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KVB Kunlun

Hong Kong|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Hong Kong Dealing in futures contracts Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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+852 3701 8188
27/F, 28 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong


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+852 3701 8188

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KVB Kunlun Asset Management (HK) Limited


KVB Kunlun

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Hong Kong

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 5
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • China Hong Kong SFC (license number: AQG528) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • China Hong Kong SFC (license number: BQK571) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by China Hong Kong SFC(license number: BQK571)SFC-UNFX/FC Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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KVB Kunlun · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Hong Kong
Founded Year 2-5 years
Company Name KVB Kunlun Asset Management (HK) Limited
Regulation Regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, but regulatory status is “Revoked” for dealing in futures contracts. KVB Kunlun Asset Management (HK) Limited has exceeded its common financial service license scope.
Minimum Deposit Standard Account: $5,000; Mini Account: $1,000; Recommended minimum deposit: $0
Maximum Leverage 1:200
Spreads Standard Account: Approximately 1 pip on major currency pairs like EUR/USD; Mini Account: Approximately 1 pip on EUR/USD with a $2 per standard lot round-turn commission
Trading Platforms ForexStar (proprietary platform), Online Electronic FX Trading Platform eFX 2.0 (supports real-time trading, technical analysis, and more)
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Indices, Precious Metals, Energy
Account Types Standard Account, Mini Account, Real Trading Account (features vary)
Demo Account Available
Islamic Account N/A
Customer Support Email:; Phone: +852 3701 8188; Address: 27/F, 28 Hennessy Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Payment Methods Card payments, bank wire transfers, e-wallets (POLI, BPAY, XERO, UnionPay, Alipay, VISA)
Educational Tools Trading manuals, articles, videos, e-books, demo account

Overview of KVB Kunlun

KVB Kunlun, based in Hong Kong, operates as a financial institution under the regulatory oversight of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, with license number AQG528. However, it's noteworthy that its regulatory status is “Revoked” for futures contracts. The company offers different account types, such as a Standard Account with a minimum deposit requirement of $5,000 and a Mini Account requiring $1,000. Traders can access a maximum leverage of 1:200 and trade various assets, including forex pairs, commodities, indices, precious metals, and energy commodities. User reviews have raised concerns regarding withdrawal difficulties and potential pressure tactics related to deposits and trading activities, emphasizing the need for careful consideration and research before engaging with KVB Kunlun.


Pros and Cons

KVB Kunlun presents a set of pros and cons for potential traders and investors. On the positive side, it is regulated by the SFC in Hong Kong, offering a sense of oversight. The broker provides multiple account types, access to various assets, and educational resources, including a demo account for practice. However, there are concerns regarding the regulatory status for futures contracts and withdrawal difficulties. Additionally, information about Islamic accounts and detailed insights into trading platforms is limited. Payment methods and customer support channels are also restricted in their availability.

Pros Cons
Regulated by SFC Hong Kong Regulatory status for futures contracts is “Revoked”
Offers multiple account types Concerns raised about withdrawal difficulties
Provides access to various assets Limited information about Islamic accounts
Maximum leverage of 1:200 Limited information on trading platforms
Educational resources available Limited payment methods
Presence of a demo account Limited customer support channels

Is KVB Kunlun Legit?

KVB Kunlun Securities (HK) Limited, with license number AQG528, is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. However, its official regulatory status is “Revoked,” indicating that it no longer holds a license for dealing in futures contracts. It's essential to be cautious when considering any dealings with this institution due to its revoked regulatory status. Additionally, KVB Kunlun Asset Management (HK) Limited, also regulated by the Hong Kong SFC with license number BQK571, has exceeded its common financial service license scope, suggesting potential regulatory concerns. Please exercise caution and conduct thorough research when dealing with these institutions.


Market Instruments

Forex: KVB Kunlun offers a range of currency pairs for trading, including major pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY, as well as minor and exotic pairs.

Commodities: This broker provides the opportunity to trade various commodities, such as gold, silver, crude oil, and natural gas, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios.

Indices: KVB Kunlun offers trading on a selection of global indices, including the S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, and FTSE 100, providing exposure to broader market movements.

Precious metals: Investors can trade precious metals like gold and silver through KVB Kunlun, allowing for potential safe-haven investments or portfolio diversification.

Energy: This broker offers trading in energy commodities like crude oil and natural gas, allowing investors to participate in the energy market's price movements.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Offers a range of currency pairs Vague trading fees and conditions
Provides trading opportunities in a variety of commodities and precious metals Relatively limited types of market instruments
Access to global indices for broader market exposure

Account Types

Standard Account:

The Standard Account offered by KVB Kunlun includes a minimum deposit requirement of $5,000 and allows for a minimum trade size of 1 lot. Traders can utilize a maximum leverage of 1:200, and the average spreads on major currency pairs like EUR/USD are approximately 1 pip.

Mini Account:

KVB Kunlun's Mini Account option requires a minimum deposit of $1,000 and permits a minimum trade size of 0.01 lots. The maximum leverage available for this account type is 1:200. Traders should note that while the average spreads on pairs like EUR/USD are around 1 pip, there is also a commission of $2 per standard lot round turn.

Real Trading Account:

A real trading account with KVB Kunlun necessitates a minimum deposit upon registration. This account type provides traders with features such as floating spreads, a multi-currency account, a minimum trade size of 0.01 lots, 5-digit quotes, and access to a variety of currency pairs, indices, and commodities for trading.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Standard Account offers 1:200 leverage High minimum deposit requirement ($5,000)
Mini Account with lower minimum deposit Commission of $2 per standard lot in Mini Account
Real Trading Account offers various assets Information on trading platforms is limited


KVB Kunlun offers a maximum leverage of 1:200 to traders.

Spreads & CommissionsKVB Kunlun offers spreads and commissions that vary depending on the account type. For the Standard Account, the average spreads are approximately 1 pip on major currency pairs like EUR/USD. On the other hand, the Mini Account has similar average spreads of around 1 pip on EUR/USD but comes with an additional commission of $2 per standard lot round turn.


Minimum Deposit

KVB Kunlun does not impose a strict minimum deposit requirement for opening an account, but it is advisable to invest a 10% deposit to initiate trading, as the company does not execute orders without any security deposit. The recommended minimum deposit is $0.

Deposit & Withdrawal

KVB Kunlun provides clients with a limited selection of payment methods, including card payments, bank wire transfers, and e-wallets. These options encompass POLI, BPAY, XERO, UnionPay, Alipay, and VISA for deposit and withdrawal transactions.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple payment methods available Limited selection of payment methods
Accepts card payments, bank wire transfers, and various e-wallets Limited variety of e-wallet options

Trading Platforms

KVB Kunlun offers a range of trading platforms, including ForexStar, a proprietary platform with both PC and mobile versions for global access. They also provide the Online Electronic FX Trading Platform eFX 2.0, which allows real-time trading, technical analysis, chart features, and expert reviews in both Chinese and English. The platform features strong risk management functions, such as pending orders and market condition monitoring, and offers unique rate opportunities through Cross-platform Data feed.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple trading platforms available Limited information about specific platform features
Real-time trading with eFX 2.0 Lack of clarity regarding unique rate opportunities
Strong risk management functions

Educational Tools

KVB Kunlun offers a range of educational tools, including trading manuals, articles, videos, e-books, and a demo account, to assist traders in enhancing their skills.


Customer Support

KVB Kunlun offers customer support through the email address and can be reached by phone at +852 3701 8188. Their company address is 27/F, 28 Hennessy Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong.


According to reviews on WikiFX, there have been two exposure cases related to KVB Kunlun. One complaint involves a pyramid scheme, while the other complaints revolve around difficulties in withdrawing funds from the platform. One user reported that their withdrawal was rejected due to a wrong card number, and they expressed frustration at not being able to access their money. Another user mentioned being pressured to pay more deposit to participate in an activity, with the threat of their account being blocked. These reviews suggest concerns regarding withdrawal issues and potential pressure tactics related to deposits and trading activities.



In summary, KVB Kunlun, based in Hong Kong, presents a mixed picture for potential investors. On the positive side, it offers a range of account types with varying minimum deposit requirements and leverage options. The availability of diverse trading assets, including forex, commodities, indices, precious metals, and energy, provides some degree of market exposure. The broker also provides educational resources and customer support channels. However, it is essential to exercise caution due to its revoked regulatory status for futures contracts and the absence of information regarding Islamic accounts. Furthermore, there have been concerns raised in user reviews related to withdrawal difficulties and potential pressure tactics, which underscore the need for thorough research and risk assessment before engaging with the platform.


Q1: What is the regulatory status of KVB Kunlun?

A1: KVB Kunlun is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong, but please note that its regulatory status is “Revoked” for futures contracts.

Q2: How much is the minimum deposit required to open an account with KVB Kunlun?

A2: KVB Kunlun requires a minimum deposit of $5,000 for a Standard Account and $1,000 for a Mini Account, but a $0 minimum deposit is recommended.

Q3: What is the maximum leverage offered by KVB Kunlun?

A3: KVB Kunlun offers a maximum leverage of 1:200 for traders.

Q4: What trading platforms are available at KVB Kunlun?

A4: KVB Kunlun provides ForexStar and eFX 2.0 trading platforms for real-time trading and analysis.

Q5: What types of assets can I trade with KVB Kunlun?

A5: KVB Kunlun offers trading in Forex, commodities, indices, precious metals, and energy.

Q6: Does KVB Kunlun offer Islamic accounts?

A6: Information about Islamic accounts is not provided in the available details.

Q7: How can I contact KVB Kunlun's customer support?

A7: You can reach KVB Kunlun's customer support via email at or by phone at +852 3701 8188. Their physical address is 27/F, 28 Hennessy Road, Admiralty, Hong Kong.

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