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Coin Crop

United States|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+1 405 2740241
2802 West TC Jester Boulevard, Houston Texas


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Coin Crop · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded year 1-2 years
Company Name Coin Crop LLC
Regulation Suspicious Regulatory License
Minimum Deposit $25
Maximum Leverage Up to 100x
Spreads 0.5 pips for major currency pairs, 1 pip for minor pairs
Trading Platforms Web Platform, Mobile App
Tradable assets Cryptocurrencies, Binary Trade, Mining, Forex, Bonds, Indices, Commodities Market
Account Types Mini Plan, Silver Plan, Gold Plan, Platinum Plan
Demo Account Not specified
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Phone (VIP members only), Email (, Contact form on the website, Social media contact options, Physical address: 2802 West TC Jester Boulevard, Houston, Texas
Payment Methods Bitcoin, Western Union, MoneyGram, Perfect Money, PayPal, bank transfer, cryptocurrency
Educational Tools Not specified

Overview of Coin Crop

Coin Crop, based in the United States and operating for 1-2 years, raises substantial questions regarding its legitimacy and regulatory status. The absence of regulatory oversight and the presence of suspicious regulatory licenses and business operations make Coin Crop a broker of concern. Traders are advised to exercise caution due to the potential risks associated with this lack of regulation.

Despite the regulatory uncertainties, Coin Crop offers a diverse array of market instruments, including cryptocurrencies, binary trade options, mining-related activities, forex trading, bonds, indices, and commodities. These instruments allow traders to speculate on price movements across various asset classes. The broker also provides different account types with varying minimum investments and returns, and users can access the trading platforms through web and mobile applications. Coin Crop offers customer support through various channels, including email, a contact form, and social media platforms.

In summary, Coin Crop's regulatory ambiguities necessitate a careful approach for traders. While it offers a range of market instruments and account options, its regulatory concerns should be a significant factor in the decision-making process.


Pros and Cons

Coin Crop presents several advantages and drawbacks for potential investors. On the positive side, it offers a diverse array of trading options and account types, accommodating various trader preferences. Additionally, the platform maintains a low minimum deposit requirement, ensuring accessibility to a broad spectrum of potential traders. The flexibility of multiple deposit and withdrawal methods, including cryptocurrencies, further enhances the user experience. Web and mobile trading platforms facilitate accessibility for traders. Notably, the platform provides low spreads on major currency pairs and affordable commissions, potentially reducing trading costs. However, it's essential to be aware of the absence of regulatory oversight, which can expose investors to higher risks. High leverage is available but must be managed carefully to avoid substantial losses. Commissions and spreads can affect overall profitability. Additionally, the suspicious regulatory license and the scope of the company's business raise concerns, and the location and lack of phone support for non-VIP members may be considered worrisome.

Pros Cons
  • Offers various trading options and account types.
  • Lack of regulatory oversight may expose investors to higher risks.
  • Provides a low minimum deposit requirement, making it accessible to a wide range of potential traders.
  • High leverage can lead to substantial losses if not managed carefully.
  • Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods, including cryptocurrencies, offer flexibility to users.
  • Commissions and spreads can impact overall profitability.
  • Web and mobile trading platforms provide accessibility to traders.
  • The suspicious regulatory license and scope of business raise concerns.
  • Offers low spreads on major currency pairs and affordable commissions, potentially reducing trading costs.
  • The location and lack of phone support for non-VIP members may be concerning.

Is Coin Crop Legit?

Coin Crop lacks regulation, which means there are no established oversight or protections in place. It is crucial to exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when dealing with this broker.


Market Instruments


Coin Crop offers access to a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Bitcoin Cash, Zcash, Dash, and Ripple. These digital assets enable traders to speculate on price movements and potentially profit from the crypto market's volatility.


Binary trade options are available on the platform, allowing users to make binary predictions on the price direction of various assets, such as stocks, currencies, and commodities. This type of trading involves simple “yes” or “no” outcomes based on the asset's price movement within a specified time frame.


Coin Crop offers mining-related instruments, enabling users to participate in cryptocurrency mining activities. Mining involves validating and recording transactions on a blockchain network, and users can potentially earn rewards in the form of digital tokens.


Foreign exchange trading, or Forex, is accessible through Coin Crop. Traders can engage in the buying and selling of different currency pairs, such as EUR/USD, GBP/JPY, and USD/JPY, to capitalize on currency exchange rate fluctuations.


The platform provides options for trading bonds, which are debt securities issued by governments or corporations. Investors can access a variety of bond instruments with different maturities and yields, allowing for diversification in their investment portfolios.


Coin Crop offers trading opportunities in various indices, such as the S&P 500, NASDAQ, and FTSE 100. These indices represent the performance of a group of companies and provide a way to speculate on broader market trends.


Traders can access the commodities market through Coin Crop, allowing them to trade in commodities like gold, oil, and agricultural products. This provides opportunities to benefit from price fluctuations in these physical goods.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of market instruments, including cryptocurrencies, binary trade, mining, Forex, bonds, indices, and commodities. High market volatility can lead to substantial trading risks.
Access to cryptocurrencies allows traders to speculate on price movements and potentially profit from the crypto market's volatility. Trading in some instruments may require a good understanding of market dynamics.
Trading options in indices and commodities offer opportunities to capitalize on broader market trends and price fluctuations. Different instruments may involve varying levels of complexity and risk.

Account Types


With a minimum investment of $100, the Mini Plan provides a 2% return on investment. It features low trade frequency and offers a 2% referral bonus for users who bring in new clients.


The Silver Plan requires a minimum investment of $500 and offers a 3.5% return. Trade frequency is medium, making it suitable for traders looking for more active involvement. Users can earn a 5% referral bonus when they refer others.


For more experienced traders, the Gold Plan demands a minimum investment of $10,000 and offers a 7.5% return. Trade frequency is high, catering to those seeking frequent trading opportunities. The referral bonus remains at 5%.


The Platinum Plan is designed for advanced traders, with a minimum investment of $20,000 and an impressive 12% return. Trade frequency is at its maximum, offering the most active trading experience. Users can earn a 7% referral bonus by introducing new clients to the platform.

Pros Cons
Offers a range of account types with varying minimum investments and returns. Higher returns often require larger initial investments.
Provides a referral bonus system for users who bring in new clients. Trade frequency may not align with every trader's preferences.
Catering to both less experienced and advanced traders with different plans. The highest return plan comes with the most frequent trading.

How to Open an Account?

To open an account on Coin Crop, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Register” button.


2. Fill in your personal information, including your first name, last name, mobile number, country, email address, username, and password.


3. Confirm your password and enter the verification code.

4. Agree to the Privacy & Policy and the Terms & Conditions.

5. Click “Sign Up Now” to create your account. If you already have an account, you can log in using the provided option.



Coin Crop offers leverage of up to 100x. This means that you can trade up to 100 times the amount of money in your account.

Spreads & Commissions

Coin Crop offers spreads as low as 0.5 pips for major currency pairs and 1 pip for minor pairs. Commissions are charged at $0.50 per 100K traded.

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit for Coin Crop is $25.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Deposit can be made by sending Bitcoin, Western Union, MoneyGram, Perfect Money, PayPal, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency. Withdrawals can be made by clicking on the Withdraw button in your account. The time it takes for your deposit to be added to your account depends on the payment method you use.

Pros Cons
Multiple deposit methods, including cryptocurrency options. Withdrawal times can vary based on the chosen payment method.
Broad range of withdrawal options Lack of specific information on withdrawal processing times.
Deposit time varies based on the chosen payment method.

Trading Platforms

Web Platform: This platform is accessible through a web browser and offers a variety of features, including charting, order placement, and account management.

Mobile App: This app is available for iOS and Android devices and offers a streamlined trading experience.

Pros Cons
Web and mobile platforms offer accessible trading. May lack advanced features found in more comprehensive systems.
Mobile app provides a streamlined trading experience for iOS and Android users. Limited information available on app functionality and security.
Users may encounter occasional technical issues or bugs.

Customer Support

Coin Crop offers customer support through multiple channels. You can reach them by phone (available for VIP members only), using the email address, or through a contact form on their website. Their physical address is 2802 West TC Jester Boulevard, Houston, Texas. Additionally, Coin Crop provides contact options via social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.



In evaluating Coin Crop, several aspects must be considered. The absence of regulatory oversight and a suspicious scope of business raise concerns about the legitimacy of this platform. On the positive side, Coin Crop offers a variety of trading instruments, including cryptocurrencies, binary options, mining-related activities, Forex, bonds, indices, and commodities. However, it's important to exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks, as the company's regulatory status remains unclear. Additionally, the availability of multiple account types, leverage of up to 100x, and low spreads and commissions may appeal to some traders. Nevertheless, potential clients should thoroughly research and consider the risks involved before engaging with Coin Crop.


Q: Is Coin Crop a regulated company?

A: Coin Crop lacks regulation, which means there are no established oversight or protections in place. It is crucial to exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when dealing with this broker.

Q: What market instruments are available on Coin Crop?

A: Coin Crop offers access to a variety of market instruments, including cryptocurrencies, binary trade options, mining-related instruments, Forex, bonds, indices, and the commodities market.

Q: What are the different account types on Coin Crop?

A: Coin Crop offers four account types: Mini Plan, Silver Plan, Gold Plan, and Platinum Plan, each with varying minimum investments and returns.

Q: How do I open an account on Coin Crop?

A: To open an account on Coin Crop, follow these steps: Click on the “Register” button, fill in your personal information, confirm your password, agree to the Privacy & Policy and the Terms & Conditions, and click “Sign Up Now.”

Q: What is the leverage offered by Coin Crop?

A: Coin Crop offers leverage of up to 100x, allowing traders to trade up to 100 times the amount of money in their account.

Q: What are the spreads and commissions on Coin Crop?

A: Coin Crop offers spreads as low as 0.5 pips for major currency pairs and charges commissions at $0.50 per 100K traded.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required on Coin Crop?

A: The minimum deposit for Coin Crop is $25.

Q: How can I deposit and withdraw funds on Coin Crop?

A: You can deposit funds using various methods, including Bitcoin, Western Union, MoneyGram, Perfect Money, PayPal, bank transfer, or cryptocurrency. Withdrawals can be made through the platform, and the time it takes depends on the chosen payment method.

Q: What trading platforms are available on Coin Crop?

A: Coin Crop offers a web platform accessible through a web browser and a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.

Q: How can I contact Coin Crop's customer support?

A: Coin Crop offers customer support through phone (for VIP members), email, a contact form on their website, and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Their physical address is 2802 West TC Jester Boulevard, Houston, Texas.

Broker Information

Company Name

Coin crop LLC


Coin Crop

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +1 405 2740241









Company address
  • 2802 West TC Jester Boulevard, Houston Texas









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary


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