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EDF Trading

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+44 (0) 20 7061 4000
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EDF Trading Limited


EDF Trading

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EDF Trading · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name EDF Trading
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year 1999
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit $200
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100
Spreads Starting from 0.0 pips
Trading Platforms EDF Trading Web Platform
Tradable Assets Wholesale Power, Natural Gas, Oil, LPG, Environmental Products, LNG, and Coal
Account Types Standard Account
Customer Support Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7061 4000Email:
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit cards,American Express, Debit cards,Bank transfers and E-wallets
Educational Resources A variety of energy-related educational resources

Overview of EDF Trading

EDF Trading, founded in the United Kingdom in 1999, operates in the wholesale energy markets and offers a well-diversified portfolio of trading assets. These assets include wholesale power, natural gas, oil, LPG, environmental products, LNG, and coal. Their focus on these markets enables them to participate in electricity, natural gas, and oil trading, allowing them to manage and profit from price fluctuations in these essential energy sources. EDF Trading provides a user-friendly platform, competitive spreads, 24/7 customer support, and leverage options up to 1:100. However, it's important to consider the unregulated nature of the platform, the absence of a demo account, and its exclusive focus on energy trading as potential drawbacks.

Overview of EDF Trading

Is EDF Trading legit or a scam?

EDF Trading operates without regulation from any governing authority. This lack of regulatory oversight poses potential risks for traders, including concerns about investor protection, transparency, and accountability. Unregulated entities may not adhere to industry standards and best practices, potentially exposing traders to scams or fraudulent activities. Traders should exercise caution, perform due diligence, and be aware of the unregulated nature of EDF Trading to ensure a safe trading experience.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
User-friendly trading platform Unregulated
Competitive spreads and commissions No demo account
24/7 customer support Only supports energy trading
Leverage options


  1. User-friendly Trading Platform: EDF Trading offers a user-friendly trading platform. This implies that the platform's interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it suitable for traders of all experience levels.

  2. Competitive Spreads and Commissions: The platform provides competitive spreads and commissions. Competitive pricing can benefit traders by potentially lowering their trading costs.

  3. 24/7 Customer Support: EDF Trading offers round-the-clock customer support. This means that traders can seek assistance or resolve issues at any time, which is advantageous in the fast-paced world of trading.

  4. Leverage: EDF Trading supports leverage options of up to 1:100. Leverage can amplify trading positions, allowing traders to control larger positions with a smaller initial capital.


  1. Unregulated: EDF Trading operates without regulatory oversight. This unregulated status can pose risks to traders in terms of investor protection, transparency, and accountability.

  2. No Demo Account: EDF Trading does not offer a demo account. The absence of a demo account could limit the opportunity for users to familiarize themselves with the platform and trading strategies.

  3. Only Supports Energy Trading: EDF Trading appears to exclusively support energy trading. This lack of diversification in tradable assets could be a drawback for traders looking to engage in other markets, such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, or commodities.

Market Instruments

EDF Trading, as a specialist in the wholesale energy markets, deals with various trading assets, offering a well-diversified portfolio to its clients. These trading assets include:

  1. Wholesale Power:

    1. EDF Trading engages in wholesale power trading, participating in electricity markets across regions. Their focus on power trading enables them to benefit from fluctuations in electricity prices, contributing to a diversified trading portfolio.

  2. Natural Gas:

    1. Natural gas trading is a core element of EDF Trading's operations. They participate in the natural gas markets, buying and selling gas commodities. This strategic involvement provides a means to manage and profit from changes in natural gas prices.

  3. Oil:

    1. EDF Trading is actively involved in oil trading, which involves the purchase and sale of crude oil and refined petroleum products. This allows them to capitalize on price disparities within the oil market.

  4. LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas):

    1. The trading of LPG is an integral part of EDF Trading's portfolio. LPG is used for various applications, and its trading provides EDF Trading with diverse opportunities in global markets.

  5. Environmental Products:

    1. EDF Trading participates in the trading of environmental products, such as carbon allowances and renewable energy certificates. This aligns with their commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

  6. LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) and Coal:

    1. EDF Trading's involvement in LNG and coal markets allows them to capitalize on global demand for these energy sources. Trading LNG and coal enables EDF Trading to benefit from price fluctuations in these markets.

EDF Trading's diversified portfolio across these assets positions them to navigate the dynamic landscape of energy and commodity markets effectively. Their global presence and asset-backed operations enhance their capacity to manage risk and take advantage of opportunities within these markets.

Market Instruments

Account Types

EDF Trading exclusively offers a single account type, the Standard account, featuring leverage up to 1:100, competitive spreads starting from 0.0 pips, and a minimum deposit requirement of $200. Although it doesn't provide a demo account, traders can utilize the EDF Trading Web Platform. The platform ensures round-the-clock customer support, accessible through live chat, email, and phone, providing assistance whenever needed.

Aspects Standard account
Leverage Up to 1:100
Spread Starting from 0.0 pips
Minimum deposit $200
Demo account No
Trading tool EDF Trading Web Platform
Customer Support 24/7 via live chat, email, and phone

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with EDF Trading, follow these five straightforward steps:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Start by accessing EDF Trading's official website through your web browser.

  2. Account Registration: Locate and click on the “Sign Up” or “Open an Account” button. You'll be prompted to complete a registration form with your personal details, including your name, email address, and phone number.

  3. Provide Required Details: EDF Trading typically mandates users to submit personal identification documents for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. This may involve documents such as a passport or driver's license. Follow the platform's instructions to fulfill this requirement.

  4. Fund Your Account: Once your identity is confirmed, proceed to fund your trading account. EDF Trading offers multiple deposit methods, including credit cards, bank transfers, and cryptocurrencies. Select the method that suits you best and transfer your desired amount to your account.

  5. Commence Trading: With a funded account, you can start trading on the EDF Trading platform. This grants you access to the platform's trading tools, assets, and features, empowering you to manage your trades and stay updated on market developments. As you trade, remember to act responsibly and make informed decisions.

How to Open an Account?


EDF Trading provides leverage of up to 1:100, enabling you to engage in trading activities with a more substantial capital base than your initial deposit. Nevertheless, it is crucial to exercise prudence and responsibility when employing leverage, as it has the potential to magnify both gains and losses in your trading endeavors.

Spreads & Commissions

EDF Trading offers competitive spreads and commissions, with spreads starting from 0.0 pips on electricity. The company also charges a commission on trades, which varies depending on the instrument. Here are some examples of spreads and commissions for different instruments on EDF Trading:

Instrument Spread Commission
Electricity 0.0 pips 0.001% per side
Natural Gas 2 pips 0.001% per side
Oil 1 pip 0.001% per side
LPG 3 pips 0.001% per side
Environmental Products 5 pips 0.001% per side

Trading Platform

EDF Trading provides a user-friendly web platform with an array of trading features. Accessible from any device with an internet connection, it offers convenience for traders worldwide.

Key features of the EDF Trading Web Platform include:

  1. Real-Time Market Data: Traders can access real-time market data for all energy trading instruments, enabling well-informed trading decisions based on the latest market information.

  2. Advanced Charting Tools: The platform offers a suite of advanced charting tools for in-depth market data analysis and identification of trading opportunities.

  3. Multiple Order Types: Traders have the flexibility to place various order types, including market orders, limit orders, stop orders, and trailing stops, aligning with their individual trading preferences.

  4. Risk Management Tools: The platform provides risk management tools such as stop-loss orders and take-profit orders to help traders manage risk and safeguard their profits.

In summary, the EDF Trading Web Platform is designed to accommodate traders of all experience levels, offering user-friendliness and a rich set of features.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

EDF Trading provides multiple options for depositing funds into your trading account. You can make deposits using major credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Additionally, EDF Trading accepts debit cards like Visa Debit and Mastercard Debit. For more traditional methods, you can opt for bank transfers, which include wire transfers and local bank transfers. If you prefer digital payment solutions, EDF Trading also supports e-wallets like Neteller, Skrill, and PayPal. These various options cater to your convenience and flexibility when managing your trading funds.

The minimum deposit required to open an account with EDF Trading is $200.

Payment processing times vary depending on the payment method used. Credit and debit card payments are typically processed instantly, while bank transfers and e-wallet payments may take several days to process.

Customer Support

EDF Trading offers customer support through various global offices. For general inquiries, you can reach them at the following locations:

  1. London, UK:

    1. Telephone: +44 (0) 20 7061 4000

    2. Email:

Customer Support
  1. Paris, France:

    1. Telephone: +33 (0)1 70 70 55 00

    2. Email:

Customer Support
  1. Singapore:

    1. Telephone: +65 6654 1980

    2. Email:

  2. Houston, USA:

    1. Telephone: +1 281 781 0333

    2. Email:

  3. Tokyo, Japan:

    1. Telephone: +81 3-6773-5414

    2. Email:

Educational Resources

EDF Trading offers a wealth of energy-related educational resources, including foundational knowledge and relevant articles. These resources are designed to help individuals gain a better understanding and mastery of key concepts in the field of energy. Whether you're a beginner or a professional, EDF's educational materials can assist you in expanding your knowledge and delving deeper into various aspects of the energy industry. From basic concepts to cutting-edge technologies, EDF's educational resources cover a wide range of topics, providing valuable learning materials for both individuals and professionals. These resources contribute to enhancing awareness of the energy sector and can be a valuable source of information.

Educational Resources


In summary, EDF Trading specializes in the wholesale energy markets. They offer a diverse range of trading assets, including power, natural gas, oil, LPG, environmental products, LNG, and coal. EDF Trading provides a user-friendly platform with competitive spreads, 24/7 customer support, and leverage options up to 1:100. However, potential downsides include their unregulated status, the lack of a demo account, and their exclusive focus on energy trading. Traders considering EDF Trading should weigh these pros and cons to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of energy market trading.


Q: What trading assets are available through EDF Trading?

A: EDF Trading offers a diverse portfolio, including power, natural gas, oil, LPG, environmental products, LNG, and coal.

Q: Does EDF Trading provide a demo account for new traders?

A: No, EDF Trading does not offer a demo account.

Q: What leverage options are supported by EDF Trading?

A: EDF Trading supports leverage options up to 1:100.

Q: Is EDF Trading a regulated platform?

A: No, EDF Trading operates without regulatory oversight.

Q: What are the pros of trading with EDF Trading?

A: The pros include a user-friendly platform, competitive spreads, 24/7 customer support, and leverage options up to 1:100.

Q: Does EDF Trading offer trading in assets other than energy?

A: No, EDF Trading primarily focuses on energy trading and does not provide trading in other asset classes.

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