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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


China|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-06-16
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 11 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Tradingweb · WikiFX Survey

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Pyramid scheme complaint


The netizen I met on ig wanted to lead me to invest in gold and asked me to add customer service. He also made me a lot of money, but when I applied for a small amount of money, there was a liquidated position. When I searched online, I found out that I was deceived. The customer service also asked me to cover my position, otherwise there would be legal responsibilities and legal leaflets.

2023-08-29 21:00
Unable to Withdraw

got taken by this app and the scammers behind it

I wish i knew about this website. I got taken for 200000USD. they played it very well with branding inside the app to look like authentic to a real company called bc group. they tried to make it all seem legit as possible.. Got taken by a teacher/trading expert. my handler and the love interest. they worked me for 5 months before they got me into their scam. the girl helping me pay through crypto her name was tine . The trading expert Teacher david posing as the chief financial officer Davin Wu of bc group. and Winnie the love interest. I suggest everyone out there when suspecting a scam do a reverse image search. Honk Kong police inforrmed . fbi and Toronto police informed.  I was able to find one picture of winnie in a chinese social media. the last picture i forced her to send this to me as proof. ans have messaged the social media and honk kong police to trace this. the love interest own or manages a beauty salon. and on the social media platfrom shes talking about cosmetics,facial etc. Tina is the other with the flags. If anyone recognizes any of these women please let me know.

2023-02-16 16:41
Unable to Withdraw

scammer report

The lady named ‘Kelly’ approached to me via SNS. I have been induced to try using Tradingweb. She was just behaving natural, but all of sudden she started talking about her Uncle working for trading for more than 30 years and explained me how much profit did she get from his advice. At first she induced me to use shimulation mode. I invested a lot and asset had increased rapidly. But except for the first request, I could not withdraw any asset. Customer service alwasy asked me additional payment with unreasonable reasons. But even after the payment is finished, they made another reason for next deposit or expense. They never disclose any evidence for payment. This lady made me angry and become a bad temper, saying she could not believe me any more.

2023-02-06 21:43

Tradingweb fraud

same as the previous case, the name is gu jiaxin from hong kong. he asked for warmth and called him baby directly. at the beginning, he used the statement to lure you, saying that he hoped to make money with me, and planned a bright future. he taught you how to open an account in binance, max , Tradingweb on the trading platform, first make a small deposit, and then place an order with you. after making a profit, you also say that you plan the market very accurately, and the index fluctuates not every day, but you can make such a profit after doing enough homework and calculating the data. in this way, i made a deposit of 13,000 us dollars plus a profit account of 17,000 us dollars. the other party said that he helped me plan an operation of 30,000 us dollars. i told him that i only had so much, and he took the initiative to help me deposit to 30,000. us dollars, the next day the total amount of profitable funds reached 38,000 us dollars, i want to withdraw money, he told me not to withdraw money, asked me if i received an email with a bonus event, and asked me to make an appointment with the customer service for deposit bonus activity 2, i do not doubt that he made an appointment with the customer service, and the bonus was credited into the account immediately after 5 minutes. at the same time, he told me that i could not withdraw or trade before the completion of the activity task on 4/28. he urged me to deposit money every day, and it was delayed by one day. i will be deducted 5% of the fee, so i fell into this trap, i told him that there was nothing i could do, and he actually asked me to borrow money for the loan, and he would help me make up for the shortfall. a total of 23,000 us dollars was deposited. what's even worse is that the customer service said that the profit cannot be regarded as part of the deposit. at this time, he kindly said that he could help me with 56,000 us dollars. show him the link, in order to win my trust, he also took the initiative to deposit 48,000 us dollars, and finally told me that it is less than 8,000 us dollars, so i have to find a way? i knew i was cheated, so i asked him to figure it out, and all kinds of curses followed, saying that i tricked him... 5/2 started to deduct 4,800 us dollars a day, and after two days i went to customer service. this is a scam the trick is, after about an hour, i went to see that the account balance had all returned to zero, and the link to the customer service could not be linked. i decided to break the news because i didn’t want anyone to be cheated. the trading platform was also updated, and the original account could not be logged in. the other party's ig also changed their account, changed their photos and blocked me!

2023-05-05 01:53

    Tradingweb · Company Summary

    Risk Warning

    Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

    General Information

    Tradingweb Review Summary in 10 Points
    Founded 2023
    Registered Country/Region China
    Regulation No license
    Market Instruments N/A
    Demo Account N/A
    Leverage N/A
    EUR/USD Spread N/A
    Trading Platforms N/A
    Minimum deposit N/A
    Customer Support email

    What is Tradingweb?

    Tradingweb appears to be a potential scam broker that claims to be based in China and offers online trading services without any regulatory license. However, the website provides no information on market instruments, trading conditions, or any other essential features of their services, which raises significant red flags about the legitimacy and transparency of the broker.

    Tradingweb's home page

    In the following article, we will analyze the characteristics of this broker from various aspects, providing you with simple and organized information. If you are interested, please read on. At the end of the article, we will also briefly make a conclusion so that you can understand the broker's characteristics at a glance.

    Pros & Cons

    Unfortunately, based on the limited information available about Tradingweb, there are significant concerns regarding the legitimacy and transparency of this broker. With no regulatory license, no clear information on the website about trading conditions or financial instruments, and reports of withdrawal issues, it is advisable to exercise caution and avoid investing with Tradingweb. The lack of any meaningful customer support channels further compounds these concerns. Overall, investors should consider these factors carefully before entrusting their funds to Tradingweb.

    Pros & Cons
    Pros Cons
    N/A • No valid regulatory license
    • Many reports of unable to withdraw
    • One-page website
    • Lack of transparency
    • Only email support

    Tradingweb Alternative Brokers

      There are many alternative brokers to Tradingweb depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

      • CMC Markets - a highly regulated broker with a long-standing reputation and a wide range of trading instruments, making it a good choice for experienced traders looking for a comprehensive trading platform.

      • LiteForex - a reliable and trustworthy broker with a user-friendly platform and competitive spreads, making it a good choice for beginner traders.

      • XTB - a well-regulated broker with a good range of trading instruments and a user-friendly platform, making it a good choice for both beginner and experienced traders.

    Ultimately, the best broker for an individual trader will depend on their specific trading style, preferences, and needs.

    Is Tradingweb Safe or Scam?

    Tradingweb is one more potential scam broker who claims to be situated in China, but with no regulatory license. The website is just one-page, and there is no information shared about market instruments, accounts, leverage, spreads & commissions, trading platforms, and deposits&withdrawals, etc. This shows that the broker is not transparent at all and is a warning sign for investors. It is important to exercise caution when investing with any broker, and to thoroughly research and verify the credentials and regulatory status of the broker before depositing any funds.

    Customer Service

    As Tradingweb only accepts email support, it may not be the best option for clients who prefer quick and immediate assistance. It may take some time for clients to receive a response to their queries and concerns, and there is no option for live chat or phone support. This lack of customer support options can be a red flag for investors who want to have a reliable and efficient communication channel with their broker.

    Pros Cons
    N/A • Only email support
    • No 24/7 support
    • No live chat or phone support
    • No social networks support

    Note: These pros and cons are subjective and may vary depending on the individual's experience with Tradingweb's customer service.

    User Exposure on WikiFX

    It is important to exercise caution when investing with any broker, and this includes Tradingweb. It is concerning to see reports of unable to withdraw. Please be aware and exercise caution when investing. You can check our platform for information before trading. If you find such fraudulent brokers or have been a victim of one, please let us know in the Exposure section, we would appreciate it and our team of experts will do everything possible to solve the problem for you.

    User Exposure on WikiFX


    All things considered, Tradingweb is a potential scam broker with a lack of transparency and regulation. The website is minimalistic, and no information is shared about trading instruments, accounts, leverage, spreads, commissions, trading platforms, and deposits & withdrawals. The broker only accepts email support, and there are reports of unable to withdraw funds. Therefore, it is crucial to exercise caution when investing with Tradingweb, and we do not recommend it.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q 1: Is Tradingweb regulated?
    A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation.
    Q 2: Is Tradingweb a good broker for beginners?
    A 2: No. It is not a good choice for beginners. Not only because of its unregulated condition, but also because of its lack of transparency.


    A pretty girl lured the trader to invest in Tradingweb, what happened next?

    ExposureA pretty girl lured the trader to invest in Tradingweb, what happened next?

    2023-02-09 16:53

    Tradingweb is a newly established online forex broker. Recently, one investor told WikiFX that this broker is a scam, taking his funds fraudulently. The reason why he invested in this broker started with a hot woman……In this article, we will expose how Tradingweb scammed the investor’s money based on the evidence gathered by WikiFX.

    2023-02-09 16:53
    A pretty girl lured the trader to invest in Tradingweb, what happened next?

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    L Nguyen
    more than one year
    I was scammed by this platform with large amount of money and fell into a miserable life.
    2023-05-17 12:21
    more than one year
    I advise everyone not to subscribe to this platform because it is a scam. The fraud method starts with a girl who communicates with you on any social networking program and tries in a professional way to persuade you to enter the platform and invest in it. Thank God, I had doubts about its lack of credibility until I discovered WiliFX and the truth was revealed.
    2023-04-11 14:51
    more than one year
    After working with several other firms, I decided to give this broker a shot.Creating an account, confirming my identity, and making a deposit are all simple and straightforward experiences. It's hard to find fault with the site. That I went with this broker is a happy coincidence.
    2023-03-20 17:06
    more than one year
    I want to give people some advice out there. Trading web is dangerous to trade with. Trading system is way too simple and it cannot be used at all. Customer care is not easy to reach. Everything sucks!
    2023-03-07 12:23


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