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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
Self-developed|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 6479207292
2 Fairholme Close, London, N3 3EE


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Quanta · Company Summary

Note: Quantas official site ( is currently not functional. Therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker.

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

Quanta Review Summary
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation No regulation
Leverage 1:1000
EUR/USD Spread 0.2 pips
Trading Platforms N/A
Minimum Deposit $250
Customer Support email, telephone

What is Quanta?

Quanta is a trading platform that claims to offer a wide range of trading services, including leverage ratios of up to 1:500, quick order execution times of 0.03 seconds, and narrow spreads starting at 0.2 pips. The website asserts to provide access to over 1000 currencies for trading, appealing to traders seeking diverse investment opportunities. However, questions arise regarding the platform's legitimacy and regulatory status, as it presents contradictory information about the number of tradable instruments and spreads. Moreover, Quanta makes false claims of being a regulated entity, further raising concerns about its authenticity.

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons
Pros Cons
• Narrow spreads starting at 0.2 pips • No valid regulation
• No live chat support
• Unavailable to website

Quanta Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to Quanta depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • Plus500 - A CFD service provider that offers a simple, user-friendly platform and a wide range of tradable instruments, making it suitable for those interested in CFD trading.

  • TD Ameritrade - Known for its comprehensive research offerings, educational resources, and a user-friendly trading platform, TD Ameritrade is a solid choice for investors seeking a combination of investment guidance and self-directed trading options.

  • IG - A globally recognized broker known for its competitive spreads, extensive market coverage, and user-friendly platforms - recommended for traders of all levels seeking a reliable and feature-rich trading environment.

Is Quanta Safe or Scam?

We were able to track down Quanta, a corporation that purports to be British. In actuality, there isn't enough proof that Quanta is QUANTA ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED's brand; the latter might just as easily be a copycat company. Whatever the case, the trading service is unregulated and essentially unlawful because the entity listed lacks an FCA license. The worst of all is that falsely asserts to be regulated, which is a warning sign in itself! They appear to lie, which is a serious issue, further indicating that the supposedly legitimate brokerage is probably a fraud.

Market Instruments

The conflicting statements made by Quanta regarding the number of tradable instruments raise significant concerns about the transparency and reliability of their platform. On the front page, they boast of offering more than 1000 currencies for trading, which implies a vast array of asset classes and investment opportunities. However, on other pages within their website, the number of tradable instruments is reduced to a mere 136, which is significantly lower than the initial claim. This inconsistency in the information provided by Quanta is a cause for alarm and can be perceived as misleading potential investors. It undermines the credibility of the platform and casts doubt on their ability to provide accurate and trustworthy information to their clients. Such contradictory statements may indicate a lack of attention to detail, or worse, an attempt to present a false image of the company's capabilities and services.


Quanta offering different types of accounts like MASTER, EXPERT, ADVANCED, or BASIC accounts. Typically, in such cases, the account types are designed to provide varying levels of access and features, tailored to the user's expertise or requirements. For example, a MASTER account might be geared towards experienced users or professionals, offering advanced tools and functionalities, while an EXPERT account may cater to users with intermediate-level knowledge, providing a robust set of features without overwhelming complexity. An ADVANCED account could be suitable for those looking to explore additional functionalities beyond the basic level, while a BASIC account might be a more entry-level option for beginners or those who only require essential services.



The leverage appears to be quite appealing as well, reaching up to 1:500 as mentioned on the website and 1:1000 as provided to us once we finished the registration process. However, as an unregulated, offshore website that also claims to be essentially anonymous is clearly not to be trusted, you can also discover our list of brokers here that also provide leverage of up to 1:500. For those seeking leverage opportunities similar to what Quanta claims to offer, it's prudent to explore reputable brokers from a list of regulated and transparent entities. These brokers, which adhere to industry standards and compliance requirements, can provide a higher level of confidence and protection for traders while offering leverage options of up to 1:500.

Spreads & Commissions

With order execution times of just 0.03 seconds, Quanta Trade boasts narrow spreads starting at just 0.2 pips. Since we were unable to access their trading platform and verify the terms of trade firsthand and since we are dealing with a website that flat-out falsely claims to be regulated while in reality exhibiting all the telltale signs of a scam, you can also check out our list of brokers who actually offer tight spreads here. While the advertised order execution times and narrow spreads sound impressive, the lack of access to their trading platform and the presence of contradictory information regarding their regulatory status raises serious doubts about the veracity of these claims. Without the ability to verify the terms of trade firsthand, potential investors are left in the dark about the actual performance of Quanta Trade's platform and the reliability of their quoted metrics.

Trading Platform

We were unable to use Quanta Trade's robust, multi-asset institutional platform, which the company claims is available for both PC and the web due to an account “validation error.” Whatever the case, keep in mind that legitimate brokers offer trading platforms like MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5, and the absence of any such trustworthy and tried-and-true trading software is a blatant sign that we are dealing with a scam. This is especially true considering that the website can not be trusted, falsely claims to be regulated, and lacks any credibility at all.

Deposits & Withdrawals

Quanta claims to take payments using a number of e-wallets, including Neteller, Skrill, PayTrus, DragonPay, Vload, QIWI, Yandex, and Perfect Money, as well as bank wire transfers and popular debit and credit cards like VISA and Mastercard. However, since we don't believe the website in the first place, it doesn't really matter that we were unable to corroborate this.

The minimum deposit amount is reportedly just $250, which is roughly in line with what the majority of other brokers would need.

Customer Service

Quanta provides multiple avenues for customer service, ensuring that users can reach out for assistance through various means. One of the primary ways to contact Quanta's customer support is through their phone number: +1 6479207292. This allows users to speak directly with a representative, enabling real-time communication for immediate problem-solving and inquiries.

Additionally, Quanta offers an email support option for users who prefer written communication or have non-urgent queries. Customers can reach out to the support team by sending an email to This method allows users to articulate their concerns or questions in detail and receive responses at their convenience.


In conclusion, Quanta appears to offer attractive trading features, including high leverage and fast execution times. However, the platform's unregulated and offshore status, combined with the contradictory information provided on its website, casts doubt on its legitimacy. The false claims of regulation and potential signs of a scam underscore the need for caution. Traders are strongly advised to refrain from engaging with Quanta until its legitimacy is verified, and alternative options from reputable and regulated brokers with transparent offerings should be considered. Prioritizing safety, regulatory compliance, and thorough due diligence are essential to protect investors from potential risks and fraudulent activities in the financial markets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How many tradable instruments does Quanta claim to offer?

A1: Quanta's website makes conflicting statements about the number of tradable instruments. On the front page, they claim to offer more than 1000 currencies for trading, while on other pages, the number is reduced to 136.

Q2: Does Quanta have any valid regulations?

A2: No, Quanta currently doesn't have any valid regulations.

Q3: What is the leverage of Quanta?

A3: Quanta claims to offer a leverage ratio of up to 1:500.

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