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Lioppa Global Markets Ltd



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  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Lioppa · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Lioppa
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded year 2023
Regulation Unauthorized by NFA
Market Instruments Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Standard
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Starts from 0 pips
Trading Platforms Tradingweb (Web, iOS, Android)
Customer Support 24/7 customer support via sending a message on the official website
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank accounts or credit cards

Overview of Lioppa

Lioppa, established in the United Kingdom in 2023, offers a wide range of trading assets, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. With competitive spreads and leverage of up to 1:500, the platform aims to attract active traders seeking enhanced profit potential.

However, Lioppa operates without authorization from notable regulatory bodies like the National Futures Association (NFA), raising questions about regulatory oversight and investor protection. While its 24/7 customer support and secure payment processing enhance user experience, limited educational resources and research tools pose challenges for traders looking to deepen their understanding and analysis capabilities.

Overview of Lioppa

Is Lioppa legit or a scam?

Lioppa operates as an unauthorized platform according to the National Futures Association (NFA). The absence of NFA regulation denotes a significant oversight within the financial trading sphere. As a platform holding a Common Financial Service License, Lioppa's unregulated status underlines a lack of oversight from a reputable regulatory body like the NFA.

This regulatory gap potentially exposes traders to increased risks, as they do not benefit from the protections and safeguards mandated by regulatory oversight.

Is Lioppa legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
24/7 Customer Support Unauthorized by the NFA
Wide Asset Selection Including Forex, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies Lack of Educational Resources
Leverage up to 1:500 No Third-Party Payments
Spreads as Low as 0 pips Limited Research Tools
Secure Payment Processing
Mobile Trading App


  • 24/7 Customer Support: Lioppa offers round-the-clock customer support, ensuring that users can receive assistance whenever needed, enhancing their trading experience.

  • Wide Asset Selection: With a wide range of financial instruments available, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, Lioppa provides users with ample opportunities to diversify their investment portfolios and explore various markets.

  • Leverage up to 1:500: Lioppa offers leverage of up to 1:500, allowing traders to potentially amplify their trading positions and increase their market exposure, which can lead to enhanced profit potential.

  • Spreads as Low as 0 pips: The platform boasts competitive spreads starting from as low as 0 pips, minimizing transaction costs for traders and potentially increasing their profitability.

  • Secure Payment Processing: Lioppa ensures the security of users' funds through secure payment processing mechanisms, employing SSL technology to encrypt payment information and protect against unauthorized access.

  • Mobile Trading App: Lioppa provides a mobile trading app for convenient access to trading accounts on the go, enabling users to monitor markets, execute trades, and manage their portfolios from their smartphones or tablets.


  • Unauthorized by the NFA: Lioppa is not authorized by the National Futures Association (NFA), which raise risks among traders regarding the platform's regulatory oversight and adherence to industry standards.

  • Lack of Educational Resources: The platform lacks comprehensive educational resources, which limits the ability of users, especially beginners, to access learning materials and enhance their trading knowledge and skills.

  • No Third-Party Payments: Lioppa does not accept payments from third parties, which inconvenience some users who prefer to fund their accounts using alternative payment methods or accounts not directly in their name.

  • Limited Research Tools: Lioppa provides limited research tools for traders, which hinders their ability to conduct in-depth market analysis and make informed trading decisions.

Market Instruments

Lioppa offers a wide range of trading assets, providing users with access to various global markets.

In the Forex market, the platform offers 61 products, enabling traders to engage in currency trading across different pairs.

Commodities trading is facilitated with 22 products available, allowing users to speculate on the prices of various raw materials and resources.

Additionally, Lioppa provides access to 25 indices, enabling traders to invest in and track the performance of different market segments.

For those interested in digital currencies, the platform offers 10 products, allowing traders to participate in the volatile yet potentially lucrative world of cryptocurrency trading.

Market Instruments

Account Types

The Standard Account offered by Lioppa provides users with access to raw pricing, ensuring transparency in trading costs.

With commission-free trading, users can execute orders without incurring additional fees, potentially reducing overhead costs. The platform boasts fast order execution, enabling traders to take advantage of market opportunities promptly. The Standard Account offers leverage of up to 1:500, allowing users to amplify their trading positions. Additionally, deep liquidity ensures that traders can easily enter and exit positions, enhancing market accessibility.

The Standard Account is suitable for traders who prioritize transparency in pricing, seek cost-efficient trading options, and value quick order execution.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Lioppa involves a straightforward process outlined in three clear steps:

  1. Sign Up: Go to Lioppa's website and fill out the registration form with your name, email, phone, and address. Create a secure password and agree to their terms.

  2. Verify: Upload necessary documents like ID and proof of address. Wait for confirmation that your account is verified.

  3. Activate: Deposit funds into your account using your preferred method. Choose your account type. Once funded, your account is activated, and you can start trading.

How to Open an Account?


Lioppa offers a maximum leverage of 1:500 to its users, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions significantly. With this leverage, users can control larger positions in the market compared to their initial investment.

Spreads & Commissions

Lioppa provides competitive spreads for traders, with the EURUSD pair having an average spread of 0.1 pips.

The platform advertises spreads starting from as low as 0.0 pips, indicating minimal costs associated with trade execution.

Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

Lioppa's Tradingweb platform serves as a comprehensive tool for trading various financial instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, bonds, cryptocurrencies, and commodities.

The platform's integration with Lioppa's Raw Pricing feature aims to enhance its appeal to active traders seeking powerful trading capabilities.

Additionally, Lioppa offers a mobile version of the Tradingweb platform for iPhone and iPad users, providing convenient access to trading accounts from anywhere.

The mobile application leverages advanced features of iOS devices, such as the ability to switch between landscape and portrait views, one-click trading, customizable layouts, and advanced charting and analysis tools. With real-time quotes, multiple trade orders, interactive charts, and support for various execution modes, the Tradingweb platform serves traders seeking flexibility without compromising execution speed or quality. Moreover, the platform's user-friendly interface, along with features like trade levels and volumes displayed on charts, offline mode availability, and easy accessibility through the Apple App Store, contribute to its usability and convenience for traders on the go.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Lioppa offers a wide range of payment methods, providing flexibility for account funding. With over 15 funding options available in 10 different base currencies, users can deposit funds instantly and for free using various methods. These options include Vietnamese Dong (VND), OTC365 (Worldwide), Philippine Peso (PHP), Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), UAE Dirham (AED), Japanese Yen (JPY), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Norwegian Krone (NOK), Icelandic Krona (ISK), Swedish Krona (SEK), and Swiss Franc (CHF). Each funding option supports different currencies, serving the various needs of global traders.

Lioppa does not charge any additional fees for deposits or withdrawals made by account holders. However, users may incur fees on payments to and from certain international banking institutions.

While Lioppa ensures the security of electronic payments by utilizing SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to encrypt payment information, users should be mindful of potential bank fees associated with international transactions.

To maintain the security of funds, Lioppa emphasizes that electronic payments are processed securely using SSL technology and ensures that all payment information remains confidential and solely used for funding trading accounts. Moreover, the platform does not accept payments from third parties, requiring that all deposits into trading accounts originate from a bank account in the account holder's name. However, payments from joint bank accounts or credit cards are accepted if the trading account holder is one of the parties listed on the account or card.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Lioppa provides comprehensive customer support services accessible 24/7 for users seeking assistance or guidance.

Whether individuals are new to the platform or have inquiries regarding their existing accounts, they can reach out to the dedicated customer service team for prompt assistance. Users can conveniently send a message detailing their questions through the provided contact form.

Customer Support


In conclusion, Lioppa, founded in 2023 and headquartered in the United Kingdom, offers a wide range of trading instruments across forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Despite its competitive spreads, leverage, and accessible trading platforms, the platform operates without regulatory authorization, potentially raising risks regarding investor protection and regulatory compliance.

Additionally, while Lioppa provides 24/7 customer support and flexible deposit/withdrawal options, its limited educational resources and research tools may hinder traders' ability to enhance their knowledge and make informed decisions.


Q: Is Lioppa regulated by any financial authority?

A: No, Lioppa operates without regulatory authorization.

Q: What trading instruments are available on Lioppa?

A: Lioppa offers forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: What are the account types offered by Lioppa?

A: Lioppa provides Standard account options.

Q: How can I deposit funds into my Lioppa trading account?

A: Lioppa offers multiple flexible deposit options, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and electronic payment systems.

Q: What is the maximum leverage available on Lioppa?

A: The maximum leverage on Lioppa is up to 1:500.

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