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Financial Services Agency

Year 2000Regulated by Government

The Financial Services Agency (FSA) oversees all financial services providers, including Forex brokers, in Japan. The ultimate aim of Japan's FSA is to maintain the country’s financial system and ensure its stability. It is also responsible for protecting security investors, insurance policyholders, and depositors. It achieves its aims in a number of different ways including planning and policy making, supervising financial services providers, overseeing securities transactions, and inspecting financial institutions in the private sector. When the FSA was first created it was merely an administrative body. However, its responsibilities were widened in 2001 when it became the external representative of the Cabinet Office of Japan. It took over the responsibilities of the Financial Reconstruction Committee, and also took over responsibility for failed financial institutions.Today, the FSA Japan is held accountable to the Japanese Minister of Finance and enjoys a wide scope of responsibility.

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  • Disclosure matching Supervision number matching
  • Disclosure time 2017-12-19
  • Reason for punishment problem recognized
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Administrative action against Iwai Cosmo Securities Co., Ltd.

December 19, 2017 Financial Services Agency Iwai Cosmo Regarding administrative actions against joint-stock companies Iwai Cosmo (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Osaka, corporate number 5120001077418), the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission recommended administrative dispositions as a result of an inspection that found problems. The director has taken administrative action against the company (for details, please refer to the Kinki Local Finance Bureau website). * " Iwai Cosmo Regarding administrative actions against joint stock companies” (Kinki Local Finance Bureau website)
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