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Finex · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Region Indonesia
Founded 2012
Regulation BAPPEBTI
Tradable Assets 78 (forex, metals, energies, stocks, indices)
Demo Account Available
Max. Leverage 1:500 (forex & metals), 1:200 (indices & energies), 1:100 (stocks)
Spread Floating from 0.5 pips
Trading Platform MT5 (Windows, Web, Android, iOS)
Minimum Deposit $10
Customer Support 24/7 live chat, contact form
Telephone: +62 21-5010-1569
WhatsApp: +62 811-8105-688
Fax: +62 21-5010-1046

What is Finex?

Finex is a regulated financial institution operating in Indonesia. It is governed by the Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI) and holds a retail forex license. The company, known as PT. Finex Bisnis Solusi Futures, offers a range of market instruments for trading, including Forex, commodities, and indices. Traders have the opportunity to participate in foreign exchange trading, speculate on commodity prices, and take positions based on market trends through the trading of indices. Finex offers flexible leverage up to 1:500 and utilizes the widely-used Metatrader 5 trading platform.

Finex's homepage

Pros & Cons

Finex has its strengths and weaknesses as a financial institution. On the positive side, it is a regulated entity in Indonesia, providing a range of market instruments for trading, including forex, metals, energies, stocks, and indices. Additionally, Finex utilizes the popular Metatrader 5 trading platform for both Windows and Android devices, providing traders with a robust and feature-rich trading experience.

However, there are certain limitations to consider. There are limited withdrawal options beyond Indonesian banks. It's essential to carefully weigh these pros and cons before making a decision.

Pros Cons
Regulated entity Limited withdrawal options beyond Indonesian banks
Offers diverse market instruments
Utilizes Metatrader 5 platform

Is Finex Legit?

Finex operates under stringent regulatory oversight, ensuring a secure and transparent trading environment for its clients. It is regulated by the Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI) of the Kementerian Perdagangan in Indonesia, holding a license with the registration number 47/BAPPEBTI/SI/04/2013. This ensures that Finex adheres to the high standards and regulations set forth by Indonesian authorities.

Regulated by BAPPEBTI

Additionally, 70% of customer funds are safeguarded in PT. KBI (Indonesian Futures Clearing), which is backed by the security guarantee of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, providing an added layer of financial safety. The remaining 30% of funds are held in segregated accounts at a registered bank, also under the supervision of BAPPEBTI. This dual-layer protection scheme for client funds further underscores Finex's commitment to regulatory compliance and financial security for its traders.

Market Instruments

Finex provides a diverse range of market instruments, encompassing a total of 78 different assets across various categories, catering to the varied interests and investment strategies of its clients. This selection includes major and minor Forex pairs, allowing traders to engage in currency trading with options that range from stable majors to more volatile emerging currencies.

Additionally, Finex offers trading in precious metals such as gold and silver, which are often sought after as safe-haven assets or for hedging purposes. Energy commodities like oil and natural gas are also available, appealing to those interested in the dynamics of the global energy markets. Furthermore, Finex includes stocks and indices in its portfolio, providing opportunities for traders to participate in the equity markets through direct stock trades or by investing in broader market indices.


Finex simplifies the trading experience by offering a single account type, designed to be accessible and straightforward for traders of all levels. With a minimal deposit requirement of just $10, this account is particularly appealing to new traders or those looking to test the platform without committing a significant amount of capital.

Despite its low entry barrier, the account does not skimp on features; it provides full access to all 78 market instruments that Finex offers, including Forex, metals, energies, stocks, and indices. This approach ensures that all traders, regardless of their investment size, have equal opportunities to explore a wide range of trading options and leverage the same advanced trading tools and resources provided by Finex. The single-account model also eliminates confusion and makes it easier for users to manage their investments without having to compare different account types and conditions.



Finex offers a tiered leverage system tailored to different asset classes, allowing traders to maximize their trading potential based on their market preference and risk tolerance.

For those trading in Forex and metals, Finex provides a high leverage option of up to 1:500, enabling traders to significantly increase their exposure with a relatively small amount of capital. This is particularly advantageous in the highly liquid Forex market where larger positions can potentially lead to substantial profits.

For indices and energies, the leverage is set at a more conservative level of 1:200, balancing the need for substantial market exposure with the volatility typically associated with these assets. Lastly, for stock trading, Finex offers a leverage of 1:100, reflecting the generally higher risk associated with equity markets compared to other asset types.

Spreads & Commissions

Finex offers competitive trading conditions with its floating spreads starting as low as 0.5 pips, which can be particularly advantageous for forex traders who prefer tight spreads to minimize their trading costs and maximize potential profits. The low spread is especially beneficial in fast-moving markets, allowing traders to execute transactions at prices very close to the market rates.

Alongside the favorable spreads, Finex charges a modest commission of $1 per lot, which is quite attractive compared to industry standards. This commission structure is straightforward and transparent, making it easier for traders to calculate and manage their trading expenses effectively. The combination of low spreads and reasonable commissions makes Finex an appealing choice for traders looking for cost-effective trading solutions while still accessing a wide range of financial instruments across different markets.

Trading Platform

Finex provides its clients with the highly acclaimed MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, renowned for its advanced trading features and user-friendly interface. Available on multiple operating systems including Windows, and accessible via web browsers, Android, and iOS devices, MT5 offers exceptional flexibility and convenience to traders.

This platform supports a wide array of trading activities, from basic order execution to complex trading operations involving technical analysis and automated trading systems. MT5 is equipped with over 80 built-in technical indicators and analytical tools, enabling traders to analyze price dynamics in detail. Additionally, it supports algorithmic trading through expert advisors (EAs), enhancing the capability for automated trading strategies.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Finex offers a highly efficient and cost-effective banking process for both deposits and withdrawals, ensuring a seamless financial experience for its clients. The platform supports transactions through major local banks including BCA, CIMB Niaga, Mandiri, and BNI, which are well-known for their reliability and widespread accessibility in the region.

Importantly, Finex does not charge any deposit or withdrawal fees, making it an economical choice for traders. The minimum deposit requirement is set at an accessible $10, allowing traders of all sizes to participate, while the minimum withdrawal amount is extremely low at just $1, providing great flexibility in managing funds.

Deposits are exceptionally swift, with processing times as quick as 1 minute and available 24/7, ensuring that traders can fund their accounts without delays at any time. Furthermore, 80% of withdrawal requests are processed quickly — ranging from 20 minutes to 2 hours — highlighting Finexs commitment to providing prompt access to funds.

Deposit & Withdrawal


Finex provides a range of educational resources to assist traders in enhancing their knowledge and skills. These resources include seminars, webinars, and educational videos.

Seminars and Webinars:

Finex organizes seminars and webinars that cover various trading-related topics. These educational events aim to provide traders with valuable insights and strategies for successful trading. The seminars and webinars cover areas such as market analysis, trading techniques, risk management, and industry updates. Traders can participate in these events to gain a deeper understanding of the markets and improve their trading abilities.

Seminars and Webinars

Educational Videos:

Finex offers a collection of educational videos that serve as tutorials and recordings of past webinars. These videos cover a range of topics relevant to traders. Beginners can find introductory videos that explain the registration process, account verification steps, and basic trading concepts. Professional traders can access videos that delve into advanced topics, including market analysis and specific trading strategies. The videos provide concise and informative content to support traders in their trading journey.

Educational Videos

Customer Support

Finex is dedicated to providing exceptional customer support, ensuring that clients can receive assistance whenever needed through various channels. Finex offers a 24/7 live chat service and a contact form on their website, making it easy for clients to get quick responses to their inquiries at any time.

Additionally, clients can reach out via telephone at +62 21-5010-1569 or communicate through WhatsApp at +62 811-8105-688 for more direct and personal assistance. For those preferring traditional methods, Finex also provides a fax number: +62 21-5010-1046. Email support is available at, offering another reliable option for detailed communications.

The physical office is located in the bustling area of South Jakarta at SOHO Pancoran, Tower Splendor, further anchoring its presence.

Contact info

Moreover, Finex maintains an FAQ page that addresses common queries, enhancing customer education and self-service capabilities. Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are actively managed, providing updates, educational content, and a channel for engagement with the community.

FAQ page


In conclusion, Finex is a regulated financial institution in Indonesia, operating as PT. Finex Bisnis Solusi Futures. It holds a retail forex license and offers trading in various market instruments such as forex, metals, energies, stocks, and indices with competitive trading conditions. The platform supports the popular Metatrader 5 trading platform for both Windows and Android devices. Traders can access market analysis and educational resources. While Finex offers promotions and fast fund deposit and withdrawal processes, it is important to carefully consider the terms and conditions and be aware of the potential limitations and risks associated with trading.


Is Finex a regulated financial institution?

Yes, Finex is regulated by the Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi (BAPPEBTI).

What market instruments can I trade on Finex?

forex, metals, energies, stocks, and indices.

What leverage options are available on Finex?

The leverage is up to 1:500 on forex and metals, 1;200 on indices and energies, and 1:100 on stocks.

What trading platforms does Finex offer?


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