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Switzerland|5-10 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index


+41 91 924 23 23
5th floor - Via Pretorio 13 6900 Lugano - Switzerland


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

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5-10 years
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BRC Metal SA
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Company website
Company Summary

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  • 15-20 years |
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15-20 yearsRegulated in AustraliaMarket Making(MM)MT4 Full License
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  • 15-20 years |
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Company Summary

Company Name BRC Metal
Regulatory Status Unregulated Broker
Specialization Non-ferrous metal products
Product Range Aluminum, Copper, Brass, Bronze, Tin-plated metals, Gold and Silver plated metals
Trading Markets European, Asian, American, African
Services Offered Trading, Research, Consulting
Contact Information - Contact Form on Website: “Work with us” form<br> - Email Address:<br> - Phone Number: +41 91 924 23 23<br> - Physical Address: 5th floor - Via Pretorio 13, 6900 Lugano - Switzerland
Strengths - Diverse range of non-ferrous metals<br> - Strong market presence<br> - Comprehensive services<br> - Expertise in metal evaluation, logistics, and environmental matters
Weaknesses - Operates as an unregulated broker<br> - Limited customer support channels
Market Applications Aerospace, Automotive, Construction, Electronics, Electrical, Decorative, Marine, High-end applications
Notable Alloys Aluminum AHG, Various Copper Alloys, Various Brass Grades, Various Bronze Grades
Plated Materials Tin Plated Brass, Copper, and Bronze, Gold and Silver Plated Brass, Copper, and Bronze


BRC Metal is an unregulated broker specializing in non-ferrous metal products, offering a diverse range including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, tin-plated metals, and gold and silver plated metals. They operate in various trading markets across Europe, Asia, America, and Africa, with a strong market presence and expertise in metal evaluation, logistics, and environmental matters. While their services are comprehensive and cater to industries like aerospace, automotive, construction, electronics, and more, it's essential to note their unregulated status, which may pose risks for investors. Additionally, BRC Metal's customer support channels are relatively limited.



BRC operates as an unregulated broker, lacking oversight and compliance with financial regulatory authorities. Investors should exercise caution when considering any financial transactions with such entities due to the associated risks.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Range of Non-Ferrous Metals: BRC offers a wide selection of non-ferrous metals, including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, and tin-plated metals, providing versatility for various applications.
  • Unregulated Broker: BRC Metal operates as an unregulated broker, which can pose risks for investors due to the lack of oversight and compliance with financial regulatory authorities.
  • Strong Market Presence: The company has a strong network and relationships with major copper and aluminum producers, enhancing its competitiveness in the industry.
  • Regulatory Concerns: Potential regulatory issues may arise when dealing with an unregulated broker, potentially impacting the security and legality of financial transactions.
  • Comprehensive Services: BRC Metal offers a range of services, including trading expertise, research support, and strategic consulting, providing valuable insights to clients.
  • Limited Customer Support Channels: While they offer email and phone support, the availability of customer support channels could be more extensive for a smoother customer experience.
  • Expertise in Environmental Matters: BRC Metal is well-versed in environmental regulations and authorizations, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices.
  • Lack of Regulatory Oversight: The absence of regulatory oversight means that customers must exercise caution and perform due diligence when engaging with BRC Metal.

BRC Metal offers a diverse range of non-ferrous metals, strong market presence, and a suite of services, including environmental expertise. However, it operates as an unregulated broker, which raises regulatory concerns and potential risks for investors. While their services are comprehensive, customer support channels could be more extensive. Customers should exercise caution and conduct due diligence when considering transactions with BRC Metal, especially in light of their unregulated status.


BRC is a company that specializes in producing a wide range of metal products, primarily focusing on materials like brass, copper, and bronze, as well as related alloys and finishes. Here's a description of the products offered by BRC:

  1. Aluminium AHG (1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000 series alloy): BRC provides various grades and series of aluminum alloys. These alloys have diverse applications across industries, including aerospace, automotive, construction, and electronics. Aluminum is valued for its lightweight, corrosion-resistant, and heat-conductive properties.

  2. Copper & Copper Alloys: BRC offers copper and its various alloys. Copper is known for its excellent electrical conductivity and is used extensively in electrical and electronic applications. Copper alloys, such as bronze and brass, are also available, offering different properties suited for specific uses.

  3. Brass (CuZn37, CuZn33, CuZn30, CuZn15, and others): Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. BRC provides various grades of brass, each with its own combination of properties like corrosion resistance, machinability, and color. Brass is widely used in decorative items, musical instruments, plumbing fixtures, and more.

  4. Bronze (CuSn8, CuSn6, CuSn4, and others): Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin, and it can also contain other elements. BRC offers different grades of bronze, each with specific characteristics such as high strength, corrosion resistance, and durability. Bronze is commonly used in sculptures, bearings, marine applications, and artistic works.

  5. Tin Plated Brass, Copper, and Bronze: Tin plating adds a layer of tin to the surface of these metals, enhancing their corrosion resistance and solderability. These products are often used in the manufacturing of electronic components and connectors.

  6. Gold and Silver Plated Brass, Copper, and Bronze: BRC provides products with gold and silver plating on brass, copper, and bronze materials. These plated materials are used in various high-end and decorative applications, including jewelry, trophies, and ornamental pieces.



BRC Metal provides a range of services in the areas of Trading, Research, and Consulting:

  1. Trading:

    1. BRC Metal has expertise in non-ferrous scraps and raw materials and has established a network of consumers, traders, and producers.

    2. The company operates in European, Asian, American, and African markets and maintains strong relationships with major copper and aluminium producers.

    3. Their professional team specializes in the accurate evaluation of various non-ferrous metals, with a focus on copper, aluminium, zinc, and tin.

    4. BRC Metal utilizes logistic platforms across Europe, facilitating easy access to local markets in North Italy, Switzerland, and Germany.

    5. products
  2. Research:

    1. BRC Metal is customer-focused and highly professional, offering support in logistic, environmental, and technical matters.

    2. They collaborate with international logistic companies, ensuring prompt deliveries throughout Europe.

    3. The company is well-versed in environmental regulations and authorizations.

    4. They possess expertise in chemical, technical, and mechanical aspects of metals and their alloys.

    5. products
  3. Consulting:

    1. BRC Metal provides valuable insights into stock exchange operations, trading volumes, and market forecasts.

    2. They monitor London Metal Exchange quotations and engage in regular discussions with brokers, traders, and analysts in the non-ferrous market.

    3. The company helps clients understand market dynamics, anticipate changes, and evaluate industrial investments and strategic plans effectively.

    4. products

In summary, BRC Metal offers comprehensive services encompassing trading expertise, research support, and strategic consulting to assist companies in navigating the non-ferrous metal markets efficiently and successfully.

Customer Support

  1. Contact Form: BRC Metal provides a “Work with us” contact form on their website, indicating their willingness to engage with potential clients and partners. This form typically includes fields for entering your name and email address, allowing individuals to easily reach out for inquiries or collaboration.

  2. Email Address: The company's email address, “,” serves as a direct channel for communication. Customers can send inquiries, requests, or feedback via email, and the company is likely to respond promptly to address any queries.

  3. Phone: BRC Metal lists a phone number, “+41 91 924 23 23,” which suggests they offer phone-based customer support. This enables customers to make direct contact for urgent matters or detailed discussions.

  4. Physical Address: The company provides a physical address, “5th floor - Via Pretorio 13, 6900 Lugano - Switzerland,” which can be useful for customers who prefer in-person interactions or need to send physical documents.

Overall, BRC Metal's customer support appears to be accessible through multiple communication channels, including email and phone, indicating a commitment to addressing customer inquiries and maintaining strong client relationships.



BRC Metal is a company specializing in the production of non-ferrous metal products, including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, and tin-plated metals, among others. They offer a wide range of alloys and finishes to cater to various industrial and decorative applications. In addition to their product offerings, BRC Metal provides comprehensive services, including trading expertise, research support, and strategic consulting for navigating non-ferrous metal markets. While they excel in their product diversity and market services, it's important to note that BRC operates as an unregulated broker, which poses potential risks for investors. However, they maintain accessible customer support through email, phone, and a physical address in Switzerland. Overall, BRC Metal appears to be a versatile company in the non-ferrous metals industry, offering both products and services to meet diverse customer needs.


Q1: What types of non-ferrous metals does BRC Metal specialize in?

A1: BRC Metal specializes in a range of non-ferrous metals, including aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, and tin-plated metals, offering various alloys and finishes.

Q2: Where does BRC Metal operate its trading activities?

A2: BRC Metal operates in European, Asian, American, and African markets, with a strong presence and relationships with major copper and aluminum producers.

Q3: How can I contact BRC Metal for inquiries or collaboration?

A3: You can reach out to BRC Metal through their “Work with us” contact form on their website, email at, or by phone at +41 91 924 23 23.

Q4: Does BRC Metal provide consulting services for market analysis?

A4: Yes, BRC Metal offers consulting services that include insights into stock exchange operations, market forecasts, and discussions with experts in the non-ferrous metal market.

Q5: Are there any regulatory considerations when working with BRC Metal?

A5: It's important to note that BRC Metal operates as an unregulated broker, which means there may be associated risks when conducting financial transactions with them. Investors should exercise caution in this regard.


  • 5-10 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk
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