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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!

Oranco Group

United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Oranco Group


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 9 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0544702) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Oranco Group · WikiFX Survey

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Oranco Group · Company Summary

Company Information Details
Company Name Oranco Group
Registered in Hong Kong
Regulation Status Unregulated
Years of Establishment 2-5 years
Trading Instruments Stocks, CFDs, Forex, Metals, Crypto
Account Types Standard, Premium, VIP
Minimum Initial Deposit No minimum (Standard)
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500 (Forex)
Trading Platform MetaTrader 4
Deposit and Withdrawal Method Bank Wire, Credit/Debit Card, E-wallets
Customer Service Email, Live Chat, Phone
Complaint Exposure Negative reviews

Overview of Oranco Group

Oranco Group, based in Hong Kong, operates as an unregulated trading platform with a track record of 2-5 years in the industry. The broker offers a diverse range of trading instruments, including stocks, CFDs, forex, metals, and cryptocurrencies. Traders can choose from multiple account types, with the Standard account requiring no minimum deposit.

The maximum leverage for forex trading goes up to 1:500. Oranco Group employs the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading, but it has faced negative reviews and complaints, particularly in regard to customer support quality and responsiveness.

Overview of Oranco Group

Is Oranco Group legit or a scam?

The United States NFA (National Futures Association) regulation claim, bearing license number 0544702, made by Oranco Group has raised significant suspicion within the financial industry. This license is not only crucial for legitimizing a brokerage but also assuring traders of regulatory oversight and investor protection.

However, in the case of Oranco Group, the authenticity of this claimed NFA regulation is highly questionable. This suspicion arises due to the inability to verify this license, which is a straightforward process for a legitimate broker. The lack of verifiable regulatory information casts a shadow of doubt on the broker's credibility.

Furthermore, the absence of regulation raises concerns about the safety of traders' funds and the fairness of trading conditions on the platform.

Is Oranco Group legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Trading Instruments Unregulated
Multiple Account Types Negative Customer Reviews
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Platform Limited Educational Resources
High Maximum Leverage (Forex) Customer Support Quality Concerns


  1. Diverse Trading Instruments: Oranco Group offers a wide range of trading instruments, including stocks, CFDs, forex, metals, and cryptocurrencies, providing traders with diverse investment options.

  2. Multiple Account Types: The broker provides multiple account types, accommodating traders with various experience levels and trading preferences, allowing for greater customization.

  3. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Platform: Oranco Group utilizes the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, a widely recognized and trusted trading platform known for its stability and advanced features, offering traders a familiar and robust trading environment.

  4. High Maximum Leverage (Forex): For forex trading, Oranco Group offers a high maximum leverage of up to 1:500, potentially amplifying traders' capital efficiency.


  1. Unregulated: Oranco Group operates without regulation, raising concerns about investor protection and oversight.

  2. Negative Customer Reviews: The broker has garnered negative customer reviews, which may indicate issues with the quality of its services or customer satisfaction.

  3. Limited Educational Resources: Oranco Group's educational resources are limited, potentially hindering traders' ability to acquire essential knowledge and skills for successful trading.

  4. Customer Support Quality Concerns: There have been concerns about the quality and responsiveness of Oranco Group's customer support, which could impact traders' ability to receive timely assistance when needed.

Market Instruments

Oranco Group claims to facilitate trade in a variety of market instruments, enabling investors to diversify portfolios across stocks, CFDs, crude oil, precious metals, and Bitcoin.

However, with inaccessible websites and unverifiable claims, the actual availability of these instruments is highly questionable. Investors seeking variety in trading instruments should approach with caution due to the prevailing uncertainties surrounding Oranco Group's offerings. The alleged diverse market instrument accessibility is overshadowed by the platform's potential risks, emphasizing the need for prudent consideration and verification before engagement.

Account Types

Oranco Group caters to the diverse needs of traders by offering three distinct trading account types:

  1. Standard Account: The Standard Account serves as the entry-level option, requiring no minimum deposit. This account is ideal for traders who are just starting and wish to experience trading without a significant initial financial commitment.

  2. Premium Account: The Premium Account necessitates a minimum deposit of $1,000. In return, traders enjoy benefits such as tighter spreads and lower commissions. This account type appeals to traders seeking a balance between trading costs and enhanced trading conditions.

  3. VIP Account: The VIP Account, the most exclusive option, mandates a minimum deposit of $10,000. It offers the most favorable trading terms, including the tightest spreads and the lowest commissions. This account type is tailored to experienced traders and high-net-worth individuals who demand optimal trading conditions.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Features and Benefits
Standard No minimum deposit - Entry-level account - Basic trading conditions
Premium $1,000 - Tighter spreads - Lower commissions
VIP $10,000 - Tightest spreads- Lowest commissions

How to Open an Account?

To initiate a trading account with Oranco Group, the following steps are typically followed:

  1. Visit the Broker's Website: Begin by accessing Oranco Group's official website.

  2. Complete the Online Application: Fill out the online application form provided on the website. This form will require you to furnish essential personal details, contact information, and your level of trading experience.

  3. Deposit Funds: After completing the application, you will need to deposit funds into your trading account. The specific deposit amount will depend on the chosen account type—Standard, Premium, or VIP.

  4. Verification: Oranco Group may require you to undergo a verification process to confirm your identity. This is a standard procedure for most reputable brokers to ensure compliance with financial regulations.

  5. Start Trading: Once your account is funded and verified, you can commence trading using the MetaTrader 4 platform.


For forex trades, Oranco Group provides leverage of up to 1:500, allowing traders to control positions that are 500 times the size of their invested capital. This high level of leverage can be enticing for traders seeking significant exposure to currency markets.

In the case of stock CFD trades, Oranco Group offers leverage of up to 1:100. This level of leverage permits traders to control positions in stock contracts for difference that are 100 times the size of their invested capital. It's important to note that leverage for stocks is typically lower than for forex, reflecting the lower inherent volatility of stock markets.

Traders must exercise caution when using leverage, as it significantly increases the potential for both gains and losses.


Spreads & Commissions

Oranco Group offers competitive spreads and commission structures that may vary depending on the chosen account type and the specific trading instrument.

The spread is the difference between the buying (ask) price and the selling (bid) price of an instrument. It represents a portion of the trading cost for traders. Oranco Group strives to provide competitive spreads to enhance the trading experience for its clients. However, the exact spread values for each account type and instrument should be verified on the broker's website or through direct communication with their customer support.

Commissions, on the other hand, may apply to certain trading activities. The commission structure can differ based on factors such as the account type and the financial instrument being traded. For instance, Premium and VIP account holders may benefit from lower commissions compared to Standard account users. It is essential for traders to fully understand the commission structure relevant to their account type and trading preferences.

Trading Platform

Oranco Group operates its trading platform on the widely recognized and popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform. MT4 is celebrated for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities.

Here are some key features of the MetaTrader 4 platform:

  1. Advanced Charting: MT4 offers comprehensive charting tools that allow traders to analyze price movements, trends, and patterns. It includes various timeframes, chart types, and customization options.

  2. Technical Indicators: The platform provides a vast library of technical indicators that assist traders in making informed decisions. These indicators can be applied to charts to enhance technical analysis.

  3. Automated Trading: MT4 supports algorithmic trading through Expert Advisors (EAs). Traders can create or install EAs to automate trading strategies and execute trades even when they are not actively monitoring the markets.

  4. Mobile Trading: Oranco Group's MT4 platform is available as a mobile app, enabling traders to access their accounts and trade from anywhere using smartphones and tablets.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Oranco Group offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods to facilitate the seamless transfer of funds to and from trading accounts. These methods include:

  1. Bank Wire Transfer: Traders can initiate deposits and withdrawals via bank wire transfer. This method is known for its reliability but may involve longer processing times.

  2. Credit/Debit Cards: Oranco Group accepts deposits and withdrawals through major credit and debit cards, providing a convenient and familiar payment option for many traders.

  3. E-Wallets: E-wallet services are available for quick and efficient fund transfers. Popular e-wallets such as Skrill, Neteller, and others may be supported.

Customer Support

Oranco Group provides customer support through various channels to assist traders with their inquiries and concerns. While accessibility to support is crucial, it's worth noting that there have been some complaints from customers about the quality and responsiveness of Oranco Group's customer support.

Here are the available customer support options:

  1. Live Chat: Oranco Group offers a live chat feature on its platform, allowing traders to engage in real-time conversations with customer support representatives. Live chat is often considered one of the most convenient methods for addressing immediate queries.

  2. Email: Traders can reach out to Oranco Group's customer support team via email at or Email communication allows for more detailed inquiries and provides a written record of interactions.


Oranco Group, with its myriad of unverified claims and operational ambiguities, emerges as a high-risk entity in the trading arena. The inaccessible website, coupled with dubious regulatory affiliations and a plethora of negative user experiences, underscores the need for extreme caution.

The prevalent uncertainties and potential risks advise prospective traders to opt for platforms with proven credibility and transparency. It is imperative for individuals to thoroughly evaluate and verify the legitimacy of trading platforms before initiating any form of engagement to safeguard against potential financial repercussions and to ensure a conducive and secure trading environment.

Risk Warning

Participating in financial market trading carries a significant level of inherent risk that demands careful consideration. Trading involves the use of sophisticated instruments like foreign exchange, futures, CFDs (Contracts for Difference), often accompanied by margin trading. Margin trading allows traders to control larger positions with limited capital, magnifying both potential profits and losses, potentially exceeding the initial investment.

Before engaging in such investments, it's paramount to assess one's risk tolerance, financial stability, and investment goals thoroughly. This self-evaluation aids in determining whether participation aligns with individual financial objectives and comfort levels regarding risk.


Q: What regulatory authority oversees Oranco Group's operations?

A: Oranco Group is not regulated by any recognized financial authority, which raises concerns about investor protection.

Q: Are there any educational resources provided by Oranco Group?

A: Unfortunately, Oranco Group's educational resources are not well-documented, potentially limiting trader development.

Q: What trading platforms are available for Oranco Group users?

A: Oranco Group utilizes the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, a popular choice among traders for its advanced features and tools.

Q: Can you specify the leverage options for forex trading at Oranco Group?

A: Oranco Group offers leverage of up to 1:500 for forex trades, providing traders with significant exposure to currency markets.

Q: Is there a minimum deposit requirement to open an account with Oranco Group?

A: Oranco Group offers a Standard Account with no minimum deposit requirement, catering to traders with varying capital availability.

Q: What are the available methods for deposit and withdrawal at Oranco Group?

A: Oranco Group supports various methods, including bank wire transfers, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets, for convenient fund transactions.

Q: How responsive is Oranco Group's customer support?

A: Customer support at Oranco Group includes email, live chat, and phone options, but there have been complaints about its quality and responsiveness, warranting caution.

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