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Golden Capital FX

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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Peru 3.35

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GoldenCapitalFX-Demo MT4
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Peru 3.35

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+51 511 748 2277
27, Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom


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+51 511 748 2277

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Golden Capital FX


Golden Capital FX

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Golden Capital FX · Company Summary

Golden Capital FX Review Summary in 8 Points
Registered Country/Region St. Vincent and the grenadines
Founded 2023
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Forex, indices, CFD, commodities
Demo Account Available
Minimum Deposit USD 100
Trading Platforms MT4
Customer Support Live chat, phone, email, address, contact us form, social media

What is Golden Capital FX?

Golden Capital FX offers a wide range of financial instruments such as Forex, indices, CFD, commodities, exceeding 240 in total. They prioritize high-volatility assets and diversification to empower you to build a customized portfolio that aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance. However, it's important to note that Golden Capital FX is registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and operates without regulatory oversight in the UK and Peru.

Golden Capital FX's homepage

In the upcoming article, we will comprehensively analyze this broker's attributes from various angles, delivering clear and well-organized information. If you find this topic intriguing, we encourage you to continue reading. At the conclusion of the article, we will provide a concise summary to offer you a quick grasp of the broker's key features.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Demo account available • Unregulated
• MT4 trading platform • A report of unable to withdraw
• Educational resources avaialble • Limited info regarding spreads/leverage etc.
• Inactivity fees charged


  1. Demo Account: Practice trading in a risk-free environment with a demo account. This allows you to test the platform, develop strategies, and gain confidence before using real money.

  2. MT4 Trading Platform: The industry-standard MT4 platform provides a user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and automated trading capabilities for a versatile trading experience.

  3. Educational Resources: Golden Capital FX offers educational resources like monthly webinars and a glossary page to help you learn and refine your trading skills.


  1. Unregulated: A major concern is the lack of regulatory oversight for Golden Capital FX. This means they are not subject to the same strict financial requirements and investor protection measures as regulated brokers.

  2. A report of Unable to Withdraw: There have been a report of difficulty withdrawing funds from Golden Capital FX on WikiFX. This is a serious red flag and a risk for any investor.

  3. Limited Transparency: Information regarding spreads, leverage, and other trading fees are unavailable. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to compare Golden Capital FX to other brokers and assess the full cost of trading.

  4. Inactivity Fees: A $10 monthly inactivity fee applies to accounts that haven't been used for trading for three months or more. You should be mindful of this fee to avoid unnecessary charges.

Is Golden Capital FX Legit or a Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like Golden Capital FX or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors.

  • Regulatory sight: The absence of valid regulations under which the broker operates signifies potential risks, as it lacks the guarantee of comprehensive protection for traders engaging on its platform.

No license
  • User feedback: A report about withdrawal issues on WikiFX should be considered a notable red flag for Golden Capital FX, urging traders to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before considering any engagement with the broker.

  • Security measures: Golden Capital FX prioritizes user privacy with a comprehensive privacy policy outlining data handling practices to protect user security.

Ultimately, the choice to trade with Golden Capital FX is a personal decision. It is important to thoroughly assess the risks and benefits before arriving at a conclusion.

Market Instruments

Golden Capital FX boasts a diverse selection of over 240 tradable instruments, designed to cater to a range of trading strategies and risk tolerances. Their platform prioritizes high-volatility assets and diversification opportunities, allowing you to tailor your portfolio to your specific goals.

Indices: Trade major global indices that track the performance of entire sectors or economies. These indices can provide broad market exposure and offer a way to capitalize on established trends.

Contracts for Difference (CFDs): Gain exposure to underlying assets like stocks with CFDs, without the need for ownership. This allows you to potentially profit from both rising and falling prices, depending on your trading strategy. Golden Capital FX focuses on CFDs for companies with high market capitalization, offering opportunities for significant price movements.

Forex: You can access the world's most liquid market with Golden Capital FX's offering of over 60 currency pairs. Trade these pairs 24/5 and benefit from short-term fluctuations in exchange rates.

Commodities: Diversify your portfolio with popular commodities such as precious metals, energy offered by Golden Capital FX. This asset class can provide a hedge against inflation and offer alternative profit opportunities based on global supply and demand dynamics.

Market Instruments


Golden Capital FX caters to both individual and corporate investors. They offer two main account options:

  • Demo Account: This account allows you to practice trading in a risk-free environment with virtual funds. It's a great way to familiarize yourself with the platform, test your trading strategies, and gain confidence before venturing into live trading.

  • Live Account: Once you're comfortable with the demo account, you can transition to a live account and start trading with real capital. The minimum deposit to open a live account is USD 100, making it accessible to a broader range of traders, but you should keep in mind the associated risks before investing real money as always.

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Golden Capital FX, you have to follow below steps:

  • Visit the Golden Capital FX website, locate and click on the 'Register-Real account' button on its mainpage.

click on the 'Register-Real account' button
  • Choose your preferred language, account type and fill in necessary personal details required.

fill in required info
  • Complete any verification process for security purposes.

  • Once your account has been approved, you can set up your investment preferences and start trading.

Trading Platforms

Golden Capital FX offers flexibility in how you access the financial markets with their MT4 trading platform. This industry-standard platform is renowned for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and automated trading capabilities.

Whether you prefer the convenience of web-based trading or the power of a downloadable desktop application for Windows, Golden Capital FX has you covered. They also cater to the on-the-go trader by providing MT4 mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to monitor your positions and execute trades from virtually anywhere with an internet connection.


Trading Tools

Golden Capital FX equips you with valuable tools to enhance your trading experience.

  • Pip Calculator: This tool simplifies calculating the potential profit or loss on a trade, taking into account the pip value of the currency pair you're trading, your contract size, and the pip difference between your entry and exit points.

  • Position Size Calculator: Managing risk is crucial in trading. The position size calculator helps you determine an appropriate trade size based on your stop-loss level, account balance, and risk tolerance. This can help you avoid overleveraging your account and minimize losses.

Deposit & Withdrawals

Golden Capital FX offers convenient options for both funding your account and withdrawing your profits.

  • Deposits: Fund your trading easily with a variety of methods including Visa and Mastercard. Deposits are free of charge, allowing you to get started quickly without any additional fees.

  • Withdrawals: Once you're ready to withdraw your funds, Golden Capital FX facilitates transfers through bank transfers and e-wallets. While there are no withdrawal fees mentioned, we advise you to check with the broker directly for any processing charges. Allow up to 5 calendar days for the withdrawn funds to be credited to your bank account.

payment methods


Golden Capital FX charges a USD 10 monthly inactivity fee. This fee applies to accounts that have not been used for trading activities for three or more consecutive months. Be sure to maintain some trading activity to avoid these charges.

User Exposure on WikiFX

The existence of a report on WikiFX about withdrawal issues should be considered a crucial warning sign. We strongly advise all traders to conduct thorough investigations and meticulously analyze all available information before participating in any actual trades.

Our platform is dedicated to serving as a comprehensive tool that assists traders in making well-informed decisions. If you have been affected by financial fraud or have encountered similar issues, we encourage you to share your experiences in our 'Exposure' section. Your contribution is highly valuable. Please be assured that our dedicated team remains steadfast in addressing such challenges and continuously strives to offer effective solutions for complex situations.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Customer Service

Golden Capital FX provides comprehensive customer support through live chat, phone calls, email, and a convenient contact us form on their website. Their physical address is also available for those seeking direct contact.

Additionally, they maintain a social media presence such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube for broader communication with their clients.


  • GOLDEN CAPITAL FX INC SAN VICENTE Suite 305, Griffith Corporate centre, Beachmont Kingstown, 23172 IBC 2016 Saint Vincent and Granadines.

  • GOLDEN CAPITAL FX INC LTD UNITED KINGDOM 27, Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX 10087272 United Kingdom.

  • Andres Reyes 360, San isidro Lima Perú.


Tel: (+511) 748 2277.

Contact info


Golden Capital FX empowers you as a trader through their educational resources.

  • Monthly Webinars: You can stay informed about market trends and hone your trading skills with their monthly webinar program. These webinars cover various topics and financial tools, providing valuable insights for both new and experienced traders. Keep an eye on their website for upcoming webinars to ensure you don't miss out.

Monthly Webinars
  • Glossary: Alongside the webinars, Golden Capital FX also offers a glossary of financial terms on their website. This can be a helpful resource for understanding key investment concepts and terminology.



Golden Capital FX, a broker based in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, operates offshore and also has a presence in the UK and Peru. It offers a variety of market instruments including Forex, indices, CFDs, and commodities. However, its unregulated status and negative reports on platforms like WikiFX, raise concerns for investors.

Therefore, if you are considering Golden Capital FX, you should be at utmost caution and do you own research before committing actual tradings, and explore regulated alternatives that prioritize transparency, security, and client protection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Golden Capital FX regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker is currently under no valid regulation.
Q 2: Does Golden Capital FX offer a demo account?
A 2: Yes.
Q 3: Is Golden Capital FX a good broker for beginners?
A3: No. It is not a good choice for beginners because it is unregulated by any recognized financial authorities. Further, the withdrawal report on WikiFX heightens the issues.
Q 4: Does Golden Capital FX offer industry leading MT4 & MT5?
A 4: Yes, it offers MT4 on web, Windows, iOS and Android devices.
Q 5: Whats the minimum deposit does Golden Capital FX request?
A 5: Golden Capital FX requires a minimum deposit of USD100.
Q 6: On Golden Capital FX, are there any regional restrictions for traders?
A 6: Yes, Golden Capital FX's services are not directed or intended for distribution to or use by residents of certain countries/jurisdictions including, but not limited to, Australia, Belgium, Iran, Japan, North Korea and USA.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

Review 2

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