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The Seychelles Financial Services Authority

Year 2013Regulated by Government

The Seychelles Financial Services Authority(FSA) is an autonomous regulatory body responsible for the non-bank financial services in Seychelles. Established under the Financial Services Authority Act, 2013, FSA is responsible for permitting and regulating licenses, enforcing regulatory and compliance requirements, monitoring and supervizing the conduct of business in the non-bank financial services sector in Seychelles. The regulated activities include fiduciary services, capital market & collective investment schemes, insurance, gambling. FSA is also responsible for the registration of international business companies, foundations, limited partnership and international trust in Seychelles.

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  • Disclosure matching Website matching
  • Disclosure time 2022-08-11
  • Reason for punishment his notice is issued by the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (“FSA”) drawing attention to the aforementioned website and the fact that same does not relate to any entity licensed or regulated by the FSA in any capacity, as Pearl Capital Markets Ltd’s Securities Dealer License (SD011) has been revoked by the Authority since February 12th, 2018.
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Unauthorized use of websites (the “unlawful website”) -

Regulatory Updates Unauthorized use of websites (the “unlawful website”) - This notice is issued by the Financial Services Authority of Seychelles (“FSA”) drawing attention to the aforementioned website and the fact that same does not relate to any entity licensed or regulated by the FSA in any capacity, as Pearl Capital Markets Ltd’s Securities Dealer License (SD011) has been revoked by the Authority since February 12th, 2018. The FSA Seychelles hereby urges investors and members of the public to exercise due caution should they enter in a business relationship with the said entity. The Authority also advises members of the public that it shall not bear responsibility should persons continue or maintain client relationships, or use services provided by the aforementioned website. 11 August 2022
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