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Edward Jones FX

United States|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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12555 Manchester Road Saint Louis, MO 63131 United States


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0558918) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Edward Jones FX · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Edward Jones FX Ltd
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year 2023
Regulation Unauthorized by the NFA
Minimum Deposit $2,500
Maximum Leverage 1:50
Spreads Variable spreads; e.g., EUR/USD: 0.3 pips, EUR/JPY: 0.4 pips, AUD/JPY: 0.6 pips, GBP/JPY: 0.8 pips
Trading Platforms Edward Jones FX Trading Platform
Tradable Assets Major, minor, and exotic currency pairs
Account Types Standard Account
Customer Support Contact number: 03-6258-4412
Deposit & Withdrawal Various methods including wire transfer, ACH transfer, and check
Educational Resources Limited educational resources focusing on basics of FX trading

Overview of Edward Jones FX

Edward Jones FX, founded in the United States in 2023, operates as Edward Jones FX Ltd. Currently unauthorized by the NFA in the U.S., the platform lacks a Common Financial Service License (License No.: 0558918) and is designated as an unlicensed institution, raising concerns about regulatory compliance. Specializing in forex trading, it offers major, minor, and exotic currency pairs. Pros include specialized forex trading, a competitive fee structure, a versatile trading platform, responsive customer support, and a low currency transaction minimum of $1,000. Cons involve lack of NFA authorization, limited educational resources, and a $2,500 minimum deposit requirement.

Overview of Edward Jones FX

Is Edward Jones FX legit or a scam?

Edward Jones FX, operating as Edward Jones FX Ltd, is currently unauthorized by the NFA (National Futures Association) in the United States. The company lacks a Common Financial Service License (License No.: 0558918) and is designated as an unlicensed institution. The license type does not permit sharing. The status of being unauthorized raises concerns about regulatory compliance and oversight in financial services.

Is Edward Jones FX legit or a scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Specialized Forex Trading Unauthorized by the NFA
Competitive Fee Structure Limited Educational Resources
Versatile Trading Platform Minimum Deposit Requirement
Responsive Customer Support
As low as 1,000 currency transactions


  1. Specialized Forex Trading:

  • Edward Jones FX focuses exclusively on forex trading, offering a diverse range of major, minor, and exotic currency pairs. This specialization allows traders to engage in the dynamic forex market with a comprehensive selection of trading options.

2. Competitive Fee Structure:

  • The platform provides competitive spreads for major currency pairs, contributing to cost-effectiveness for traders. Competitive fees enhance the overall affordability of trading on the platform, potentially attracting a broad range of users.

3. Versatile Trading Platform:

  • Edward Jones FX offers a versatile trading platform, known as the Edward Jones FX Trading Platform. This platform provides an intuitive desktop interface and a mobile app, catering to the diverse preferences of traders. The platform's versatility enhances the overall user experience.

4. Responsive Customer Support:

  • The call center provides responsive customer support, addressing various concerns and inquiries promptly. This ensures that traders can navigate the platform with confidence, knowing that assistance is readily available when needed.

  1. Low Currency Transaction Minimum:

  • Edward Jones FX allows currency transactions with a minimum as low as $1,000. This flexibility provides accessibility for traders with smaller investment amounts, accommodating a broader range of individuals in the forex market.


  1. Unauthorized by the NFA:

  • Edward Jones FX is currently unauthorized by the National Futures Association (NFA), a regulatory body in the United States. The lack of NFA authorization may raise concerns about the platform's regulatory compliance and oversight, potentially impacting user trust.

2. Limited Educational Resources:

  • Edward Jones FX provides limited educational resources, particularly for beginners. The available content focuses on introducing basic FX concepts, potentially hindering the learning experience for traders who seek more in-depth educational materials.

3. Minimum Deposit Requirement:

  • The platform imposes a minimum deposit requirement of $2,500 for the Standard Account. While this account offers various benefits, the relatively high minimum deposit may limit accessibility for some traders, especially those with smaller investment amounts.

Market Instruments

Edward Jones FX specializes in forex trading, offering a diverse range of currency pairs for traders. The platform provides access to major pairs like EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, and numerous other combinations. Traders can engage in the dynamic forex market, capitalizing on movements in major, minor, and exotic currency pairs. The platform's focus on forex assets reflects its commitment to providing a comprehensive and specialized trading experience for users interested in the foreign exchange market.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Edward Jones FX offers a Standard Account with a leverage of 1:50, allowing traders to amplify their positions. The spread is variable, for instance, EUR/USD: 0.3 pips, EUR/JPY: 0.4 pips, AUD/JPY: 0.6 pips, and GBP/JPY: 0.8 pips. Notably, there are no fees associated with opening an account, trading, loss cuts, direct deposits, or withdrawals. The minimum deposit requirement for this account type is $2,500. A Demo Account is available for users to practice trading strategies. The designated trading tool for this account is the Edward Jones FXTrading Platform, facilitating efficient market analysis and order execution.

Aspect Standard Account
Leverage 1:50
Spread Variable, eg. EUR/USD: 0.3 pips, EUR/JPY: 0.4 pips, AUD/JPY: 0.6 pips, GBP/JPY: 0.8 pips
Commission No fees for opening an account, trading, loss cuts, direct deposits, withdrawals, etc.
Minimum Deposit $2,500
Demo Account Yes
Trading Tool Edward Jones FXTrading Platform

How to Open an Account?

To open an Edward Jones FX account, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Customer Service:

    1. Reach out to Edward Jones FX customer service through the provided contact number: 03-6258-4412.

    2. Express your intention to open an account and inquire about the required documentation.

2. Document Submission:

  • Prepare the necessary identification documents as requested by customer service. Common documents include a government-issued ID, proof of residence, and potentially financial statements.

  • Submit the required documents to the customer service team via email or any specified method.

3. Review Terms and Conditions:

  • Receive and review the terms and conditions provided by Edward Jones FX.

  • Ensure a clear understanding of the risks, obligations, and account features before proceeding.

  1. Account Approval:

  • Await approval from Edward Jones FX after the submission of your documents.

  • The customer service team will notify you once your account is approved and ready for use.

  1. Fund Your Account:

  • Upon approval, follow the instructions provided by customer service to fund your trading account.

  • Edward Jones FX may specify accepted methods such as wire transfers or other electronic fund transfer options.

Always conduct thorough research and seek clarification from customer service if needed to make informed decisions during the account opening process.

How to Open an Account?


Edward Jones FX provides varying leverage options to traders, with a maximum leverage of 1:50 for the Standard Account. Leverage of 1:50 signifies that traders can amplify their market exposure up to 50 times their invested capital, allowing for potential increased returns, but also increased risk.

Spreads & Commissions

Edward Jones FX presents a competitive fee structure, aiming to provide cost-effective trading for users. The spreads for major currency pairs during specified hours are as follows:

  • EUR/USD: 0.3 pips

  • EUR/JPY: 0.4 pips

  • AUD/JPY: 0.6 pips

  • GBP/JPY: 0.8 pips

These narrow spreads contribute to the platform's commitment to transparency and affordability for traders. Additionally, the absence of fees for various transactions, coupled with fixed spreads during specific hours, enhances the overall cost efficiency and potential profitability for customers engaging in forex trading with Edward Jones FX.

Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

Edward Jones FX offers a versatile trading platform named the Edward Jones FX Trading Platform, accessible on both computer and mobile devices. On the desktop version, users benefit from an intuitive interface, rich analysis tools, and automated trading features. The platform prioritizes user experience, providing ease of use without unnecessary complexity.

Trading Platform

For mobile users, the platform is compatible with iOS, Android, and Mac operating systems. The Android version stands out for its exceptional trading speed and competitiveness. Traders can execute one-touch trades, customize screen layouts, access trading history data, utilize advanced drawing tools, and leverage over 30 technical indicators for in-depth market analysis.

Trading Platform

The platform ensures convenience with a concise user guide screen, displaying trading levels and volume on the icon for quick reference. Additionally, an offline mode allows users to view prices and graphs without an internet connection. The mobile app is readily available for free download from popular app stores, enhancing accessibility for traders on the go. Overall, Edward Jones FX provides a comprehensive and user-centric trading experience across various devices.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Edward Jones FX offers a variety of convenient payment methods to suit the needs of its clients:

  • Wire Transfer: Wire transfers are a secure and reliable option for large deposits and withdrawals.

  • ACH Transfer: ACH transfers allow you to transfer funds directly from your linked bank account.

  • Check: Edward Jones FX also accepts checks for deposits. However, it's important to note that check deposits may take longer to process.

The minimum deposit requirement for an Edward Jones FX account is $2,500.

Edward Jones FX does not charge any fees for deposits and withdrawals.

The payment processing time for deposits and withdrawals varies depending on the payment method used:

  • Wire Transfers: Wire transfers typically take 2 to 5 business days to process.

  • ACH Transfers: ACH transfers typically take 3 to 5 business days to process.

  • Checks: Check deposits may take up to 10 business days to process.

Withdrawals are typically processed within 2 to 5 business days, regardless of the payment method used.

Customer Support

Edward Jones FX provides customer support through its call center, ensuring traders can engage with confidence. The responsive call center staff addresses various concerns and inquiries promptly, offering assistance on issues like forgotten login credentials, order placement guidance, and understanding the trading screen. Users can seek help with questions of any scale, emphasizing a commitment to user support. The contact number, 03-6258-4412, provides direct access to customer assistance. This approach aims to enhance the overall trading experience by providing accessible and helpful support for traders navigating the platform.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Edward Jones FX offers limited educational resources, focusing on introducing the basics of FX trading in a beginner-friendly manner. The available content covers fundamental aspects such as understanding FX, making it accessible even for novices. The educational materials aim to provide insights into the trading structure and the appeal of FX, offering foundational knowledge for individuals new to the world of foreign exchange. While the resources may be limited, the emphasis is on simplicity, making it easier for beginners to grasp essential concepts related to FX trading.

Educational Resources


Edward Jones FX specializes in unauthorized forex trading. Despite lacking NFA approval and facing limited educational resources, it offers a competitive fee structure and a versatile trading platform. Responsive customer support and a low $1,000 minimum for currency transactions further highlight its strengths. However, the $2,500 minimum deposit and regulatory concerns may limit accessibility. Traders should weigh these factors to determine if the platform aligns with their needs.


Q: Is Edward Jones FX regulated by the NFA?

A: No, Edward Jones FX is currently unauthorized by the NFA.

Q: What is the minimum deposit for an Edward Jones FX account?

A: The minimum deposit for the Standard Account is $2,500.

Q: Does Edward Jones FX offer a demo account?

A: Yes, Edward Jones FX provides a Demo Account for users to practice trading strategies.

Q: How can I contact customer support at Edward Jones FX?

A: You can reach Edward Jones FX customer support at 03-6258-4412.

Q: What assets can I trade on Edward Jones FX?

A: Edward Jones FX specializes in forex trading, offering major, minor, and exotic currency pairs.

Q: Is there a fee for opening an account or making withdrawals on Edward Jones FX?

A: No, there are no fees for opening an account, trading, or making withdrawals on Edward Jones FX.

Broker Information

Company Name

Edward Jones Investments


Edward Jones FX

Regulatory Status

Suspicious Clone

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company










Company address
  • 12555 Manchester Road Saint Louis, MO 63131 United States









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary

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