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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Seychelles|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Seychelles Retail Forex License Revoked|High potential risk|


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+1 8447924568
Suite C, Palm Street, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 6 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • SeychellesFSA (license number: SD016) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Seychelles FSA regulation with license number: SD016 is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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LBLV · WikiFX Survey

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LBLV · Company Summary

LBLV Review Summary
Founded 2017
Registered Country/Region Seychelles
Regulation FSA (Revoked)
Market Instruments Currencies, Indices, Stocks, Metals, Commodities, Digital Currencies
Leverage Up to 1:400
Trading Platforms LBLV Trader
Minimum Deposit $5000 (Rookie Account)
Regional Restrictions Not available to residents and citizens of certain regions, including the USA and North Korea
Customer Support Email:,,,
Phone: +1 8447924568
Live Chat
Facebook, Instagram

What is LBLV?

LBLV, founded in 2017 and registered in Seychelles, is a financial brokerage offering a range of trading instruments, including currencies, indices, stocks, metals, commodities, and digital currencies. It provides six account types to suit different trading needs. The company previously operated under the regulation of the Financial Services Authority (FSA). But this regulation has been revoked.

Additionally, LBLV is not available to residents and citizens of certain regions, including the USA and North Korea, due to regulatory restrictions.

LBLVs homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Wide Range of Instruments
  • Revoked Regulation
  • Multiple Contact Channels
  • High Minimum Deposit
  • Diverse Account Types
  • Regional Restrictions
  • Exposure of Inability to Withdraw


  • Wide Range of Instruments: LBLV offers trading in various markets, including forex, indices, stocks, metals, commodities, and even digital currencies, providing flexibility for investors seeking diversification.

  • Multiple Contact Channels: LBLV provides various customer support channels, including a phone number, email, live chat, and presence on social media platforms, which is beneficial for quick and convenient assistance.

  • Diverse Account Types: LBLV offers diverse account types to cater to the varying needs of traders, including Rookie, Basic, Premier, Elite, Elite Plus, and VIP.


  • Revoked Regulation: The most significant concern is the revoked regulation by the Seychelles FSA. This raises serious doubts about investor protection and the company's legitimacy.

  • High Minimum Deposit: The $5,000 minimum deposit is far above the industry average, making it a significant barrier to entry for many potential investors, especially beginners.

  • Regional Restrictions: LBLV restricts residents of certain regions, including the US, from trading on their platform, limiting their reach and accessibility.

  • Exposure of Inability to Withdraw: There are six pieces of exposure of inability to withdraw on WikiFX, which indicates risks to fund safety.

Is LBLV Safe or Scam?

LBLV is highly likely to be unsafe for several reasons.

Their previously claimed regulation by the Seychelles FSA, which is already considered low-tier, has been revoked, leaving investors practically unprotected in case of disputes or fraudulent activity.

revoked FSA license

There are six pieces of exposure on WikiFX alleging difficulty withdrawing funds, which is a significant red flag, indicating risks about the company's financial stability and manipulation of funds.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Additionally, the $5,000 minimum deposit is far above the industry average, creating a significant barrier to entry and potentially making it difficult to recover even a portion of your investment if things go wrong.

Market Instruments

LBLV offers over 1400 trading instruments across six different markets, providing traders with ample opportunities to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of various investment options.

Currencies: Take advantage of investment opportunities by engaging in the buying and selling of currencies through trading major or minor currency pairs like EURUSD, AUDGBP or USDJPY.

Indices: Trade on the performance of multiple stock companies as a whole and invest in global indices like S&P 500, Nasdaq, and FTSE by monitoring local economic conditions.

Stocks: Experience greater flexibility without buying the underlying assets by investing in big tech firms and other popular stock companies like Amazon, Microsoft and Apple.

Metals: Trade different spot metals where you can speculate Gold (XAU) or Silver (XAG) against major currencies. Invest in other precious metals like Aluminium and Platinum.

Commodities: Get more exposure to a wide variety of commodities and invest in agricultural and energy derivative contracts. Trade different commodities like Brent oil, coffee or gas.

Digital Currencies: With digital currencies, you can go long or short and trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Cardano. Make the most out of the volatile market with the right tools and platform.

Market Instruments

Account Types

LBLV offers 6 account types to suit different trading needs. The accounts offered by LBLV share several common features, such as Islamic Account options, mobile trading capabilities, 24-hour dedicated support, access to account managers, technical indicators, and technical analysis tools. Additionally, all account holders have the option to open an EU Private Bank Account and access the services of a personal banker for assistance.

account comparison

The Rookie Account, with a minimum deposit of $5,000 USD, is ideal for beginner traders or those with limited investment capital.

Moving up the ladder, the Basic Account requires a minimum deposit of $25,000 USD and targets traders with some experience and a slightly larger investment capital.

The Premier Account, with a minimum deposit of $50,000 USD, targets more experienced traders with a larger investment capital.

For seasoned traders or high-net-worth individuals, the Elite Account requires a minimum deposit of $100,000 USD.

The Elite Plus Account, with a minimum deposit of $250,000 USD, targets high-net-worth individuals or institutional traders.

At the top tier, the VIP Account requires a minimum deposit of $1,000,000 USD and is targeted at high-net-worth individuals or institutional traders seeking the most exclusive benefits.


LBLV offers leverage of up to 1:400, enabling traders to amplify their trading positions significantly with a relatively small amount of capital. Leverage is a double-edged sword, as while it can magnify profits, it also increases the risk of substantial losses.


Spreads & Commissions

LBLV claims to offer low trading commissions, allowing traders to increase their market exposure to all accessible instruments without incurring high fees. Additionally, the platform promises zero hidden fees, ensuring transparency in trading costs. However, detailed information about spreads and commissions is not readily available on the LBLV website.


Trading Platforms

LBLV provides a flexible platform system suitable for all types of traders, offering a sophisticated toolkit accessible on any device.

The platform is cross-platform, meaning it can be accessed and used on various devices seamlessly. It offers various charts and timeframes, enabling traders to analyze market trends and make informed trading decisions. Traders can manage multiple trades simultaneously, enhancing their trading efficiency and flexibility.

LBLV's platform ensures security through SSL encryption, protecting traders' sensitive information and transactions. The platform also provides flexible layouts, allowing traders to customize their trading environment according to their preferences. Additionally, efficient indicators and tools are integrated into the platform to assist traders in conducting technical analysis and making informed trading decisions.

Trading Platforms

Trading Tools

LBLV provides many trading tools to help you process your trades.

Contract Expiries: Check the expiration dates of the futures contract you are investing in.

Contract Expiries

Calendar: With the regular use of the economic calendar, you can follow the release schedule of numerous economic indicators and get ready for significant market movements. Economic indicators help you consider trades in the context of economic events and understand price actions during these events.


Trading Hours: Monitor the opening and closing hours of global market exchanges.

Trading Hours

Deposits & Withdrawals

The deposit methods are funding via credit or debit cards (Visa and MasterCard), bank transfers, and digital-currency wallets. Available currency options include EUR, USD, GBP, JPY, and AUD. In order to avoid conversion fees, choose a currency for your account that is the same as the currency you use for deposits and withdrawals.

Customer Service

LBLV provides customer support through various channels to cater to the diverse needs of its clients.

Traders can reach out to the support team via email, with dedicated email addresses for different languages and regions,,,, and

Additionally, traders can contact LBLV's customer support team by phone at +1 8447924568, providing a direct and immediate way to seek assistance.

LBLV also offers live chat support, allowing traders to engage with a support representative in real-time for quick assistance.

Moreover, LBLV maintains a presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.


LBLV presents an array of trading instruments and diverse account options, which can be enticing for traders seeking flexibility. However, there are significant red flags that cast doubt on its safety and legitimacy. The most concerning aspect is the revoked regulation by the Seychelles FSA, leaving investors with minimal protection. This, coupled with reports of difficulty withdrawing funds and a high minimum deposit, makes LBLV a highly risky choice for most investors.

We strongly advise to avoid LBLV and prioritize platforms with robust regulatory oversight and a commitment to investor protection.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is LBLV regulated?

A: No, LBLV was previously regulated by FSA, but its regulation has been revoked.

Q: What trading instruments are available on LBLV?

A: LBLV offers a wide range of trading instruments, including currencies, indices, stocks, metals, commodities, and digital currencies.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account with LBLV?

A: $5,000.

Q: Are there any restrictions on who can trade with LBLV?

A: LBLV is not available to residents and citizens of certain regions, including the USA and North Korea.

Q: What leverage is available on LBLV?

A: LBLV offers leverage of up to 1:400.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Review 9

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