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Artha Finance Capital

United Arab Emirates|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Level 6 Ken Lee Building, 20 Edith Cavell St., Port Louis


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Artha Finance Capital Limited


Artha Finance Capital

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United Arab Emirates

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Artha Finance Capital · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Artha Finance Capital
Registered Country/Area United Arab Emirates
Founded 2023
Regulation Unregulated
Tradable Assets forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, stocks
Leverage up to 1:500
Spread Raw + 2.5 pips (Standard account)
Trading Platform MetaTrader 5 (MT5) - Desktop, Android, iOS
Minimum Deposit $100
Customer Support contact form, email:

What is Artha Finance Capital?

Artha Finance Capital, established in 2023, operates from the United Arab Emirates, offering an array of trading opportunities in the financial markets. Despite being unregulated, it presents an accessible entry point with a minimum deposit requirement of $100, providing leverage of up to 1:500. The platform of choice is MetaTrader 5 (MT5), available across various devices including desktop, Android, and iOS. Its tradable assets span forex, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and stocks, providing a broad spectrum of investment opportunities.

Artha Finance Capitals homepage

Is Artha Finance Capital Legit?

Artha Finance Capital operates without regulation, raising concerns about transparency and oversight. Unregulated exchanges lack crucial oversight and legal protections, heightening the risk of fraud, market manipulation, and security breaches. This absence of regulation poses challenges for users seeking recourse or dispute resolution. Moreover, the lack of oversight contributes to a less transparent trading environment, making it arduous for users to evaluate the exchange's legitimacy and reliability, potentially impacting their trust in the platform.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse range of assets Lack of regulatory oversight
Easy to use MT5 trading platform
Responsive customer support
Various educational resources


Diverse range of assets: Artha Finance Capital offers a wide array of trading assets, enabling users to explore various investment opportunities across different markets. This diversity allows for portfolio diversification and potentially higher trading flexibility.

Easy-to-use trading MT5 platform: The platform provides user-friendly and efficient trading interfaces. These platforms are designed to accommodate both novice and experienced traders, offering a seamless trading experience.

Responsive customer support: The platform offers responsive customer support, providing assistance and guidance to users when needed. This support can help address queries or issues promptly, enhancing the overall user experience.

Various educational resources: Artha Finance Capital provides diverse educational resources, including introductory materials, glossaries, and instructional videos. These resources aim to educate users on trading concepts, strategies, and platform functionalities, aiding in skill development.


Lack of regulatory oversight: The platform operates without regulatory oversight, which may raise concerns about transparency and user protections. Regulatory oversight provides a level of security and assurance for traders, which might be lacking in this scenario.

Account Types

Artha Finance Capital provides a diverse range of account types tailored to meet the needs of different traders, from beginners to seasoned investors.

Account Type Minimum Deposit
Standard $100
Star $500
Premium $1,000
Pro $5,000
Prime $10,000
Elite #1 $1,000
Elite #2 $5,000
Elite #3 $10,000

The account spectrum begins with the Standard account, which requires a minimum deposit of $100, making it accessible for those new to trading. As clients increase their investment and trading experience, they can opt for higher-tier accounts such as the Star and Premium accounts, with minimum deposits of $500 and $1,000 respectively.

For more advanced traders, Artha offers the Pro account at a $5,000 minimum deposit and the Prime account at $10,000. Additionally, Artha Finance Capital features an exclusive series of Elite accounts—Elite #1, Elite #2, and Elite #3—with varying minimum deposits of $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 respectively. Each account tier offers distinct benefits and services designed to enhance trading efficiency and provide more personalized financial opportunities.

Account comparison

Account comparison

How to Open an Account?

To open a trading account with Artha Finance Capital, follow these four simple steps:

Step 1: Register Your Account

Visit the platform's website and proceed to register for your live trading account. Fill in the necessary details and create your account to gain access to the trading platform.

Step 2: Verify Your Account

After registration, you'll need to verify your account by uploading the required documents. This step typically involves providing identification and proof of address to complete the verification process.

Step 3: Fund Your Account

Once your account is verified, log in to your account and proceed to fund it. Choose from the available deposit methods provided by the platform and make your initial deposit to start trading.

Step 4: Trade & Make Money

Upon funding your account, you're ready to start trading. Access the platform's array of more than 250 instruments and begin executing trades based on your trading strategy and market analysis. Engage in the markets and aim to grow your investments.

How to Open an Account?


Artha Finance Capital offers a flexible range of leverage options across its various account types, designed to cater to the risk tolerance and trading strategies of diverse investors.

Account Type Max. Leverage
Standard 1:500
Pro 1:200
Prime 1:100
Elite #1 1:500
Elite #2 1:200
Elite #3 1:100

For those preferring higher leverage to maximize their trading potential, the Standard, Star, Premium, and Elite #1 accounts provide up to 1:500 leverage. This high level of leverage allows traders to increase their exposure in the market with a relatively small amount of actual capital.

On the other hand, more conservative leverage options are available with the Pro and Elite #2 accounts, which offer up to 1:200 leverage, balancing higher investment capacity with moderated risk. For clients seeking even lower risk exposure, the Prime and Elite #3 accounts offer a leverage of 1:100, providing a safer investment environment by limiting potential losses relative to their investment.

Spreads & Commissions

Artha Finance Capital offers a range of account types tailored to diverse trading needs.

Account Type Spreads Commissions
Standard Raw + 2.5 pips No
Star Raw + 2.0 pips
Premium Raw + 1.5 pips
Pro Raw + 1.0 pips
Prime Raw + 0.7 pips
Elite #1 Raw 15/lot
Elite #2 10/lot
Elite #3 7/lot

The Standard, Star, Premium, and Pro Accounts feature nil commissions and varied spreads, spanning from 2.5 pips down to 1.0 pip for the Pro Account, enabling traders to choose based on their preferences.

The Prime Account stands out with zero commissions and spreads starting at 0.7 pips, providing a more refined trading experience. Moreover, the Elite Accounts, including Elite #1, Elite #2, and Elite #3, introduce commission structures ranging from $7 to $15 per lot.

These accounts operate on a RAW Spread basis, offering distinct options for traders seeking tailored solutions.

Trading Platform

Artha Finance Capital provides traders with access to the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, available across multiple devices and operating systems. The platform offers versatility and a comprehensive set of features tailored for efficient market analysis and trade execution.

MT5 Desktop:

  • The MT5 Desktop platform offered by Artha Finance Capital is a robust tool designed for desktop use, enabling traders to execute trades, analyze markets, and access a full suite of trading tools and indicators.

  • It empowers users with a wide range of functionalities, including charting tools, technical indicators, and the ability to execute various trade orders.

MT5 Android:

  • The MT5 Android platform extends trading capabilities to mobile devices, providing traders with the flexibility to monitor markets and execute trades on-the-go.

  • It supports a full set of trade orders, including pending and stop-orders, enabling traders to manage their positions efficiently from their Android devices.

MT5 iOS:

  • Similarly, the MT5 iOS platform offers a user-friendly interface for Apple device users, allowing direct connectivity to brokers' servers and access to trading functionalities.

  • This application facilitates seamless trading experiences, providing access to market analysis tools and trade execution options.

Trading Platform

Trading Tools

Artha Finance Capital equips its clients with a suite of sophisticated trading tools designed to enhance their trading experience and improve decision-making.

One of the key features is the economic calendar, which provides traders with timely and critical economic indicators from around the world, helping them anticipate market movements and plan their trades accordingly. Additionally, Artha Finance Capital offers a variety of detailed charts that allow traders to visualize market trends and analyze historical data across different time frames. These charts are essential for conducting technical analysis and developing effective trading strategies.

Moreover, the calculators offered by Artha Finance Capital are invaluable for traders needing to quickly assess potential profits, losses, and risks associated with their trades. These tools calculate margins, pip values, and currency conversions, among other metrics, facilitating precise and informed trading operations.

Trading Tools


Artha Finance Capital offers a range of educational resources to assist traders in navigating the financial markets. These resources include an introductory guide to forex trading, providing essential insights and foundational knowledge for beginners.

Additionally, the platform provides a comprehensive glossary, aiding users in understanding industry-specific terms and concepts crucial for effective trading. Furthermore, users can access instructional videos that offer visual learning experiences, allowing for a deeper understanding of trading strategies, market analysis techniques, and platform functionalities.


Customer Support

Clients can reach out through the contact form available on their website for any inquiries or support issues. Additionally, direct communication is facilitated via email at for a more personalized response.

Artha Finance Capital maintains a corporate presence at Level 6 Ken Lee Building, 20 Edith Cavell St., Port Louis, and an operational address at 301- Building 316-476, Al Raffa, Khalid Bin Al Walid Road in Dubai, UAE, highlighting its global footprint and accessibility.

Furthermore, the company actively engages with its client base and the public through various social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Contact info


Artha Finance Capital presents a diverse array of assets and user-friendly MT5 platforms, fostering a conducive environment for traders seeking flexibility and efficiency. Responsive customer support and various educational resources further enhance the user experience. However, the absence of regulatory oversight might pose concerns regarding transparency and user protections.


Is Artha Finance Capital regulated?


What are the minimum deposit requirements at Artha Finance Capital?

The minimum deposit varies based on the account type, ranging from $100 to higher amounts for different accounts.

What trading platforms does Artha Finance Capital offer?

MT5 platform for desktop, Android, and iOS devices.

Does Artha Finance Capital provide educational resources?

Yes, Artha Finance Capital offers educational resources such as an introduction to forex, glossary, and video tutorials to aid users' understanding of trading.

Are there any regional restrictions?

Yes. Artha Finance Capital does not provide services for citizens/residents of the European Union, UK, Australia, Canada, United States, Cuba, Iraq, Myanmar, North Korea, and Sudan.

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