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Turbine trade LTD

United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Turbine trade LTD


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Turbine trade LTD · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area China
Company Name Turbine Trade LTD
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit Not specified
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:300
Spreads varies by account type
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Tradable Assets Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices
Account Types Live and Demo Accounts (details not specified)
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Email support at (reported as slow and unresponsive)
Payment Methods Cryptos only
Educational Tools Limited educational resources reported


Turbine Trade LTD, an unregulated trading company based in China, presents a concerning profile. With a lack of regulatory oversight, the company operates without the safeguards that regulations provide for transparency and accountability. The absence of clear information on minimum deposits, coupled with varying spreads by account type, adds to the uncertainty surrounding this broker. While the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform is offered, reported issues with slow and unresponsive customer support, limited educational resources, and website downtime are red flags for potential traders. Furthermore, the company's exclusive reliance on cryptocurrency payment methods raises further questions about accessibility and security. Concerns about its reputation stem from both its unregulated status and reported difficulties with fund withdrawals. Traders are urged to exercise extreme caution and conduct extensive research before considering Turbine Trade LTD as a viable trading platform.



The absence of regulatory oversight for Turbine Trade LTD highlights potential risks in ensuring transparency and accountability within the company's operations. In industries where regulations are essential for safeguarding fair practices and stakeholder interests, the lack of supervision can leave customers, investors, and partners vulnerable to increased uncertainties. Individuals and organizations considering involvement with Turbine Trade LTD should conduct thorough due diligence to mitigate risks associated with its unregulated status. Careful evaluation of the implications and scrutiny of the company's reputation and track record are crucial in the absence of regulatory oversight.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Range of Market Instruments
  • Lack of Regulatory Oversight Raises Concerns
  • Access to Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, and Indices
  • Limited Educational Resources for Traders
  • MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Trading Platform
  • Slow and Unresponsive Email-Based Customer Support
  • Flexible Leverage Options
  • Claims of Difficulties in Withdrawal Processes
  • Competitive Spreads
  • Website Downtime Affects Accessibility

Turbine Trade LTD presents a mixed picture for traders and investors. On the positive side, it offers a diverse range of market instruments, including forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indices, along with a flexible MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform and competitive spreads. However, several notable drawbacks give rise to concerns. The absence of regulatory oversight raises transparency and accountability issues, and limited educational resources leave traders underserved. Slow and unresponsive customer support via email, claims of withdrawal difficulties, and website downtime further tarnish the overall experience, making Turbine Trade LTD a platform that requires careful consideration and caution.

Market Instruments

Turbine Trade LTD offers a diverse range of market instruments to cater to a wide array of trading preferences. These market instruments include:

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange): Turbine Trade LTD provides access to the foreign exchange market, allowing traders to buy and sell currency pairs. This market is known for its high liquidity and constant fluctuations, making it a popular choice for traders looking to profit from currency movements.

  1. Cryptocurrencies: Turbine Trade LTD offers cryptocurrency trading, enabling clients to trade digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies are known for their volatility and potential for substantial price swings, which can present both opportunities and risks for traders.

  2. Commodities: Turbine Trade LTD allows traders to engage in the commodities market. This includes trading in physical goods like precious metals (e.g., gold and silver), energy resources (e.g., oil and natural gas), and agricultural products (e.g., wheat and corn). Commodities trading can serve as a hedge against inflation and offer diversification in a trading portfolio.

  3. Indices: Turbine Trade LTD also offers trading in stock market indices. These indices represent the performance of a group of stocks from a particular region or industry sector. Trading indices allows investors to speculate on the overall performance of a specific market or sector without the need to buy individual stocks.

Account Types

urbine Trade LTD offers two main types of accounts to cater to the needs of different traders and investors: live accounts and demo accounts.

Live Account:

  • A live account is a real trading account that allows clients to trade with actual money.

  • Traders deposit their own funds into the live account to execute real transactions in the financial markets.

  • Live accounts provide access to the actual market conditions, including real-time price data and live order execution.

  • Profits and losses in a live account are real, and traders can withdraw their earnings or add more funds as needed.

  • Traders may be subject to various account types or tiers based on their initial deposit size, trading volume, and preferences.

  • Live accounts often come with access to various trading platforms, analytical tools, and customer support services.

Demo Account:

  • A demo account, also known as a practice or virtual account, is a simulated trading account provided by Turbine Trade LTD for educational and testing purposes.

  • It allows traders to practice trading strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform's features without risking real money.

  • Demo accounts are funded with virtual or “play” money, which means that any profits or losses incurred do not affect a trader's actual finances.

  • They provide a risk-free environment to learn and gain experience in trading various financial instruments, such as forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and indices.

  • Demo accounts typically offer the same trading conditions and tools as live accounts, enabling traders to simulate real market conditions.


Turbine Trade LTD provides a maximum trading leverage of 1:300, allowing traders to control larger positions with a relatively small amount of capital. This amplifies both potential profits and losses. While high leverage offers capital efficiency, it necessitates effective risk management due to the increased exposure. Traders should ensure they have adequate funds to cover potential losses and be aware of regulatory guidelines regarding leverage.


Spreads and Commissions

Spreads: The spread is the difference between the buying (ask) and selling (bid) prices of a financial instrument. Turbine Trade LTD offers competitive spreads, which can vary depending on the trading account and specific financial instruments. Spreads are typically expressed in pips or as a fixed amount in the account's base currency. For example:

  • EUR/USD: As low as 1.2 pips

  • USD/JPY: As low as 0.8 pips

  • Gold (XAU/USD): As low as $0.50 per ounce

Commissions: Turbine Trade LTD employs a tiered commission structure designed to reward higher trading volumes. This means that as traders increase their trading activity, they benefit from reduced commission rates. An example of their tiered commission structure could be as follows:

  • 0.2% commission for trading volume up to $50,000

  • 0.15% commission for trading volume between $50,000 and $100,000

  • 0.1% commission for trading volume above $100,000

Please note that these spreads and commission rates are provided as examples and can vary depending on the specific trading accounts offered by Turbine Trade LTD. Traders are encouraged to consult the broker's official documentation or reach out to their customer support for precise and up-to-date information on spreads and commissions applicable to their chosen trading account. Turbine Trade LTD aims to provide flexibility and competitive pricing structures to meet the diverse needs of its clients.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Turbine Trade LTD's handling of cryptocurrency deposits and withdrawals has drawn criticism for several reasons. Users have reported extended processing times, high transaction fees, complex verification procedures, limited cryptocurrency options, and challenges in accessing responsive customer support. Additionally, the broker's policies regarding cryptocurrency transactions have been perceived as vague and inconsistent. These issues have led to frustrations and concerns among some users, casting doubt on the overall efficiency and user-friendliness of Turbine Trade LTD's cryptocurrency-related services. Traders are advised to exercise caution and carefully assess these factors before engaging with the platform.

Furthermore, it's worth noting that there have been claims from certain users who allege difficulties in withdrawing their funds from Turbine Trade LTD. These allegations of withdrawal challenges have raised serious doubts about the broker's reliability and trustworthiness. Such reports have understandably heightened concerns among potential traders, emphasizing the importance of thorough due diligence and caution when considering Turbine Trade LTD as a trading platform.


Trading Platforms

Turbine Trade LTD offers the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform, which is widely acclaimed for its user-friendly interface, robust charting tools, and comprehensive technical analysis capabilities. It provides traders with access to a diverse range of financial markets, including forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. MT4 supports automated trading through expert advisors (EAs) and offers customizable indicators, catering to both novice and experienced traders. With its real-time data feed, multiple timeframes, and one-click trading functionality, MT4 enhances the trading experience and has earned its reputation as a favored choice among traders worldwide.


Customer Support

The customer support provided by Turbine Trade LTD through their email address,, has been a subject of significant discontent among users. Numerous complaints have arisen regarding the slow and unresponsive nature of their email support. Users have reported extended delays in receiving answers to their inquiries, which has led to frustration and dissatisfaction. Furthermore, there have been instances where customers have received vague or inadequate responses to their concerns, leaving them feeling unsupported and dissatisfied with the level of assistance provided. This subpar email support experience has contributed to an overall negative perception of Turbine Trade LTD's customer service quality.

Educational Resources

Turbine Trade LTD's educational resources have been notably lacking, according to user feedback and assessments. Traders have expressed disappointment with the absence of comprehensive educational materials and tools on the platform. Many users have found it challenging to access relevant resources such as tutorials, webinars, articles, or video content that can aid in improving their trading knowledge and skills. This deficiency in educational resources has left users feeling underserved and ill-equipped, particularly for those who are new to trading and seeking guidance. It's essential for traders to consider this limitation when evaluating Turbine Trade LTD as their chosen trading platform, as adequate educational support is often considered a crucial component for traders' success and development.


Turbine Trade LTD's operations are marred by a host of concerning issues. Notably, the absence of regulatory oversight casts a shadow over the company's transparency and accountability. This lack of supervision leaves customers, investors, and partners vulnerable to uncertainties. Their range of market instruments is one of the few positives, offering access to various assets, but the overall experience is marred by poor customer support. Users have complained about unresponsive email support, and there are claims of difficulties in withdrawing funds, raising serious doubts about the broker's reliability. Moreover, their website being down is a glaring issue, further eroding confidence. The absence of comprehensive educational resources leaves traders ill-prepared, making Turbine Trade LTD a challenging platform to navigate for those seeking to enhance their trading knowledge.


Q1: Is Turbine Trade LTD a regulated broker?

A1: No, Turbine Trade LTD operates without regulatory oversight, which can raise concerns about the safety and transparency of its services.

Q2: What market instruments can I trade with Turbine Trade LTD?

A2: Turbine Trade LTD offers trading in forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and stock market indices, providing a diverse range of options for traders.

Q3: How can I contact Turbine Trade LTD's customer support?

A3: Turbine Trade LTD offers customer support through email at, although users have reported slow and unresponsive support.

Q4: Are there educational resources available for traders on the platform?

A4: Unfortunately, Turbine Trade LTD's educational resources are limited, leaving traders with a lack of comprehensive materials for learning and improving their trading skills.

Q5: Is there any regulatory concern or issue with Turbine Trade LTD's services?

A5: Yes, the absence of regulatory oversight is a notable concern, potentially affecting transparency and accountability within the company's operations.

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