WikiFX, as an independent third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing users with comprehensive and objective broker regulatory information services. WikiFX does not directly engage in any forex trading activities, nor does it offer any form of trading channel recommendations or investment advice. The ratings and evaluations of brokers by WikiFX are based on publicly available objective information and take into account the regulatory policy differences of various countries and regions. Broker ratings and evaluations are the core products of WikiFX, and we firmly oppose any commercial practices that may compromise their objectivity and fairness. We welcome supervision and suggestions from users worldwide. To report any concerns, please contact us:
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Hong Kong|2-5 years|
Suspicious Regulatory License|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


Rating Index

802, 8 / F, Garda Global Centre, 6 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

Warning: Low score, please stay away!
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

Basic Information

Registered region
Hong Kong
Operating period
2-5 years
Company Name
Yum Group Global Ltd
Company website
Company address
802, 8 / F, Garda Global Centre, 6 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong



Even though I put in a deposit to withdraw money, I can't withdraw money at any time because I was urged to make a large amount of money. Every time I try to withdraw, I am prompted to pay a large amount of money and it is not transferred at all. Only the balance of overseas trading accounts will increase.





I am a victim to tell my story with painful experience. The previous name of this fraud platform is ZORO Global Limited and it changes to Yum Group Global Ltd today on Dec. 28th, 2021. Former website: do not have contac information and the customer will log in same page) changes to do not have contac information and the customer will log in same page). They are same fraud platform website after connected. Please tell everyone to be careful. Do not join this fraud platform. It is unable to withdraw. I strongly suspect that they are real scamming group that involving money laundering and scam people all over the world. With such news released today, I guess this fraud platform will change to another name very soon. An unconscionable fraud. Of course, the fraud platform wont let you find anybody. They make you helpless and wont withdraw for you. I am a victim and hope that there is no more victims. Please take a look on the exposure of ZORO Global Limited.





YUM Group Global Limited offers a decent range of trading assets, and the MetaTrader 4 platform makes trading smooth. The variety in financial instruments provides options for different trading strategies.





Don't fall for the lies of this scam brokerage, they are dubious scammers posing as professional brokers. The company is unlicensed and unfit to manage the investments of anyone.




United States

Omg, I saw someone say that this platform is a liar, it used to be called zoro, and now it's called yum... is this true? It's terrible, I dare not invest here. Where should I invest?



Company Summary

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Company Summary

Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year 2-5 years
Company Name YUM Group Global Limited
Regulation No valid regulatory information
Minimum Deposit Undisclosed
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads 2.2 pips for EUR/USD
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4
Tradable Assets Over 100 financial assets (specifics not mentioned)
Account Types Standard Account
Demo Account Not mentioned
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Not mentioned

General Information

YUM Group Global Limited is an online forex broker registered in the United State, allegedlly offering its clients access to a massive financial markets including foreign exchange, commodities, stocks, and the leading MT4 trading platform, 24 x 7 customer support.

YUM is a broker that currently lacks valid regulation, which raises potential risks for investors.

YUM offers a variety of market instruments for trading, although specific details about the trading assets are not provided. The broker claims to have over 100 tradable financial assets available, but due to the lack of transparency, it is advisable to approach these claims with skepticism.

The broker provides a Standard Account option to clients, with undisclosed minimum deposit requirements. The maximum leverage offered by YUM is 1:500. It is important to note that the lack of regulation and transparency regarding account details may pose additional risks to traders.

YUM utilizes the MetaTrader 4 trading platform, known for its functionality and user-friendly interface. However, there have been reports suggesting fraudulent activities associated with YUM, indicating a potential scam. It is crucial to conduct thorough research and consider alternative brokers with better reputations and stronger regulatory oversight.

Customer support is available through the email address However, based on reviews and complaints, it is advisable to approach YUM with caution, as there have been reports of difficulties in fund withdrawals and instances of scam activities.

In conclusion, YUM is a broker that lacks valid regulation, has received numerous complaints, and has been associated with fraudulent activities. Investors should exercise extreme caution and consider alternative brokers with stronger regulatory oversight and positive customer reviews.


Is YUM Legit?

YUM, the broker in question, lacks valid regulation at present, according to verification. It is important to note that this absence of regulation poses potential risks. Furthermore, WikiFX has received a total of 7 complaints regarding this broker over the past 3 months. It is advisable to exercise caution and be aware of the potential risks and the possibility of involvement in a scam due to the lack of valid regulatory information.


Pros and Cons

YUM, the broker in question, lacks valid regulation at present, posing potential risks to traders. WikiFX has received a total of 7 complaints regarding this broker, indicating a possibility of involvement in a scam. YUM provides a diverse range of market instruments for trading, although specific assets are not mentioned. The broker offers a Standard Account option with undisclosed minimum deposit requirements and a maximum leverage limit of 1:500. YUM's trading platform is MetaTrader 4, known for its functionality and user-friendly interface. However, there have been reports suggesting YUM's involvement in fraudulent activities. Customer support is available through the provided email address. Reviews on WikiFX raise concerns about account deletion, fraudulent platforms, difficulty in withdrawing funds, and misleading trading practices. It is crucial to approach YUM with caution and consider alternative brokers with stronger regulation and positive customer reviews to minimize the risk of encountering scams or fraudulent activities.

Pros Cons
Offers a diverse range of market instruments Lacks valid regulation, posing potential risks
Provides a Standard Account option Undisclosed minimum deposit requirements
Maximum leverage limit of 1:500 Reports of involvement in fraudulent activities
Utilizes the widely recognized MetaTrader 4 platform Complaints about account deletion and fraudulent platforms
Customer support available through email Difficulty in withdrawing funds
Misleading trading practices reported

Market Instruments

YUM provides a diverse range of market instruments for trading purposes. Although the specific trading assets are not mentioned, it is stated that there are over 100 tradable financial assets available.

Pros Cons
Over 100 tradable financial assets available Specific trading assets not mentioned
Lack of transparency regarding asset selection

Account Types

YUM provides a Standard Account option to its clients, with the specific minimum deposit requirement undisclosed. In terms of leverage, the broker has set a maximum limit of 1:500.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Offers a Standard Account option Specific minimum deposit requirement undisclosed
Maximum leverage limit of 1:500


The maximum trading leverage offered by YUM Group Global Limited is up to 1:100, an average leverage level. Some people may think that this amount is too conservative. However, since leverage can magnify your profits, but it can also cause to fund losses, especially to inexperienced traders. Therefore, it is essential for traders to choose the proper amount based on their risk tolerance.

Spreads & Commissions

YUM offers variable spreads for trading. Specifically, the platform provides a spread of 2.2 pips for the EUR/USD currency pair.

Trading Platform Available

YUM Group Global Limited offers its clients access to the worlds most popular trading platform-MetaTrader 4, featuring multiple technical indicator, which enables traders to operate trading bots such as EA, study financial markets. Dino MT4 can be accessed from any devices for you to trade anywhere, any time.


Deposit & Withdrawal

YUM does not provide specific details regarding minimum deposit requirements or accepted funding methods. Unfortunately, we were unable to test their deposit system due to the lack of ID numbers and Invitation Code at our disposal. For a trusted payment system, it is advisable to explore high-rated brokers that support Skrill, Neteller, FasaPay, Sofort, and Bitcoin. These brokers are adequately regulated and offer greater security, minimizing the risk of encountering scammers.

Customer Support

A broker's ability to provide excellent customer service cannot be understated. As for the contact information, YUM Group Global Limited says it offers 24 x 7 multilingual customer care to allow its clients have quick access to its customer service. Email address:


Trading Platforms

YUM offers the MetaTrader 4 trading platform, which is widely recognized as one of the prominent platforms available in the market. MetaTrader 4 is known for its functionality and user-friendly interface, providing traders with a range of tools and features for executing trades and analyzing the financial markets. Despite the platform's reputation, it is important to note that there have been reports suggesting YUM's involvement in fraudulent activities, indicating a potential scam. It is crucial for individuals to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with this broker's trading platforms or services.

Pros Cons
Utilizes MetaTrader 4, a widely recognized platform Reports suggest involvement in fraudulent activities
Offers functionality and a user-friendly interface Potential risk of scams
Provides tools and features for executing trades and market analysis Caution and thorough research required

Customer Support

YUM provides customer support through the email address This email address serves as a means for customers to reach out to the company for assistance and inquiries.


According to the reviews on WikiFX, there have been a total of 7 exposures related to YUM. One review describes a situation where the user's account with ZORO Global Limited was deleted and replaced by a new fraudulent platform called Yum Group Global Ltd. The user mentions being induced to pay a handling fee before being able to withdraw funds. Another review raises concerns about severe slippage and manipulation by the scam group behind ZORO Global. It suggests that the judiciary has been unable to catch these scammers. Another complaint accuses ZORO Global Limited of using the US MSB regulatory unit to deceive victims and engage in fraudulent activities, questioning the effectiveness of the regulation. Additional reviews express difficulties in withdrawing funds and describe instances of scam activities and misleading trading practices. It is important to approach YUM with caution based on these reported experiences.



In conclusion, YUM, the broker under review, lacks valid regulation and has received multiple complaints, indicating potential risks and the possibility of involvement in a scam. Although YUM provides a diverse range of market instruments and utilizes the widely recognized MetaTrader 4 trading platform, there have been reports suggesting fraudulent activities associated with the broker. Specific details regarding accounts, leverage, deposit requirements, and accepted funding methods are not provided, making it difficult to assess the transparency and reliability of their services. Customer support is available through email, but the overall user reviews raise concerns about difficulties in withdrawing funds and instances of misleading trading practices. Given these factors, it is advisable to exercise caution and consider alternative brokers with stronger regulatory oversight and positive customer feedback.


Q: Is YUM a regulated broker?

A: No, YUM lacks valid regulation, posing potential risks.

Q: How many complaints has WikiFX received about YUM?

A: WikiFX has received 7 complaints about YUM in the past 3 months.

Q: What market instruments does YUM offer?

A: YUM provides over 100 tradable financial assets, although specific details are not mentioned.

Q: What type of account does YUM offer?

A: YUM offers a Standard Account option with an undisclosed minimum deposit requirement.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by YUM?

A: YUM has set a maximum leverage limit of 1:500.

Q: What are the spreads offered by YUM?

A: YUM offers variable spreads, with a specific spread of 2.2 pips for the EUR/USD currency pair.

Q: What trading platform does YUM provide?

A: YUM offers the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform.

Q: How can I contact YUM's customer support?

A: You can reach YUM's customer support through the email address

Q: Are there any reviews or complaints about YUM?

A: Yes, there have been 7 exposures reported about YUM, including instances of fraudulent activities, difficulties in fund withdrawals, and misleading trading practices. Exercise caution when dealing with YUM based on these reported experiences.


  • 2-5 years
  • Suspicious Regulatory License
  • Suspicious Scope of Business
  • High potential risk

Review 5

All(5) Latest Neutral(3) Exposure(2)
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