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South Africa|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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+52 5585266816


+57 15801841

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Red Pine Capital (Pty) Limited



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South Africa

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The South AfricaFSCA regulation (license number: 46044) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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Zumafx · Company Summary

Criteria Zumafx
Company Name Zumafx
Registered In Johannesburg, South Africa
Regulatory Status Suspicious Clone
Years of Establishment 2-5 years
Trading Instruments Forex, Commodities, Indices, CFD Stocks
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500 (Variable)
Minimum Spread 9 pips (Brent Crude)
Trading Platform MT5
Deposit and Withdrawal Method Neteller, Skrill, Visa, Mastercard (Not fully specified)
Customer Service Mail, Phone

Overview of Zumafx

Zumafx is a financial trading brokerage service operating out of Johannesburg, South Africa. The platform is a venture of Red Pine Capital (Pty) and is registered with a Financial Services Corporate Licence under the Financial Sector Conduct Authority in South Africa. The South AfricaFSCA regulation (license number: 46044) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone.

Zumafx appears to be primarily focused on institutional clientele, extending its services to fund managers and professional traders across the globe. The platform's prime offerings include a plethora of market instruments like Forex, commodities, indices, and CFDs.

Overview of Zumafx

Is Zumafx Legit or a Scam?

Zumafx claims to hold a Financial Services Corporate Licence from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) in South Africa, under license number 46044. However, this information is accompanied by the firm's own admission that it is not subject to “effective regulation,” casting doubt on the level of investor protection and compliance with financial standards. Furthermore, there is a suspicion that the FSCA regulation claimed by Zumafx might be a cloned license, which would be a significant red flag.

Being unregulated or potentially operating under a cloned license raises serious questions about the platform's legitimacy and the safety of funds deposited. Given the absence of effective regulation, the platform cannot be considered fully credible or secure for investors.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
1. Market Diversity 1. Lack of Effective Regulation
2. Advanced Trading Platform 2. Transparency Issues
3. High Spreads


  1. Market Diversity: The platform provides access to a wide array of trading options including Forex, commodities, indices, and CFD stocks.

  2. Advanced Trading Platform: Zumafx employs the MT5 trading platform, widely recognized for its advanced trading tools and user-friendly interface.


  1. Lack of Effective Regulation: Despite having a licence, the platform itself mentions that it is not under any effective regulation, which could be a significant risk factor.

  2. Transparency Issues: Details regarding minimum deposit requirements, account types, and withdrawal methods are conspicuously missing, raising questions about the platform's transparency.

  3. High Spreads: The spreads on several instruments appear relatively high compared to industry norms, which could erode profits.

Market Instruments

Zumafx offers a range of financial market instruments that appeal to different types of traders and investors. For those interested in Forex trading, the platform provides a variety of currency pairs. Commodities like gold, silver, and oil are also available for trading.

In addition, the brokerage provides access to a range of indices and CFDs on stocks. The diversity in market instruments allows investors to build a diversified portfolio, but it is crucial for traders to understand the specifics, including spreads and leverage, associated with each instrument.

Account Types

There is a glaring lack of information about the types of accounts that traders can open with Zumafx. Most reputable brokers offer different account types to cater to the varying needs of retail and professional traders. These often come with different features like lower spreads, higher leverage, and added services like dedicated account managers. The absence of this information from Zumafx leaves prospective customers in the dark about what to expect, which could be a deterrent for many.

How to Open an Account?

The process of opening an account with Zumafx is straightforward. In a normal scenario, prospective clients would need to fill out an online application, submit identification documents, and comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations. It would then usually involve depositing the minimum required amount into the trading account.


Zumafx offers varying degrees of leverage depending on the financial instrument in question. For Forex currency pairs, traders can avail themselves of leverage up to 1:500, which is considered high. Commodities and CFD products have maximum leverage up to 1:100, while stocks are capped at 1:20. High leverage can offer high returns but also carries a high risk of significant losses. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to understand the implications and risks associated with using high leverage, particularly in a platform that admits to not being under any effective regulation.


Spreads & Commissions

The platform lists its spreads for a range of financial instruments, from Forex pairs to stocks and indices. While the offering seems comprehensive, the spreads, at first glance, are higher than the industry average. For example, Zumafx offers spreads of 14 pips on EURUSD, which is considerably higher than what one might find with other brokers. Such high spreads can significantly impact a trader's profitability, especially those employing short-term trading strategies.

Trading Platform

Zumafx uses the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, a popular choice among both novice and professional traders. MT5 is known for its sophisticated charting tools, multiple timeframes, and a wide array of technical indicators. The platform is also compatible with various devices, offering versions for desktop, Android, iPhone, and iPad. This multi-device compatibility ensures that traders can manage their positions and make informed decisions on the go, although it does not compensate for the other issues like unclear regulation and transparency.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

While the official website of Zumafx displays logos of payment methods such as Neteller, Skrill, Visa, and Mastercard, it does not delve into the specifics. Most reputable brokers offer a detailed section explaining the deposit and withdrawal procedures, including any fees involved and the expected processing time. The absence of this information can be frustrating for prospective traders who may want to understand the liquidity of their funds.

Customer Support

Zumafx offers a multi-faceted approach to customer support to cater to its diverse user base. For English-speaking clients, they can reach out via phone at +27(10)446-3938. Meanwhile, Spanish-speaking users have two dedicated contact numbers: +52 5585266816 and +57 15801841.

Additionally, the platform provides email support through two addresses: and This comprehensive range of contact options ensures that customers can easily seek assistance in their preferred language and channel, enhancing the accessibility and responsiveness of Zumafx's customer support services.

Brokers Comparison

Criteria Zumafx XM FXTM
Regulation Unregulated CySEC, ASIC, IFSC CySEC, FCA, FSCA
Minimum Deposit Not specified $5 $10
Leverage Up to 1:500 Up to 1:888 Up to 1:2000
Spreads Relatively high As low as 0.6 pips As low as 0.1 pips
Trading Platform MT5 MT4, MT5 MT4, MT5


Zumafx offers a broad array of services and trading instruments. However, its lack of effective regulation, unclear terms for deposits and withdrawals, and other transparency issues make it a platform where prospective traders should exercise caution. While its high leverage and variety of market instruments might attract seasoned traders, those factors alone may not be enough to outweigh the potential risks associated with trading on this platform. Therefore, thorough due diligence is advised before engaging in any trading activity with Zumafx.


Q: What are the leverage options available across different asset classes?

A: Zumafx offers a variable leverage structure—up to 1:500 for Forex, 1:100 for commodities and CFDs, and 1:20 for stocks. Traders should exercise caution and understand the risks associated with high leverage.

Q: What trading platforms does Zumafx support?

A: Zumafx employs the MT5 trading platform, offering multi-device support including MT5 Desktop, MT5 Android, MT5 iPhone, and MT5 iPad, for trading flexibility.

Q: Are there any commissions involved besides spreads?

A: The available information does not specify whether Zumafx charges commissions in addition to spreads. Transparency in cost structure is crucial for calculating trading expenses.

Q: Does Zumafx offer any educational materials or resources for skill enhancement?

A: There is no publicly disclosed information regarding educational resources provided by Zumafx. Traders looking for skill development might need to seek external sources.

Q: What payment methods are supported for deposits and withdrawals?

A: While the Zumafx website displays logos for Neteller, Skrill, Visa, and Mastercard, it does not provide detailed information on deposit and withdrawal procedures or fees.

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