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2024-05-20 12:38 Released in Ecuador Ecuador

Good evening, since June of la

Good evening, since June of last year the people from Go4rex called me on one occasion and told me how nice it was to invest in oil and earn more than $20 thousand per month, I agreed to the conviction of a certain Miss Lissa Rodríguez, initially, I deposited $200 Likewise, they treated me well on the phone, they told me that if I want to earn more, I should deposit more, I would deposit $2,000 more to see if I could generate more money, without the help of the lady I made more than $15,000. In her mind, I told her that when I can make a withdrawal, it tells me that I must change the silver plan to the Gold plan to withdraw more capital, I access and make the deposit of $10,000, in total it would be what I deposited $12,200, with that amount of deposit they would not let me withdraw, They told me that to withdraw more than $40,000, what should I change plans, now from the gold plan to the platinum plan, they asked me to deposit $12,800 to complete the $25,000, to be able to withdraw everything that is generated in my account, until today They won't let me withdraw anything, they want me to keep depositing.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation

Incapacidad de retiro

Buenas noches, desde Junio del año pasado los señores de Go4rex me llamaron en una ocacion lo cual me dijeron lo bonito que era invertir en petróleo y ganar más de $20 mil por mes, accedí al convencimiento de una tal señorita Lissa Rodríguez, inicialmente deposite $200, así mismo me trataban bien por teléfono, me decía que si quiero ganar más que deposite más, deposito $2000 más para ver si podía generar más dinero, sin la ayuda de la señorita hice más de $15000 su puesta mente, yo le manifestaba que cuando puedo realizar un retiro, me manifiesta que debo de cambiar el plan de plata al plan de Oro para retirar más capital, accedo y realizo el deposito de $10000 en total sería lo depositado por mi $12200, con esa cantidad de deposito no me dejaban retirar, me decían que para retirar más de $40000, qué debo de cambiar de plan, ahora del plan oro al platinium, me solicitaban que deposite $12800 para completar los $25000, para poder retirar todo lo que esta generado en mi cuenta, hasta el día de hoy no me dejan retirar nada, quieren que siga depositando.

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