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2018-05-16 19:49 Released in Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

GS-Forexcaused the clients to loss money and does not allow to withdraw money for 2 months.

In January of this year, there was a team called Huijin (GS-forex l’s agency) that advertised that they could make a steady forex profit , and the loss was 0, but they traded for the clients. He let me register at GS-forex. I asked him if I could trade on other platforms. He said no, and he said that the security of deposits and withdrawal could be guaranteed on other platforms. I was asked to share 50% of profits with him as trading fees. In early February, I deposited 3,500 dollars. The team’s salesman asked me for my account password to help me with trading. I was asked to watch only. The next day I saw the account earned a few hundred dollars, and I was very happy. He said that my funds are too small to hold orders. So he had left with a little money. He also said that I had helped you earn a few hundred dollars and you deposited a few hundred dollars to make the account enough 5000, so that I could make trading more easily. He added that with more deposits, the account could bear another 40% of risks.Then I found a way to make some money into the account. On the third day, he made the account up to 20,000 US dollars but he held very heavy position of 50 lots. I asked him if I could withdraw some money tomorrow, and he said yes, but I had to give him the commission first and then I could withdraw money. I agreed. But no more than a few minutes later, because the position was too heavy and the account could not resist the risk, the orders were forced to close out by the system. The original 20,000 account left more than 3,000 US dollars. I immediately asked the trader. He said that he would earn the money back at night. Finally, he used the $3,000 to open position and when I woke up the next day, the account has only $23 left. I went to the trader. He made apology all the time. I was very upset. He later said that he would let their team to trade for me. The traders in the team were on duty 24 hours a day, 24 hours, but the deposit threshold was 10,000 dollars. And profits should be divided according to the proportion of 5:5 and the money was paid monthly. He said that profits were stable and loss rate was 0. he added that 70% of the principal is guaranteed. If I deposited 10,000 US dollars, and lost 3,000 US dollars in a month, I should bear the losses. But if the loss was 4,000 US dollars, then I bore the 3,000 US dollars and the team would bear $1,000. And $1,000 would be given to me in the month. I said that I didn’t have so much money. I borrowed money before. The trader then asked me to find a way to make it up. He said the team was very stable, otherwise he could told with the team. He asked me how much you could deposit, and it would still work if the money was one or two thousand less. I said that I could deposit 8,000 dollars at most. He said he would talk to the team leader, then told me that the leader agreed, letting me deposit money as soon as possible. It was before the new year. He let me deposit money as soon as possible. They could traded for me before the spring festival. I scraped together for $8,000. He asked me for the account password, saying it need to handed over to the team. But the team has held a heavy position in my account. And the losses were beyond profits. When the balance was left 8000, I applied for withdrawing the money. Then it was the New Year, their platform made an announcement said that during the Chinese New Year, it was impossible to withdraw money, and money could be withdrawn after the lunar January 15. The nightmare started at this time. I was thinking about submitting the application first. If I withdrew the money, I could get the money at once. But I didn’t change the mt4 password. And before Lantern Festival, they made orders with my account. Then the account suffered losses again. Later, my withdrawal request was canceled, because there were positions held in my account when I applied for withdrawing money. The account balance was still 7,000 US dollars, and I was so scared to change the password. And then I applied for withdrawing money. After the Lantern Festival, I still had not received the money. I could not withdraw money in March. I asked the platform customer service personnel, but they said that the withdrawing channel was maintained and let me wait patiently. I thought it might be go back to normal after a few days. But the money could be withdrawn in that month. I asked the personnel every day, and they let me wait patiently. I feel that there was something wrong, so I just checked this platform in Baidu. I saw that some people said that this was a scam platform with clone regulatory. Many people could not be unable to withdraw money. I went to complain about the third-party platform named LianLian Pay. As soon as the complainant was made, the payment platform gave feedback to the Goldman Sachs International Platform. The person in charge of Goldman Sachs International (not the salesman) called me, letting me withdraw the complaint. I said that your agent traded for me, causing me to lose money and now you still didn't let me to withdraw money. The person’s surname is Sun. Sun said that you were now complaining our channel, and our money was frozen in the channel, how can we let you withdraw money. He also froze my account. he asked me to send him pictures that the agent caused losses, and they would verify them and see how much to compensate. I also sent them to him, and then he let the trader who contacted me to threaten me to withdraw my complaint, saying that if I did not withdraw the complaint, they would send all the photos and other information to each website. So I followed the previous bank statement, making complaint about gopay channel. Then, on Wednesday, Sun called and said that they did not check it and thawed my account. They directly gave the lost money to me and the money would be remitted to my mt4, asking me to apply for the withdrawal. And I could withdraw the money and it would arrive at the card on Friday. The premise was to withdraw the case. I also confirmed with Sun on the phone whether it was possible for the money to arrive at the bank card on Friday. Sun said yes, then I was fooled by Sun. I went to withdraw the case and immediately applied for the withdrawal. When I went to contact him on Thursday, he said the channel has not been thawed, and the platform money can not be released. I have to wait for the problem being solved. I said that you promised before. He said that it depended on speed of thawing. This means that there was no money. After a long time, the money has not given me the bank card. It is the Monday morning that I complained LianLian Pay again. The staff said that this withdrawal had nothing to do with their third-party solution. The money was already on the platform, and was controlled by the platform. Sun did not want me to withdraw money. On Monday, they found out that I complained again, and were angry. They called me threatened me, saying that their boss had solved the problem, but I was so dishonest and complained, and that their boss was very upset now. They froze my account again, but I saw they change the payment channel. Everyone should be careful of the scam platform. I hope that WikiFX will help me defend my rights and expose this platform! Moreover, recently GS-forex official website issued a solemn statement, stating that after customer A held heavy rare currency position, and suffered forced liquidations, he required the platform to compensate for the losses. The customer A is just the victim I contacted before. The fact is that the GS-forex’s agent traded for the client and caused the great losses. The platform incited the clients to deposit money and then cheated of all. Expose this scam platform!

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


今年1月份的时候,有个叫回金团队(GS-forex高盛国际代理)宣传说他们做外汇可以稳赚,亏损为0,不过他们是代客操作,让我在GS-forex高盛国际注册账号,我当时问他可以在别的平台操作吗,他说不可以,他说别的平台不能保证出入金安全 然后代客操作利润55分月结,2月初我是充值了3500美金 回金业务员要了我的账号密码帮我操作的,要求我只能看不能动,第二天我看到账户赚了几百美金,还挺高兴 他说我的资金太小了,拿不住单子,赚一点就要跑,还说你看现在帮你赚了几百美金,你看看还能凑几百美金把账户凑够5000,这样好操作一些,可以多扛40%风险 然后我又想办法凑了一些钱入金进去,第三天他把账户做到了20000美金不过仓位很重50手,我当时说我明天出部分金可以吗,他说可以、不过要先把佣金出给他 再出我自己的,我说可以结果没几分钟因为太重仓抗不了风险那些单子被系统强制平仓了,本来20000账户就剩下3000多美金了,我马上去问那个操盘手,他说晚上给你赚回来,结果3000美金的仓位给我又是不停的做单子第二天一觉醒来,账户只剩23美金了,我去找操盘手,他就是一个劲的道歉,我当时心里很难过,他后来说不如让他们团队操作,他们团队操盘手24小时轮流值班,24小时操作,不过有门槛起步10000美金、利润是55分月结 稳赢利亏损利率为0,而且保70%本金,就是你入10000美金,帮你操作了一个月亏损3000美金的话就是客户自己承担,如果亏损了4000美金,那就客户承担3000美金 团队给你承担1000美金,1000美金团队当月给你补,我说我没有这么多钱,我之前的还是贷款的,那个操盘手就忽悠我说不然你想办法凑凑,团队很稳健的,不然我跟团队说说,你看你最多能入多少,差个一两千还可以 差太多就不好办了,我说最多8000美金,他说去跟团队负责人谈谈,之后告诉我说可以,让我尽快入金,那个时候是今年过年前,他说让我尽快入金,年前可以帮操作,我又去东拼西凑凑了8000美金,他问我要了账号密码说交给团队,可是团队给我操作的很重仓,而且都是亏损的多,就是账户赚赚亏亏,还有8000的时候我就申请出金了,然后那个时候过年了,他们平台出公告说过年期间不能出金,要到过完元宵才能出金,噩梦就是这个时候开始了,我当时就是想着先提交申请,到时能出了就能第一时间到账,不过当时疏忽了没有改mt4密码,过完年还没到元宵,他们又给我操作了,而且又亏了,然后我的出金申请被取消,因为说出金期间有持仓单子被拒绝出金申请,账户就还有7000美金,我吓得赶快改了密码 ,然后申请出金,过了元宵还是出不来,3月份了还出不来,我就去问平台客服,客服说出金通道在维护 让我耐心等待,我想可能维护几天就好了吧,结果3月份那一个月一直不让出,我每天问客服也是说让我耐心等待,我感觉不对头了,就在百度那里查这个平台,看到有人说这个是套监管套牌的黑平台,很多人已经无法出金了,我就去投诉他们第三方通道,当时是连连银通支付通道,一投诉人家就反馈给高盛国际平台了,高盛国际负责人(不是那个业务员)就打电话来让我撤诉,我说你们的代理代客操盘导致我亏损,现在你们还不让我出金 ,那个负责人姓孙,孙说你现在投诉我们通道,我们的钱都在通道里冻着,我们怎么给你出金啊,还把我账号冻结了,他说要我发高盛代理导致我亏损的截图给他,他们要去核实才能看如何赔偿,我也发给他了,然后他就让当初跟我联系的那个操盘手来威胁我让我撤诉,说要是不撤诉就把我的照片等信息都发到各个网站去,于是我按照我之前的入金银流水又投诉了国付宝通道,然后上个星期三孙打电话说他们也不去查了,把我账户解冻,亏损直接补给我,补到我mt4让我自己申请出金,星期五当天可以提现到银行卡,前提就是要撤诉,我还跟孙在电话里确认了是不是星期五当天可以提现到账银行卡,孙说是的 ,然后我就被孙忽悠了,我去撤诉了 马上申请出金 结果星期四我去联系他的时候他说通道还没解冻,平台钱都在通道里出不来 要等解冻 我说你们说了星期五给我出金到银行卡的 ,他说要看解冻的速度,这个意思就是不解冻就没钱给,原来说好的就是星期五给到银行卡的也变得不一定了,然后星期五过去了,周末过去了,钱果然没有给我到银行卡,就是骗我撤诉的 星期一早上我又投诉了连连银通,而且人家工作人员说这个出金跟他们第三方解不解冻没有任何关系关系,钱已经在平台了,出金是平台控制的,他们不想给你出你就出不来,所以那个孙说通道没解冻都是忽悠我撤诉,拖延时间的,根本就不想给我出金,星期一他们发现我又投诉了,气急败坏,又打电话来威胁我,还说他们老板本着诚信态度跟我解决问题,结果我这么不诚信,又去投诉,说他们老板现在很不爽,第二次把我账号冻结了,不过被之前我看了一下他们又换了支付通道了,像这样故意做亏客户账户,随自己心情冻结客户账户,两个月不让出金还威胁客户的黑平台大家要注意了!希望外汇天眼帮我维权,并曝光这个黑平台!而且近日GS-forex高盛国际官网发布了一则严正声明,声明称客户A重仓操作稀有货币导致爆仓,要求平台赔偿,客户A正好是我联系上的同被高盛国际代理回金团队做亏的难友,事实是高盛国际代理回金团队代客操盘,恶意重仓稀有货币,导致的穿仓,并不是客户A自己操作的,因为高盛国际代理商禁止客户动账户,只能看他们操作自己不能操作的,不断诱骗你入金,然后恶意重仓做亏你,让你的钱亏到他们平台,理所当然的进了他们口袋,非常卑鄙,简直泯灭人性,光大高盛国际被骗的大家一起维权,一起来曝光这个骗子黑平台,曝光这些人渣!希望外汇天眼帮我们维权!

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