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2024-02-23 00:34 Released in  Taiwan Taiwan

Taxes had to be paid for various reasons, funds could not be withdrawn, and the service (exchange) was finally closed.

1. The exchange name is SBI and is registered in China and Japan. When I traded in November 2023 on the website I could not withdraw. Later I found that there were three other URLs on the platform that were the same. I can log in to,, or with the same account and password. The notification emails are all from (the mailbox SBI sent me is the same). But in February 2024, All websites and apps were closed unexpectedly. Currently, it is no longer possible to log in. On February 22, a letter was sent to stop the service. 2. On 2023/11/3 and 2023/11/4, I deposited 1,000 USDT and 1,100 USDT respectively. I didn’t know how to operate and lost money. So on November 27, 2023, I deposited 11,696 USDT and 20,000 USDT respectively (I borrowed money from a friend to deposit) and earned 78,161.40 USDT. Then I wanted to withdraw 16,000 USDT. The nightmare began, they required me to pay taxes for various reasons (1) SBI requires The real-name certification of the account and a legal citizen of Taiwan must pay a 5% deposit of the account balance to verify the operation! Margin: 3908.07USDT. As a result, I deposited 3999 USDT, but the number was different from it, so I paid another 3908.07USDT. (2) The total cross-border deposit of 20,000USDT has not yet paid the customs duty. Your current account is temporarily restricted from withdrawal. Please make the additional payment and your account will be updated. It can return to normal, the official tax rate is 17.6%, and the amount of back-tax payment is: 3520 USDT. At this time, my account reached 89588.47 USDT (the exchange will credit the first three payments into the account) (3) According to Taiwan Mainland July. 1st “Preventing Money Laundering and Combating Terrorism Financing for Virtual Currency Platforms and Trading Business Enterprises” formulated by the Financial Supervisory Commission, your current account is classified into a high-risk account category. SBI officials will no longer provide services for this account, and you are required to pay 6% of the account balance as a fee for canceling. The amount of the notarized deposit is 5375.2482USDT (4) Several TRX handling fees are transferred from mainland funds. To avoid the money laundering risk of mainland users, SBI officials carry out risk control and require Taiwanese legal citizens to pay a 3% deposit of the account balance. Carry out verification operation! Guaranteed amount: 2687.3241USDT (5) The withdrawal address has been filed for you. To avoid the risk of money laundering for users, SBI officials have detected that your account has a low overall score and require you to pay 4% of your account balance as the filing address. The number of registered funds was 3583.4988USDT. (3)-(5) were not credited to my account, so the exchange withheld (6) cross-border deposits, totaling 20,000 USDT. Profit accounted for cross-border funds. Total recharge amount: 45.1528 % Recently, it has been discovered that a large number of people are laundering money, and the source of the funds is unknown. The International Financial Supervisory Commission will implement new regulations from February 1, 2023. Currently, your account is subject to risk control and withdrawals are temporarily restricted. You are required to pay the profit tax before the account can be restored. Normally, the official tax rate is 19.7%, and the amount of back-payment of duties is 3807.56 USDT; this amount has not been paid. 3. Every time I pay a tax, I ask customer service whether I can withdraw the amount after paying it and return the deposit and duties paid. , cancellation of notary funds, etc. The answer comes the same every time. Currently, my account only has this amount of funds that need to be paid, and there are no subsequent funds that need to be paid. As a result, there are new questions to pay after paying. 4. I left this detailed information and hope that no one will be deceived like me in the future. I found that its registration URL can be used until 2024/9/22, and I am afraid that it will appear and continue to accept registrations for fraud. The platform of the website is Pte. Ltd.5.

Unable to Withdraw

The following is the original recommendation


1. 交易所名稱為SBI在中國及日本都有註冊, 我在2023年11月交易時,是在下列網址    無法出今後發現該平台同時有另外三個網址是相通,用同一組帳號密碼都可以登入       上述的通知信件都是可以比對SBI寄給我的信箱是相同的)    但2024年2月無預期關閉所有網址及APP,目前已經無法登入,2/22已信件通知停止服務2. 2023/11/3及2023/11/4分別入金1000及1,100 USDT,不會操作導致虧錢 因此在2023/11/27分別入金11696 USDT及20000 USDT(跟朋友借請其入金)    就賺錢到78161.40 USDT,然後要提領16,000 USDT,    惡夢就開始,要求繳納各種理由的稅金   (1)需要SBI賬戶實名認證人且臺灣合法公民繳納賬戶余額5%保證金進行驗證本人操作!保證金額數量:3908.07USDT       結果我入金3999 USDT,數字跟它不一樣,又補繳3908.07USDT   (2)跨境入金总20000USDT尚未繳納關稅,您目前賬戶暫時限制提領,請您補繳後賬戶即可恢復正常,官稅稅率為17.6%,補繳關稅金額為:3520USDT此時我的帳戶來到89588.47 USDT(交易所將前三筆繳納的錢入到帳戶)   (3)根據台灣本土2021/7/1 金管會擬定之虛擬通貨平台及交易業務事業防制洗錢及打擊資恐辦法,您目前賬戶劃分至高風險賬戶類別,SBI官方將不再為此賬戶提供服務,需要您繳納賬戶餘額6%的註銷公證金,公證金數量為5375.2482USDT   (4)數筆笔TRX手續費來源於大陸資金轉入,SBI官方為了避大陸用戶洗錢風險,進行風控處理,需要臺灣合法公民繳納賬戶余額3%保證金進行驗證本人操作!保證金額數量:2687.3241USDT   (5)提領地址已經為您申請備案中,SBI官方為了避用戶洗錢風險,檢測到您的賬戶綜合評分較低,需要您繳納賬戶餘額的4%作為備案地址的備案金,備案金數量為3583.4988USDT   (3)-(5)筆沒有入到我帳戶,交易所就扣著   (6)一筆笔跨境入金总20000USDT盈利佔跨境資金佔比總充值額度:45.1528%近期發現洗錢人數眾多,資金來歷不明2023年2月1日起國際金融監督管理委員會實行新規,目前對您賬戶進行風控處理暫時限製提領,需要您補繳盈利關稅後賬戶即可恢復正常,官稅稅率為19.7%,補繳關稅金額為:3807.56USDT;此筆沒有繳納3. 每繳一筆稅金都有問客服是不是繳完就可以提領金額並歸還所繳納的保證金、關稅、註銷公證金等等,每次都是官方回答,當前我的帳戶僅有此筆資金需要辦理繳納,無後續資金需要繳納辦理。結果繳納後就有新的問題要繳納4. 留下這些詳細資訊,希望日後不要有人跟我一樣受騙    因為我發現它註冊網址可以使用到2024/9/22,深怕它又復活繼續詐騙    受理註冊網址的平台公司是 Pte. Ltd.5.

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