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Mether World

Estonia|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+372 462 6285
Kiire tee 10, Suurupi, 76907 Harju, Estonia


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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+372 462 6285

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Mether World


Mether World

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Mether World · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

General Information & Regulation

Feature Detail
Registered Country/Region Estonia
Found 2020
Regulation unregulated
Market Instrument Forex, cryptocurrencies
Package Plan Bronze, Silver Starter, Silver Standard, Silver Platinum, Gold Exclusive, Gold Pearl, Gold Premium, Gold Ultimate, Platinum Master, Platinum Master Pro, and Platinum Infinity
Demo Account N/A
Maximum Leverage N/A
Spread N/A
Commission N/A
Trading Platform N/A
Minimum Deposit $30
Deposit & Withdrawal Method N/A

Founded in 2020, Mether World is a broker operating in cryptocurrency trading, with its official website located at The broker is registered in Estonia, which is known for its favorable environment for cryptocurrency-related businesses.

Since Mether World specializes in cryptocurrency trading, it likely offers a range of digital assets for trading, including popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others. Traders may have the opportunity to trade these cryptocurrencies against fiat currencies or other digital assets.

Mether World may provide a user-friendly trading platform designed specifically for cryptocurrency trading. The platform may offer advanced charting tools, real-time market data, and order execution functionalities to facilitate smooth trading experiences. Traders may be able to access the platform through their web browser or through dedicated mobile applications.

When it comes to customer support, Mether World may offer various contact channels, such as email or live chat, to assist traders with their inquiries or concerns. It's important to check the broker's website or contact their support directly for specific details about their customer support availability and response times.

It has come to our attention that there are individuals and reports suggesting that Mether World, the broker operating in cryptocurrency trading, may have a tarnished reputation, with allegations and claims circulating that it operates as a Ponzi scheme. These concerns have raised doubts and skepticism among certain individuals within the trading community, highlighting the importance of thorough research and due diligence when considering engaging with the broker.

home page

Is Mether World legit or a scam?

Mether World is not regulated. As a broker operating in the cryptocurrency trading space, it is important to note that cryptocurrency trading platforms are often not subject to the same regulatory oversight as traditional financial institutions. This means that Mether World may not be bound by the strict regulations and compliance requirements that govern traditional brokers. As a result, investors should exercise caution and carefully evaluate the risks associated with trading on unregulated platforms. It is recommended to thoroughly research and consider the regulatory status and reputation of a broker before engaging in any financial transactions.


Pros and Cons

Mether World is a cryptocurrency trading broker with several notable concerns. Firstly, there are no significant pros or advantages associated with the platform. On the downside, the broker lacks regulatory oversight, which raises questions about the safety and reliability of the services provided. The website also lacks transparency, with limited information available about the company and its operations. Additionally, customer support options are limited, potentially causing difficulties in resolving issues or receiving timely assistance. There have been instances where the website was unavailable, which could disrupt trading activities. Lastly, Mether World has a bad reputation associated with being a Ponzi scheme, further diminishing its credibility and trustworthiness.

Pros Cons
None Lack of regulatory oversight
Website information not transparent
Limited customer support options
Website not available
Bad reputation of Ponzi Scheme

Market Instruments

Mether World advertises that it mainly offers forex and cryptocurrency trading.

Package Plan

Mether World invests funds on the promise of advertised returns:

Bronze Package – invest $30 and receive nothing

Silver Starter Package – invest $90 and receive $3 a week for up to 90 weeks

Silver Standard Package – invest $270 and receive $6 a week for up to 100 weeks

Silver Platinum Package – invest $450 and receive $10 a week for up to 100 weeks

Gold Exclusive Package – invest $900 and receive $25 a week for up to 100 weeks

Gold Pearl Package – invest $1800, ROI not disclosed

Gold Premium Package – invest $2700 and receive $60 a week for up to 100 weeks

Gold Ultimate Package – invest $5400 and receive $110 a week for up to 100 weeks

Platinum Professional Package – invest $10,800 and receive $225 a week for up to 100 weeks

Platinum Master Package – invest $27,000 and receive $600 a week for up to 100 weeks

Platinum Master Pro Package – invest $54,000 and receive $1200 a week for up to 100 weeks

Platinum Infinity Package – invest $100,000 and receive $2500 a week for up to 100 weeks

Customer Support

You can contact Mether World in the following ways: Telephone: +372 462 6285, Email:, or you can also follow this broker on Facebook and Instagram. Company address: Kiire tee 10, Suurupi, 76907 Harju, Estonia.

Mether World offers customer support through telephone and email. Traders can reach the broker's support team by dialing the provided telephone number, +372 462 6285. While the official website of Mether World is currently inaccessible, the availability of telephone and email support ensures that traders can still reach out to the broker for assistance. It is important to note that responsiveness and the quality of customer support can vary, and it is advisable to provide clear and concise information when contacting them to facilitate efficient communication and problem resolution.


Educational Resources

With Mether World's Mether Academy, the broker provides a wealth of educational resources designed to cater to traders of all skill levels. The Mether Academy is a learning platform that offers a diverse range of educational materials, including video tutorials, interactive courses, webinars, e-books, and trading guides. These resources cover various aspects of forex trading, from the basics of the foreign exchange market to advanced trading strategies.


Mether World is a cryptocurrency-focused broker that solely supports cryptocurrency trading. However, it is important to note that this broker has gained a negative reputation in the industry. This reputation could be attributed to various factors, such as poor customer service, withdrawal issues, or questionable business practices.

Considering the bad reputation associated with Mether World, it is advisable for traders to exercise caution when dealing with this broker. It is crucial to thoroughly research and evaluate the broker's credibility, regulation, and customer feedback before engaging in any trading activities. Additionally, exploring alternative brokers with a more positive reputation and track record in the industry might be a prudent choice for traders seeking a reliable and trustworthy trading experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Mether World regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that Mether World currently has no valid regulation.
Q 2: What is the minimum deposit for Mether World
A 2: The minimum initial deposit with Mether World is $30.
Q 3: Is Mether World a good broker for beginners?
A 3: No. Mether World is not a good choice for beginners. Not only because of its unregulated condition, but also because of its lack of transparency.


Is Metherworld  Reliable?

ExposureIs Metherworld Reliable?

2024-07-15 17:40

Mether World, established in 2020, is an online platform for FX and cryptocurrency trading. However, trade on this platform is done using its currency, Metherworld coin or m coin, which is comparable to Bitcoin. Mcoin is the currency used to trade on the MetherWorld platform. If you have a MetherWorld account, you may also trade mcoin.

2024-07-15 17:40
Is Metherworld  Reliable?
Metherworld and Mcoin | Is Metherworld the future?

ExposureMetherworld and Mcoin | Is Metherworld the future?

2023-03-31 17:08

Recently, the YouTube account "MCoin Official" released a video about how powerful the M Coin is. As we know so far, M coin is the cryptocurrency created by Metherworld. Metherworld even creates the slogan "Metherworld is the future". We can't help but wonder: is Metherworld really the future it claims to be?

2023-03-31 17:08
Metherworld and Mcoin | Is Metherworld the future?

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