endeavor to address your reports swiftly.

User Exposure

Customer Service

Euronext's customer support is comprehensive, encompassing numerous communication channels. Customers can reach them via traditional methods, such as phone and email, or utilize their physical address for direct enquiries. Alternatively, they can engage through live chat or social media such as LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube for real-time assistance.

Belgium: +32 2 620 0585; +3318514 8585; +35316174 289;

The Netherlands: +3120 7219585;

contact details

For addresses across different cities, you can visit for details.

Also, there's an FAQ page for general inquiry answers.

contact details
contact details
contact details


Euronext provides various educational resources to empower investors in their trading journey. Their unique offering “Bid & Ask” gives learners the opportunity to hear invaluable insights on market trends and mechanisms directly from experts. These videos are designed to offer in-depth understanding on different investment strategies, trading techniques and the dynamic nature of financial markets.

Another notable Euronext education resource is the “Options Investing E-learning” course. This educational program has been especially curated to provide learners with a firm foundation on options trading. By covering the basics and exploring advanced strategies, the course enables investors to confidently navigate through the complexities of options investments.

Bid & Ask

Euronext also offers an Academy with premier capital markets training programmes. The program includes public courses for individuals, offering interactive learning experiences. For organisations, they deliver customisable training programmes, all conducted by seasoned practitioners in the field.



Euronext is a financial services company based in the Netherlands with markets across Europe. They provide a wide array of services ranging from capital raising for IPOs and listing, diverse trading services, listing of various financial instruments, technological solutions, post-trade services, along with several advisory services. However, the firm currently operates without any verified regulatory supervision, which raises concerns about its commitment to ethical conduct and client security.

Therefore, if you are considering to trade with this company, we recommend you be at utmost cautious and consider other trading providers that demonstrate clear regulatory compliance, transparency, and professionalism.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Euronext regulated?
A 1: No. it‘s been confirmed that the company currently operates under no valid regulations.
Q 2: Is Euronext a good financial company for beginners?
A 2: No, it’s not a good financial company for beginners not only because its not regulated by any recognized authorities, but also because of the negative feedback from their client.
Q 3: What kind of products and services does Euronext offer?
A 3: Euronext offers a range of products and services categorized under Capital-Raising, Trading Services, Listing, Technology Solutions, Post-trade Services, and Advisory Services. They help businesses with IPOs and listings, provide trading services across multiple asset classes, and list various financial instruments. They also offer technology solutions for electronic trading and data analytics, handle post-trade procedures like clearing and settlement, and provide advisory services including post-listing, ESG advisory and shareholder analysis.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

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