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MIRUS Capitals

India|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+91 876 606 7714
S No 51, Nawale Lowans, Vishava Arcade, Pune,Maharashtra,411041


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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MIRUS Capitals · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

MIRUS Capitals Review Summary
Registered Country/Region India
Regulation No regulation
Market Instruments forex, precious metals, CFDs
Leverage 1:500
EUR/USD Spread 2.5 pips (Std)
Trading Platforms MT5
Customer Support email, telephone, online messaging, social media

What is MIRUS Capitals?

MIRUS Capitals is an unregulated brokerage firm offering a diverse range of trading instruments across various asset classes, including forex, precious metals, and CFDs. The broker provides different types of accounts, such as ECN accounts, Standard accounts, and Pro accounts, catering to traders with varying experience levels and preferences. Clients have access to the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, equipped with advanced charting tools, algorithmic trading capabilities, and a wide selection of financial instruments. MIRUS Capitals also offers essential trading tools, including an economic calendar, pip calculator, and margin calculator, to aid traders in their decision-making process.

MIRUS Capitals' home page

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Diverse range of trading instruments • Lack of valid regulation
• Access to MetaTrader5 platform • Wide spreads
• Limited information about deposit & withdrawal
Regional restrictions

MIRUS Capitals Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to MIRUS Capitals depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • IG - A globally recognized broker known for its competitive spreads, extensive market coverage, and user-friendly platforms - recommended for traders of all levels seeking a reliable and feature-rich trading environment.

  • Avatrade - A well-regulated broker with a comprehensive range of trading instruments and multiple trading platforms - recommended for traders looking for a diverse range of markets and advanced trading tools.

  • XTB - Known for its combination of educational materials, comprehensive market analysis, and a custom trading platform, it's an excellent choice for new and experienced traders alike.

Is MIRUS Capitals Safe or Scam?

The most significant concern is that MIRUS Capitals currently does not have valid regulation. Regulation by reputable financial authorities is crucial for ensuring that a brokerage operates within established guidelines, maintains segregated client funds, and follows ethical practices. The absence of regulation can leave traders exposed to potential risks and may make it difficult to seek recourse in case of disputes.

Market Instruments

MIRUS Capitals offers a diverse range of trading instruments across various asset classes. Here is a brief summary of the market instruments available through MIRUS Capitals:

  • Forex (Foreign Exchange): MIRUS Capitals provides access to the forex market, allowing traders to buy and sell currency pairs. Forex trading involves speculating on the exchange rate fluctuations between different currencies, making it one of the largest and most liquid financial markets globally.

    • forex
  • Precious Metals: Traders can also access the precious metals market through MIRUS Capitals. This includes popular metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. Precious metals are often considered safe-haven assets and are traded for their intrinsic value and as a hedge against economic uncertainty.

    • precious metals
  • CFDs (Contracts for Difference): MIRUS Capitals offers CFD trading, which enables investors to speculate on the price movements of various underlying assets without owning the assets themselves. CFDs cover a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.

    • CFDs


At MIRUS Capitals, traders have the flexibility to choose from a range of account types tailored to suit their individual trading needs and preferences. The brokerage firm offers three distinct account options: ECN accounts, Standard accounts, and Pro accounts, each with its unique features and benefits.

The uniform minimum order size of 0.01 applies to all types of accounts, empowering traders with the ability to trade with smaller position sizes and manage their risk effectively.

Account Types


MIRUS Capitals, as a brokerage firm, grants its clients access to a maximum leverage of 1:500 across all types of trading accounts. This generous leverage offering allows traders to control positions that are up to 500 times larger than the amount of capital they have in their trading accounts. The high leverage can significantly amplify potential profits, making it an appealing feature for traders seeking higher returns on their investments.

Spreads & Commissions

MIRUS Capitals' ECN accounts are tailored for traders seeking direct access to the market and competitive pricing. With spreads starting from as low as 0.0 pips, ECN account holders can benefit from the tightest bid-ask spreads available, facilitating cost-effective trading on major currency pairs and other financial instruments.

MIRUS Capitals' Standard accounts cater to a broader range of traders, including both beginners and more experienced investors. These accounts offer spreads starting from 2.5 pips, which remain highly competitive in the market, providing traders with accessible pricing for their trades.

For experienced and professional traders seeking enhanced trading conditions, MIRUS Capitals offers Pro accounts. These accounts come with spreads starting from 1.5 pips, offering the tightest pricing among the three account types.

And the broker offers 0 commission for all types of accounts.

Below is a comparison table about spreads and commissions charged by different brokers:

Broker EUR/USD Spread (pips) Commissions (per lot)
MIRUS Capitals 2.5 (Std) 0
IG 0.6 $10 per trade
Avatrade 0.9 None
XTB Average of 0.2 Not provided

Trading Platform

MIRUS Capitals prioritizes its clients' trading experience by offering the highly acclaimed MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform. MT5 is a cutting-edge, multi-functional, and user-friendly platform designed to cater to the diverse needs of traders, from beginners to experienced professionals. With its advanced features and extensive capabilities, MT5 has earned a reputation as one of the industry's most popular and robust trading platforms.


Trading Tools

MIRUS Capitals offers an economic calendar, an invaluable tool for traders to stay informed about upcoming economic events, announcements, and data releases that can significantly impact the financial markets.

economic calendar

Moreover, the pip calculator is an essential tool for forex traders, enabling them to calculate the potential profit or loss on a trade based on the number of pips gained or lost. With just a few inputs, such as the currency pair, trade size, and the number of pips moved, traders can instantly determine the monetary value of their trades.

pip calculator

Finally, MIRUS Capitals provides a margin calculator to assist traders in calculating the required margin for their trades based on their account currency, trading instrument, trade size, and leverage.

margin calculator

Deposits & Withdrawals

This broker doesn't reveal any details about deposit and withdrawal. We only know that it accepts Bank Wire Transfer, Bitcoin, MasterCard, and VISA. The lack of specific details regarding deposit and withdrawal options, fees, and processing times on MIRUS Capitals' website raises concerns about transparency and may be considered a potential red flag for some traders. Typically, regulated brokers are expected to provide comprehensive information about their deposit and withdrawal processes, including supported payment methods, any applicable fees, and the estimated timeframes for processing transactions.

payment methods

Customer Service

Clients can directly contact MIRUS Capitals' customer service team via the provided telephone number, +971 527428453.

MIRUS Capitals also offers an email support option (, providing clients with an alternative means of communication for non-urgent inquiries or more detailed discussions.

Through the brokerage's online messaging service, clients can engage in live chat with customer support representatives directly through MIRUS Capitals' website or trading platform.

Recognizing the importance of social media in modern communication, MIRUS Capitals has a presence on various platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

online messaging
social networks


While MIRUS Capitals offers an array of trading instruments and account types, some potential concerns need to be addressed. Notably, the lack of valid regulation raises red flags about the broker's credibility and client protection measures. Moreover, the absence of detailed information about deposit and withdrawal processes, along with unclear trading terms, may impact transparency. As traders, it is vital to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with MIRUS Capitals or any unregulated broker. Seeking out regulated brokers with transparent services and positive reputations in the trading community is essential to ensure a safe and reliable trading experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Does Mirus Capital have any regional restrictions?

A1: Mirus Capital does not provide services for citizens/residents of the United States, Cuba, Iraq, Myanmar, North Korea, Sudan. The services of Mirus Capital LLC are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.

Q2: What types of trading accounts does MIRUS Capitals provide?

A2: MIRUS Capitals offers three types of trading accounts: ECN accounts, Standard accounts, and Pro accounts, each catering to different trader preferences and experience levels.

Q3: What trading platform does MIRUS Capitals offer to its clients?

A3: MIRUS Capitals provides its clients with the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, known for its advanced features and user-friendly interface.

Q4: Is MIRUS Capitals a regulated broker?

A4: No, MIRUS Capitals currently has no valid regulations.

Broker Information

Company Name

MIRUS Capitals


MIRUS Capitals

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +91 876 606 7714









Company address
  • S No 51, Nawale Lowans, Vishava Arcade, Pune,Maharashtra,411041

  • Level 6 Ken Lee Building 20 Edith Cavell St. Port Louis, Mauritius









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary


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