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Maxxi Markets

Comoros|1-2 years|
Retail Forex License|MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|Medium potential risk|Offshore Regulated|


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Full License

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MaxxiMarkets-Server MT5
Server Location Germany


+20 221 106 856
Bonovo Road – Fomboni Island of Mohéli – Comoros Union


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+20 221 106 856

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Maxxi Markets Ltd


Maxxi Markets

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  • The Comoros MISA regulation with license number: T2023425 is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Maxxi Markets · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Maxxi Markets
Registered Country/Area Comoros
Founded Year 2023
Regulation MISA (Offshore)
Market Instruments Forex, Commodities, Indices, Metals, Cryptocurrencies, Bonds
Account Types Demo, STP, ECN
Demo Account Available
Minimum Deposit $100
Trading Platforms Metatrader 5 on Android, PC & Web, iOS
Customer Support Email (, Phone (+20 221 106 856)

Overview of Maxxi Markets

Maxxi Markets, established in 2023 and based in Comoros, offers a range of market instruments, including Forex, Commodities, Indices, Metals, Cryptocurrencies, and Bonds. With account types like Demo, STP, and ECN, traders can choose based on their preferences. The platform's minimum deposit requirement is $100.

While providing customer support through email and phone, it operates under offshore regulation by MISA, ensuring a degree of oversight. Traders can access the Metatrader 5 platform across Android, PC & Web, and iOS, contributing to a versatile trading environment.

Maxxi Markets homepage

Is Maxxi Markets Legit or a Scam?

Maxxi Markets operates under an offshore regulatory framework, specifically holding a Retail Forex License issued by the Mwali International Services Authority in Comoros, with License No. T2023425. This regulatory status signifies adherence to established standards and guidelines. The license was granted to Maxxi Markets Ltd, and it became effective on December 14, 2023.

offshore regulated by MISA

Traders on the platform are subject to the regulations set forth by the Comoros authority, ensuring a structured and secure trading environment. The impact of this regulatory status on traders is significant, providing them with assurance and confidence in the platform's legitimacy and commitment to regulatory compliance. The stringent oversight contributes to a transparent and trustworthy trading ecosystem, fostering a positive trading experience for participants.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple Trading Platforms Lack of Educational Resources
Wide Range of Trading Assets Limited Research Tools
Customer Support Options
Offshore Regulated by MISA


  1. Multiple Trading Platforms:

    1. Maxxi Markets provides users with the flexibility of using multiple trading platforms. This enables traders to choose the interface that aligns with their preferences and enhances their overall trading experience.

  2. Wide Range of Trading Assets:

    1. The platform offers a range of trading assets, allowing users to explore various financial instruments. This diversity provides traders with opportunities to build a well-rounded and diversified investment portfolio.

  3. Customer Support Options:

    1. Maxxi Markets offers multiple customer support options, including email and phone contact. This variety allows users to reach out for assistance or clarification through channels that suit their preferences and urgency.

  4. Offshore Regulated by MISA:

    1. Maxxi Markets operates under offshore regulation by MISA (Mwali International Services Authority). This regulatory oversight can contribute to a structured and secure trading environment, providing users with a level of confidence in the platform's legitimacy.


  1. Lack of Educational Resources:

    1. One area where Maxxi Markets could improve is in the provision of educational resources. The platform may benefit from enhancing its educational materials to better support traders in understanding market dynamics and improving their trading strategies.

  2. Limited Research Tools:

    1. While Maxxi Markets offers a range of trading assets, there are limitations in the availability of comprehensive research tools. Providing more robust research tools could assist traders in making informed decisions and staying updated on market trends.

Market Instruments

Delving into the offerings of Maxxi Markets, investors can seize a multitude of opportunities to enhance and broaden their portfolios. From commodities to forex, indices, metals, cryptos, and bonds, each asset class is meticulously curated for distinct investment preferences.


Maxxi Markets offers a range of commodities, providing an avenue for investors to diversify their portfolios. Exploring the commodities market can present optimal investment opportunities, allowing traders to navigate through different assets within this category.


In the realm of forex trading, Maxxi Markets emphasizes excellence. Traders can explore this dynamic market, elevating their experience with the platform's premier solutions and services. The focus on excellence suggests a commitment to meeting the demands of the ever-evolving forex landscape.


Maxxi Markets invites traders to navigate global markets through its indices. This category offers strategic investment opportunities, enabling investors to capitalize on the varied trends and fluctuations within different market segments, fostering a well-rounded approach to trading.


For those intrigued by precious metals, Maxxi Markets provides a range to unlock the mastery of this asset class. The emphasis on the shining investment experience suggests an acknowledgment of the stability and potential lucrative returns associated with investing in metals.


Maxxi Markets introduces crypto innovation, presenting cutting-edge solutions for those interested in the world of cryptocurrencies. The platform encourages traders to unlock the future by exploring the dynamic and evolving landscape of digital assets.


To enhance portfolio diversity, Maxxi Markets offers a range of bonds. This category is positioned as a stable and lucrative investment opportunity, aligning with the platform's broader strategy of providing a well-rounded investment experience.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Maxxi Markets offers three accounts, including Demo account, STP account and ECN account.

Demo Account:

The Demo Account option, available at no cost, is for those seeking a risk-free environment to practice trading. With features such as real-time market simulation and access to educational resources, this account type for users looking to engage in risk-free learning, develop market familiarity, test strategies, and explore the trading platform.

STP Account:

Priced at a minimum of $100, the STP (Straight Through Processing) Account offers direct market access, no dealing desk execution, and tight spreads. Tailored for traders who value direct market access and transparency, this account type is characterized by cost-effective trading and a flexible trading environment, making it a suitable choice for those seeking efficient and direct market interactions.

ECN Account:

For a minimum investment of $25,000, the ECN (Electronic Communication Network) Account provides true market connectivity, depth of market (DOM) insights, and low-latency execution. This account type is suitable for users who prioritize genuine market connectivity, detailed market information, and swift execution with competitive spreads. It is tailored for traders operating at a more advanced level in the financial markets.

Account Type Minimum Investment Key Features Suitable User Group
Demo Account $0 - Risk-Free Practice - Real-Time Market Simulation - Educational Resources Novice Traders
STP Account $100 - Direct Market Access - No Dealing Desk Execution - Tight Spreads Intermediate Traders
ECN Account $25,000 - True Market Connectivity - Depth of Market (DOM) - Low Latency Execution Advanced Traders
Account Types

How to Open an Account?

  1. Registration Information: Initiate the account opening process by providing essential registration information. This involves filling out the required fields on the Maxxi Markets registration interface with accurate personal details, including but not limited to your name, nationality, phone number, email address, password and referrals.

    fill in required info
  2. KYC (Know Your Customer): Following the completion of the registration step, the next crucial phase involves complying with KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements. Users are mandated to submit necessary identification documents for verification purposes. This typically includes uploading a government-issued ID, proof of address, and any other documents specified by Maxxi Markets. Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the submitted documents is crucial to expedite the verification process.

  3. Submit: Conclude the account opening procedure by submitting the completed registration information and the required KYC documents to Maxxi Markets. The submission triggers the verification process, where the platform reviews the provided details to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and internal security protocols. Upon successful verification, your Maxxi Markets account becomes active, enabling you to engage in various financial activities on the platform.

Trading Platform

Maxxi Markets offers a versatile trading experience through various platforms, including Metatrader 5, accessible on Android, PC & Web, and iOS devices. The Android platform provides mobile trading with a user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and real-time market access via Google Play. The PC & Web version of Metatrader 5 ensures advanced charting tools, real-time market access, and multi-asset trading. For iOS users, the platform offers an intuitive interface, advanced charting tools, and real-time market access through the App Store.

Each platform emphasizes benefits such as trading, efficient order execution, account management simplicity, and secure, reliable performance. Users can choose based on their preferences and trading requirements.

MT5 on various devices

Customer Support

Maxxi Markets facilitates customer support through email and phone contact at +20 221 106 856. The provided email serves as a direct communication channel, allowing users to address inquiries.

Additionally, the phone support offers an alternative means for immediate assistance. While the extent and efficiency of customer support are contingent on the platform's responsiveness, users can utilize these contact options to seek information or resolve issues.

Contact info


In conclusion, Maxxi Markets presents a multifaceted trading platform with notable advantages and areas for improvement. The provision of multiple trading platforms and a range of trading assets serve varied user preferences, fostering a dynamic trading experience. Additionally, the offshore regulation by MISA adds an element of regulatory oversight, contributing to the platform's credibility.

However, the platform could enhance its educational resources to further support traders in navigating the complexities of the financial markets. Moreover, expanding research tools would empower users with more comprehensive insights, aiding in well-informed decision-making. As with any trading platform, users should weigh these aspects based on their specific needs and priorities.


Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement for opening an account?

A: The minimum deposit varies based on the chosen account type.

Q: How can I reach Maxxi Markets customer support?

A: Customer support is available through email at and via phone at +20 221 106 856 for users seeking assistance.

Q: Is Maxxi Markets regulated?

A: Yes, Maxxi Markets is offshore regulated by MISA (Mwali International Services Authority), providing a level of oversight to ensure a secure trading environment.

Q: What trading platforms does Maxxi Markets offer?

A: Maxxi Markets provides multiple trading platforms, including Metatrader 5, accessible on Android, PC & Web, and iOS devices, offering various options for traders.

Q: How do I reset my trading password?

A:To reset your trading password, navigate to the 'Forgot Password' option on the login page. Follow the prompts to receive a password reset link via email. If you encounter any issues, contact our support team for assistance.

Q: What is margin trading, and how does it work?

A: Margin trading allows you to leverage your capital for larger trades. Your broker provides a loan (margin), amplifying your trading position. While it can enhance profits, it also involves higher risk. Familiarize yourself with margin requirements and risk management strategies before engaging in margin trading.

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