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United Kingdom|5-10 years|
Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Italy 3.81

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Ayondo Markets Limited



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United Kingdom

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 5
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The United KingdomFCA regulation (license number: 184333) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The GermanyBaFin regulation (license number: 145765) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Mkt. Analysis

Ayondo · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Ayondo
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year 2008
Regulation Suspicious clone
Minimum Deposit No Minimum Deposit Required
Maximum Leverage 1:200
Spreads From 0.0 pips
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and ActivTrader
Tradable Assets Indices, currencies, commodities, metals, stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies
Account Types Demo account and standard account
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Phone, email, live chat, and message box,whatsApp and telegram
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank transfers, credit/debit cards and online payment services
Educational Resources Ayondo Tool Family, Webinars and News

Overview of Ayondo

Founded in 2008 and based in London, England, Ayondo is a B2C tech company specializing in social trading, spread betting, and CFD services. Its platform allows traders to follow and copy the trades of experienced investors, making it a potentially attractive option for those new to the markets.

Ayondo offers a social trading platform and a range of trading instruments, including indices, currencies, commodities, metals, stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies. It also provides educational resources such as webinars and AI-FAQ.

Overview of Ayondo

Regulatory Status

Ayondo currently has two regulatory certificates, but their regulatory status is both 'suspicious clone'.

The United Kingdom FCA regulation (license number: 184333) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone.

Regulatory Status

The Germany BaFin regulation (license number: 145765) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

Ayondo offers a variety of trading platforms such as MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and their proprietary ActivTrader, catering to different preferences and trading styles. Additionally, Ayondo offers a wide range of trading instruments, spanning indices, currencies, commodities, metals, stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies, providing ample opportunities for diversification. Educational resources like webinars and AI-FAQ further enhance the trading experience and multiple customer support channels, ensuring prompt assistance.

However, before engaging with Ayondo, it is strongly recommended to do extensive research. Consideration regarding its regulatory status have been prompted, potentially affecting its legitimacy and the security of funds.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of trading opportunities Suspicious clone regulatory status
Various trading platforms Limited account types
Social trading platform
Various educational resources
Multiple customer support channels

Market Instruments

Ayondo offers a diverse range of market instruments across various categories, including indices, currencies, commodities, metals, stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies:

Market Instruments
  • Indices: Ayondo provides trading opportunities on major global indices, including popular ones like the S&P 500, NASDAQ, FTSE 100, and DAX 30. These indices represent the performance of large groups of stocks, offering a way to trade on broader market trends rather than individual stocks.

  • Currencies: The platform supports trading in a variety of currency pairs. Examples include AUD/USD, EUR/USD, and GBP/CAD. These pairs allow traders to speculate on the relative strength of one currency against another, benefiting from fluctuations in exchange rates.

  • Commodities: Ayondo offers a range of commodities for trading, including energy products like natural gas and gasoline, as well as agricultural products such as coffee, sugar, and wheat. These commodities provide traders with exposure to the physical goods markets.

Market Instruments
  • Metals: Precious and industrial metals are available for trading on Ayondo. Notable examples include gold and silver, which are popular due to their roles as safe-haven assets, as well as platinum and copper.

  • Stocks & ETFs: Traders can access a variety of individual stocks and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on Ayondos platform. This includes well-known companies like Microsoft, Apple, and Shell, as well as various ETFs that track indices or sectors.

Market Instruments
  • Cryptocurrencies: Ayondo also offers trading in several cryptocurrencies, including Stellar (XLM), EOS, Polkadot (DOT), Chainlink (LINK), and Dogecoin (DOGE). These digital assets have gained popularity for their volatility and potential for significant returns.

Account Types

Ayondo offers a live trading account and a virtual trading account (demo account). Simulated accounts allow beginners to learn trading skills and master trading strategies in a low-risk environment.

Account Types

Account Opening Process

Opening an account with Ayondo is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Register: Create an account on the Ayondo platform.

  2. Verify: Complete the verification process by providing the required documentation.

  3. Trade: Start trading on the live or demo account.

Account Opening Process


Ayondo offers various leverage options, which can be customized through their trading platforms, including MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and ActivTrader. The specific leverage ratios available range from 1:1 to as high as 1:200, depending on the asset class and individual trader preferences.


Trading Fees

Ayondo, now partnered with ActivTrades, offers a range of competitive spreads and commissions for its trading products. The broker charges a commission on stocks, with rates varying depending on the market. However, if you are using the Investor Profile, you will not incur any commission fees when buying or selling stocks on the Ayondo platform. Here are the key details:


  • Indices:

    • S&P 500: 0.23 points (cash) / 0.25 points (future)

    • DAX 40: 0.75 points (cash) / 0.5 points (future)

    • NASDAQ: 0.23 points (cash) / 0.5 points (future)

  • Bonds:

    • BUND: 0.02 points

    • BOBL: 0.02 points

    • T-BOND: 0.06 points

  • Commodities:

    • Natural Gas (NGAS): 0 points

    • Oil: 0.03 points

    • Wheat: 1 point


  • Stocks and ETFs:

    • Europe (excluding London): 0.05% of the transaction value (minimum 1€)

    • London: 0.10% of the transaction value (minimum £1)

    • New York: $0.02 per share (minimum $1)

These commissions and spreads are designed to provide traders with low-cost access to a wide range of financial instruments, including major indices, commodities, bonds, stocks, and ETFs.


Trading Platform and Tools

Ayondo offers a choice of popular trading platforms:

  • MetaTrader 4 (MT4): A widely used platform known for its user-friendly interface, charting capabilities, and support for automated trading.

  • MetaTrader 5 (MT5): An upgraded version of MT4 with additional features like more timeframes, pending order types, and a more powerful strategy tester.

  • ActivTrader: This state-of-the-art platform offers an optimal trading experience with risk management tools, real-time charts, sentiment indicators, and advanced order types like Trailing Stop and Progressive Trailing Stop.

Trading Platform and Tools

Deposit and Withdrawal

Ayondo offers various deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and online payment services. Deposits via credit/debit card and online payment services are usually processed instantly, while bank transfers may take 1-3 business days. Ayondo offers commission-free deposits with no minimum amount required.

Withdrawals are processed through the same methods used for deposits and usually take 1-3 business days, but the total time to receive funds depends on the chosen method and your bank's processing time. Ayondo does not charge withdrawal fees, but your bank or payment provider might.

Deposit and Withdrawal

Customer Support Options

Ayondo offers multiple customer support channels, ensuring assistance is readily available:

  • Phone: Call their dedicated support line for immediate assistance.

  • Message Box: Send a message directly through their website.

  • WhatsApp and Telegram: Contact them via these messaging apps.

  • Social Media: Reach out to them on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

  • Email: Send an email to their support team.

Customer Support Options
Customer Support Options

Educational Resources

Ayondo provides several educational resources to help traders enhance their knowledge and skills:

  • Ayondo Tool Family: A collection of tools, including an AI-FAQ, trade calculator, and more.

Educational Resources
  • Webinars: Attend live webinars on various trading topics.

Educational Resources
  • News: Stay updated on market news and developments.

Educational Resources


Ayondo offers a social trading platform and a variety of trading instruments and AI tools, making it a potential option for those interested in copy trading. However, its “suspicious clone” regulatory status calls into question about its legitimacy and the security of client funds. Traders should carefully weigh the risks and benefits before choosing Ayondo as their broker.


Q: Is Ayondo a regulated broker?

A: Ayondo's regulatory status is listed as a “suspicious clone,” meaning it may be falsely claiming to be regulated or associated with a legitimate financial authority.

Q: What types of trading accounts does Ayondo offer?

A: Ayondo offers a live trading account and a virtual trading account (demo account) for practice.

Q: What trading platforms can I use with Ayondo?

A: Ayondo offers three trading platforms: MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, and ActivTrader.

Q: Does Ayondo offer educational resources for traders?

A: Yes, Ayondo offers educational resources such as webinars, news, and a variety of tools in the Ayondo Tool Family.

Q: How can I contact Ayondo customer support?

A: You can contact Ayondo customer support through phone, email, WhatsApp, Telegram, social media, or the message box on their website.

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