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Hong Kong|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 8007953704
The Gateway, Harbour City, 15 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong


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+1 8007953704

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Rentalzi Limited



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Hong Kong

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Rentalzi · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

General Information

Rentalzi Review Summary in 10 Points
Founded Within 1 year
Registered Country/Region Hong Kong
Regulation Not regulated
Marke Instruments Currencies, Indices, Stocks, Metals, Digital Currencies, Energies
Demo Account Not Available
Leverage Up to 1:200
EUR/USD Spread Not specified
Trading Platforms Proprietary platform
Minimum Deposit USD 1500
Customer Support Phone, Live chat, Email, Address

What is Rentalzi?

Rentalzi is a global brokerage firm based in Hongkong. It provides traders with access to market instruments including Currencies, Indices, Stocks, Metals, Digital Currencies, Energies. However, it is important to note Rentalzi is currently not regulated by any recognized financial authorities which may raise concerns when trading.

Rentalzi's home page

In the following article, we will analyze the characteristics of this broker from various aspects, providing you with simple and organized information. If you are interested, please read on. At the end of the article, we will also briefly make a conclusion so that you can understand the broker's characteristics at a glance.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Wide range of trading instruments across multiple asset classes • Not regulated
• Multiple payment methods supported • Limited info on spreads
• Zero commissions • No MT4/5 platforms
• Multiple account types • Extremely high minimum deposit
• Multiple customer support channels • Not accept clients from some countries
• Rich educational resources
• Rich trading analysis tools

Rentalzi Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to Rentalzi depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • IronFX- With a global presence and a wide range of trading instruments, IronFX offers a solid option for traders looking for a comprehensive brokerage service.

  • RoboForex - Renowned for its reliable execution and extensive market research tools, OANDA is an excellent choice for traders seeking a reputable and feature-rich forex trading platform.

  • Valutrades- RoboForex is a reliable and reputable broker offering a wide range of trading instruments and account types, making it a suitable choice for traders seeking a versatile and user-friendly platform.

Ultimately, the best broker for an individual trader will depend on their specific trading style, preferences, and needs.

Is Rentalzi Safe or Scam?

When considering the safety of a brokerage like Rentalzi or any other platform, it's important to conduct thorough research and consider various factors. Here are some steps you can take to assess the credibility and safety of a brokerage:

  • Regulatory sight: Its been verified that the broker is currently not regulated by any recognized financial authorities, which means that there is no guarantee that it is a safe platform to trade with.

  • User feedback: Read reviews and feedback from other clients to get an understanding of their experiences with the brokerage. Look for reviews on reputable websites and forums.

  • Security measures: Rentalzi employs SSL Encryption to ensure the utmost security of clients' sensitive information and financial transactions, protecting data from unauthorized access and providing traders with a safe and secure trading environment.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to trade with Rentalzi is a personal one. You should weigh the risks and benefits carefully before making a decision.

Market Instruments

Rentalzi offers a diverse selection of market instruments, catering to the trading preferences of its clients across various asset classes. Traders can access a wide range of financial instruments, including:

Currencies: A variety of major and minor currency pairs for forex trading, allowing traders to participate in the foreign exchange market.

Indices: Leading global indices such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones, and FTSE 100, enabling traders to invest in the performance of entire markets.

Stocks: A wide selection of individual company stocks, providing opportunities to invest in specific companies and benefit from their growth and performance.

Metals: Precious metals like gold and silver, allowing traders to hedge against inflation and diversify their portfolios.

Digital Currencies: Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana, offering exposure to the fast-growing and volatile cryptocurrency market.

Energies: Energy commodities like crude oil and natural gas, providing opportunities to trade and invest in the energy sector.

Market Instruments


Rentalzi caters to traders of all levels with a range of account types, each designed to meet specific trading needs and investment goals.

The Beginner account, requiring a minimum deposit of USD 1500, offers a suitable starting point for those new to trading.

The Plus account, with a minimum deposit of USD 3000, provides additional features for traders looking to expand their trading experience.

Advanced traders can benefit from the Advanced account, requiring a deposit of USD 5000, while the Premier account, with a minimum deposit of USD 10000, offers premium perks and enhanced trading capabilities.

For seasoned traders, Rentalzi offers the Platinum and Platinum PRO accounts, with minimum deposits of USD 25000 and USD 50000, respectively, providing exclusive benefits and tailored support.

While these higher minimum deposit amounts may present a barrier for some traders, interest traders should carefully consider their financial capacity and trading objectives before selecting an account type that best suits their needs within the context of Rentalzi's offerings.

Notably, Rentalzi caters to the needs of its Muslim clients by offering Islamic accounts, which are compliant with Sharia law and do not accrue or pay interest, providing an ethical and accessible trading option for traders who wish to trade in a manner that aligns with their religious beliefs.

Account Types
Account Types


With Rentalzi offering a leverage of up to 1:200, traders are presented with the potential to magnify their gains significantly. However, it is crucial for traders to exercise prudent risk management practices to protect themselves from excessive losses. High leverage carries the inherent risk of amplifying losses as well, and without proper risk management, traders may be exposed to significant market fluctuations. It is essential for traders to set appropriate stop-loss levels, avoid overleveraging, and employ diverse trading strategies to mitigate risks effectively. By prioritizing risk management, traders can safeguard their capital, maintain a balanced approach to trading, and increase their chances of long-term success in the financial markets.

Spreads & Commissions

Rentalzi stands out by offering zero commission trading, allowing traders to execute their trades without incurring additional fees for each transaction. While the spread information is not readily available on the website, traders can directly contact the broker to inquire about the specific spread rates for various financial instruments. This transparent communication ensures that traders receive accurate and up-to-date information on trading costs, enabling them to make well-informed decisions when it comes to choosing the most suitable trading strategies.

Below is a comparison table about spreads and commissions charged by different brokers:

Broker EUR/USD Spread Commissions
Rentalzi Not specified No commission
IronFX From 0.0 pips Variable (depending on account)
RoboForex From 0.0 pips Variable (depending on account)
Valutrades From 0.0 pips $3 per lot traded

Please keep in mind that spread values can vary depending on market conditions, account type, and other factors. Commission structures may also differ based on the broker's pricing model and the type of account being used. It's important to review the official websites or contact the brokers directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information on spreads and commissions.

Trading Platforms

Rentalzi provides traders with a proprietary trading platform that is accessible on various devices, including web browsers, iOS devices, Android mobiles, tablets, and even Linux devices. However, it's worth noting that the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms are not available. While some traders may prefer the familiar features and functionalities of MT4/MT5, Rentalzi's proprietary platform offers an alternative with its own unique set of tools and capabilities.

proprietary trading platform

See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platforms
Rentalzi Proprietary platform
IronFX MT4, WebTrader
RoboForex MT4, MT5, cTrader, WebTrader, R MobileTrader, R StocksTrader
Valutrades MT5, MT4

Trading Tools

As part of its commitment to supporting traders with valuable resources, Rentalzi offers two essential trading tools: the Economic Calendar, live signals and Technical analysis.

The Economic Calendar keeps traders informed about upcoming economic events, announcements, and market-moving news, allowing them to anticipate potential market volatility and make informed trading decisions.

Economic Calendar

Besides, Rentalzi provides traders with technical analysis as a valuable trading tool, empowering them to analyze historical price data, identify trends, patterns, and key support and resistance levels, enabling more informed trading decisions and enhanced market insights.

technical analysis

In addition, Rentalzi provides live signals as an invaluable trading tool, offering real-time notifications and actionable trading ideas based on technical and fundamental analysis, empowering traders to make informed decisions, capitalize on market opportunities, and optimize their trading strategies.

live signals

Deposits & Withdrawals

Rentalzi offers a variety of convenient deposit options, allowing clients to fund their trading accounts seamlessly.

Traders can make deposit transactions with zero deposit fees via credit cards or debit cards, with Visa and MasterCard accepted. Bank transfer is also available for those who prefer traditional banking methods.

Additionally, Rentalzi accepts deposits made with cryptocurrencies, providing a modern and secure option for digital currency enthusiasts.

When it comes to withdrawals, Rentalzi ensures timely processing, with requests typically processed within 1-5 business days, depending on the chosen withdrawal option.

Customer Service

Rentalzi provides multiple customer service options to assist its clients. Customers can reach out to Rentalzi through various channels to address their queries and concerns as below:

Phone: +18007953704

Address: The Gateway, Harbour City, 15 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

Rentalzi also offers live chat as a convenient customer support method for clients to receive real-time assistance and prompt resolution to their queries and concerns.

Besides, Rentalzi provides a comprehensive FAQ page as an additional customer support channel, offering clients easy access to commonly asked questions and answers, facilitating quick resolution of queries and ensuring a smooth trading experience.

contact details


Rentalzi offers an array of educational resources to empower traders with knowledge and skills to navigate the financial markets effectively.

Traders can access Introduction Courses tailored for both beginners and advanced traders, providing a foundational understanding of trading concepts and market dynamics.

Introduction Courses

Additionally, Rentalzi provides E-Books covering a wide range of topics, from basic trading principles to advanced strategies, allowing traders to delve deeper into specific areas of interest.


These educational resources equip traders with the necessary insights and tools to make informed decisions, develop robust trading strategies, and ultimately enhance trading prowess for long-term success in the ever-evolving financial landscape.


According to available information, Rentalzi is a non-regulated Hongkong-based brokerage firm. While the firm offers a range of market instruments such as Currencies, Indices, Stocks, Metals, Digital Currencies, Energies, it is important to consider certain factors such as lack of regulations that may raise concerns. It is critical that potential clients exercise caution, conduct thorough research and seek up-to-date information directly from Rentalzi before making any investment decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is Rentalzi regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation.
Q 2: Does Rentalzi offer the industry leading MT4 & MT5?
A 2: No.
Q 3: Is Rentalzi a good broker for beginners?
A3: No. It is not a good choice for beginners. Its been verified the broker currently has no valid regulations from recognized regulatory authorities.
Q 4: Does Rentalzi offer demo accounts?
A 4: No.
Q 5: What is the minimum deposit for Rentalzi?
A 5: The minimum initial deposit to open an account is 1500.
Q 6: At Rentalzi, are there any regional restrictions for traders?
A 6: Yes. Rentalzi does not provide services to residents of the United States of America, North Korea, and Iraq.


UK Investor Exposes Rentalzi Scam: £33,000 Lost to Fraud

ExposureUK Investor Exposes Rentalzi Scam: £33,000 Lost to Fraud

2024-06-13 18:55

A UK investor shares their devastating experience with unregulated broker Rentalzi, warning others about their deceptive practices and lack of accountability.

2024-06-13 18:55
UK Investor Exposes Rentalzi Scam: £33,000 Lost to Fraud

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