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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0549076) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0549076)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0547159) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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JINKRA · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country United Kingdom
Minimum Deposit $500
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:200
Spreads Specific details not disclosed
Trading Platforms MetaTrader5 (MT5)
Tradable Assets Foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, and CFD products
Account Types Standard and VIP accounts
Demo Account Available for traders to practice trading strategies without making a real deposit
Customer Support Email:, Online chat
Deposit & Withdrawal Payment methods not specified. Commonly used options include Wire Transfer, MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, Skrill, Neteller, PayPal, etc.
Educational Resources N/A

Overview of JINKRA

JINKRA INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED is a reputable online forex broker that is registered in the United Kingdom. They provide clients with a wide range of trading assets, allowing traders to diversify their portfolios and explore various investment opportunities. With a dedicated 24/7 customer support team, JINKRA ensures that clients receive personalized assistance and guidance, especially during market opening hours when trading activity is at its peak. The broker also offers the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, known for its advanced features, user-friendly interface, and comprehensive tools for technical analysis. This platform enables traders to execute trades efficiently and make informed decisions.



JINKRA's regulatory information raises concerns. It has been verified that this broker currently lacks valid regulation, which poses risks to clients. The United States NFA (license number: 0549076) regulatory status is abnormal and officially unauthorized, emphasizing the need for caution. Moreover, this broker is suspected of exceeding the business scope regulated by the United States NFA (license number: 0549076) National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Additionally, the claimed United States NFA regulation (license number: 0547159) by this broker is suspected to be a clone. It is essential to be aware of these risks when considering engaging with this broker.

Pros and Cons

JINKRA INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED offers a wide range of trading assets, including forex, metals, commodities, and CFDs, providing clients with diverse investment opportunities. They provide a dedicated 24/7 customer support team, ensuring personalized assistance and guidance during market hours. The availability of the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform enhances the trading experience, offering advanced features and comprehensive analysis tools. Additionally, JINKRA offers the option of a demo account, allowing traders to practice their strategies without risking real funds.

It has been verified that JINKRA INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED currently lacks valid regulation, raising concerns about transparency and customer protection. The abnormal regulatory status and suspected cloning of claimed licenses further add to the risk associated with this broker. Additionally, specific details about spreads and educational resources are not disclosed, limiting transparency and potential learning opportunities for traders. It is crucial to exercise caution and carefully consider these drawbacks when evaluating JINKRA as a potential forex broker.

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading assets including forex, metals, commodities, and CFDs Lack of disclosed regulation
Dedicated 24/7 customer support Minimum deposit requirement of $500
Access to popular MetaTrader5 (MT5) trading platform Specific details of spreads not disclosed
Opportunity to practice with a demo account Lack of disclosed educational resources
Convenient customer support channels (email, online chat) Deposit and withdrawal methods not specified

Market Instruments

JINKRA provides its clients with a diverse selection of trading assets, which encompass foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, and CFD products. This broad range of options allows traders to tailor their trading strategies and select assets that align with their preferences and objectives. Whether traders are interested in forex currency pairs, looking to invest in precious metals like gold and silver, or exploring the potential of commodity or CFD trading, JINKRA offers a multitude of options to cater to their individual trading needs. By offering such a comprehensive range of assets, JINKRA empowers its clients to make choices that suit their specific trading preferences and goals.

Account Types

JINKRA provides clients with two types of trading accounts: Standard and VIP accounts. The minimum initial deposit for both account types is set at $500, granting traders access to a wide range of trading opportunities in foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, and CFD products. With a minimum trading volume of 0.01 standard hand, traders have the flexibility to engage in various trade sizes based on their trading strategies and risk appetite. While the required opening account amount for VIP accounts is not disclosed, it suggests that additional benefits and features may be available for VIP account holders.

In addition to live accounts, JINKRA also offers demo accounts, which allow traders to familiarize themselves with the brokerage platform without the need to make a real deposit. This gives traders an opportunity to explore the platform's features, test their strategies, and gain confidence in their trading abilities before committing real funds. The availability of demo accounts demonstrates JINKRA's commitment to providing a supportive and educational environment for traders of all experience levels.



JINKRA offers a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:200 for standard accounts. Traders have the flexibility to choose the leverage level that aligns with their trading style and risk tolerance. For those who prefer a more conservative approach or are still in the learning phase of currency trading, it is advisable to select a leverage level that they feel comfortable with. It's important to understand that while leverage can amplify potential profits, it can also increase the risk of losses, particularly for inexperienced traders. Therefore, it is crucial for traders to exercise caution and carefully manage their risk when utilizing leverage. By selecting an appropriate leverage level, traders can strike a balance between potential gains and risk exposure, taking into consideration their trading skills and comfort level.

Spreads & Commissions

JINKRA provides its clients with a low trading cost environment, aiming to offer competitive pricing to traders. While the specific details of spreads are not disclosed, it suggests that JINKRA is committed to delivering cost-effective trading conditions. Traders can expect to benefit from tight spreads, which refer to the difference between the buying and selling prices of a financial instrument. By keeping trading costs low, JINKRA aims to enhance the trading experience and provide clients with favorable conditions for executing their trades. It is recommended for traders to contact JINKRA directly or refer to their website for more detailed information on spreads and trading costs for specific financial instruments.

Trading Platform

JINKRA offers its clients access to the worlds most popular trading platform-MetaTrader 5. The MetaTrader5 platform is suitable for your skill level and trading approach, regardless of whether you are an experienced trader or just starting out. The platform provides users with sophisticated tools for technical analysis, automatic trading capabilities (EAs), and mobile applications, all of which are utilized by millions of traders all over the world. Traders are also able to examine their orders, trades, account details, and keep up to date with the most recent market circumstances thanks to the intuitive user interface that is provided by the platform.


Deposit & Withdrawal

JINKRA's policies regarding deposit and withdrawal methods are not clearly specified. However, it is worth noting that commonly used payment options such as Wire Transfer, MasterCard, VISA, Maestro, and e-wallet processors like Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal are popular among most forex brokers. These payment methods offer convenience and flexibility for traders when depositing or withdrawing funds.

An important consideration when choosing a forex broker is the speed of fund withdrawals, as it reflects the level of trustworthiness. Traders value brokers that facilitate timely and efficient withdrawals, ensuring that they can access their funds when needed. It is recommended for traders to seek clarification from JINKRA directly or consult their website for specific details regarding deposit and withdrawal methods, as well as the processing timeframes associated with these transactions. Understanding the availability and efficiency of these processes contributes to the overall trading experience and client satisfaction.

Customer Support

JINKRA provides its clients with convenient channels for addressing any trading-related issues. Clients can reach out to the support team via email at, ensuring a direct and reliable means of communication. Additionally, JINKRA offers an online chat option, allowing clients to engage in real-time conversations with the support team. These multiple communication channels demonstrate JINKRA's commitment to providing accessible and prompt customer support. Clients can rely on these channels to seek assistance, ask questions, or address any concerns they may have during their trading journey.


In conclusion, JINKRA INTERNATIONAL FINANCE LIMITED offers clients a range of trading assets and a dedicated 24/7 customer support team, enhancing the trading experience. The availability of the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform and the option for a demo account provide additional benefits for traders. However, it is important to note that JINKRA lacks valid regulation, which raises concerns about transparency and customer protection. The absence of disclosed spreads and educational resources further limits the transparency and learning opportunities for traders. It is crucial for potential clients to carefully consider these advantages and disadvantages before engaging with JINKRA as a forex broker.


Q: Is JINKRA a regulated broker?

A: No, JINKRA currently lacks valid regulation, which poses risks to clients. It is important to be aware of this before engaging with the broker.

Q: What trading assets does JINKRA offer?

A: JINKRA offers a diverse range of trading assets, including forex, precious metals, commodities, and CFDs.

Q: What customer support options are available?

A: JINKRA provides 24/7 customer support through email and online chat.

Q: Does JINKRA offer a demo account?

A: Yes, JINKRA offers a demo account option for clients to practice their trading strategies and get acquainted with the platform without risking real funds.

Q: What is the regulatory status of JINKRA?

A: JINKRA's regulatory status is currently uncertain as it lacks valid regulation.

Q: Are the spreads disclosed by JINKRA?

A: Specific details about spreads are not disclosed by JINKRA.

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement for opening an account with JINKRA?

A: The minimum deposit requirement for JINKRA is set at $500 for both standard and VIP accounts.


Jinkra International Finance Ltd: 35% Income Tax Payment + Punishment for Not Paying

ExposureJinkra International Finance Ltd: 35% Income Tax Payment + Punishment for Not Paying

2022-09-14 12:00

Generally, forex brokers do not have any relationship with your local tax bureau. They are just private entities that are running a business operation on their own. Therefore, if a forex broker were to ask for any tax payments from you on behalf of the tax bureau, do not make such payments by any means. Unfortunately, that is a sign that one of your feet is already caught in its trap. That is a scammer, not a legitimate forex broker.

2022-09-14 12:00
Jinkra International Finance Ltd: 35% Income Tax Payment + Punishment for Not Paying

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