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AC Markets Limited

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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AC Markets Limited · WikiFX Survey

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AC Markets Limited · Company Summary

AC Markets Limited Basic Information
Company Name AC Markets Limited
Founded 2023
Headquarters China
Regulations Not regulated
Products and Services Online foreign exchange trading, CFD trading, financial services
Trading Platform Windows PC, Android App, IPhone App
Customer Support Email:
Education Resources Forex trading education courses, trading tools, exclusive data, valuable resources

Overview of AC Markets Limited

AC Markets Limited, established in 2023 and based in China, stands as a prominent provider in the realm of online foreign exchange trading, CFD trading, and financial services. While lacking specific regulatory oversight, the company delivers a diverse array of offerings, accessible through platforms like Windows PC, Android, and iPhone apps. With customer support available via email at, AC Markets Limited prioritizes assisting clients. Moreover, the company distinguishes itself by providing a comprehensive suite of educational resources, including forex trading education courses, trading tools, exclusive data and valuable resources, aiming to equip traders with the knowledge and insights necessary for success in the forex market.

Overview of AC Markets Limited

Is AC Markets Limited Legit?

AC Markets Limited operates without regulation. Traders should proceed with caution and acknowledge the inherent risks when contemplating transactions with an unregulated broker such as AC Markets Limited. Potential concerns include limited channels for dispute resolution, uncertainties surrounding fund security, and opacity in the broker's operational procedures.

Is AC Markets Limited Legit?

Pros and Cons

AC Markets Limited provides diverse trading options and educational resources but lacks regulatory oversight and has limited support channels, emphasizing the need for careful consideration.

Pros Cons
  • Diverse Product Offering: Offers online forex, CFD trading, and financial services.
  • Lack of Regulation: Absence of regulatory oversight raises transparency and security concerns.
  • Multi-Platform Accessibility: Platforms available on Windows PC, Android, and iPhone.
  • Limited Support Channels: Primary support via email may lead to delays in assistance.
  • Comprehensive Education: Provides courses, tools, and data for informed trading.
  • Potential Risk: Unregulated nature carries inherent trading risks.

Products and Services

AC Markets Limited offers a range of products and services in the realm of online foreign exchange trading, CFD (Contract for Difference) trading, and financial services.

Products and Services

How to Open an Account

To open an account with AC Markets Limited, follow these steps:

  1. Visit AC Markets Limited website.

  1. Look for the “Open an Account” button and click on it to access the registration page.

How to Open an Account
  1. Enter your details to sign up.

How to Open an Account
  1. After creating an account, click “Login Now” to access your account.

How to Open an Account

Trading Platform

AC Markets Limited offers a versatile trading platform accessible on Windows PC, Android, and IPhone devices. This platform provides traders with tools and features to execute trades, access market analysis, and manage their portfolios efficiently across multiple devices.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

AC Markets Limited provides customer support through email at This support system offers assistance to customers and IBs (Introducing Brokers) regarding queries, issues, and other related matters promptly and efficiently.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

AC Markets Limited offers comprehensive foreign exchange trading education courses along with a suite of trading tools, exclusive data, and valuable resources. These educational resources are designed to empower traders with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the forex market effectively.


AC Markets Limited presents a comprehensive platform for online forex and CFD trading, offering a diverse range of products and educational resources to traders. However, its lack of regulatory oversight poses transparency and security concerns, alongside limited support channels that may impact timely assistance. Despite these drawbacks, the multi-platform accessibility enhances trading convenience, and the comprehensive educational offerings empower traders with knowledge and tools for informed decision-making. In conclusion, while AC Markets Limited presents significant advantages for traders, the absence of regulation and limited support infrastructure underscore the importance of careful consideration and risk management when engaging with the platform.


Q: What kind of trading services does AC Markets Limited offer?

A: AC Markets Limited provides a variety of trading services including online forex trading, CFD trading, and other financial services.

Q: How can I contact customer support at AC Markets Limited?

A: To reach customer support at AC Markets Limited, you can email them at

Q: Is AC Markets Limited regulated by any financial authority?

A: No, AC Markets Limited is not regulated by any financial authority, which means it operates without oversight from regulatory bodies.

Q: What platforms can I use to access AC Markets Limited?

A: You can access AC Markets Limited through various platforms, including Windows PC, Android devices, and iPhone.

Q: Does AC Markets Limited offer educational resources for traders?

A: Yes, AC Markets Limited provides educational resources such as forex trading courses, trading tools, and valuable data to help traders improve their skills and knowledge in trading.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies. In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.

Review 1

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The trading account is canceled without any notice and the customer service hasn't replied for a long time.
I logged in online on 2024/02/19 and found that my account had been completely cancelled, and I found out without notification that all the USDT 14,900 in the account was missing! From joining Kim Markets Limited last year to Accapital this year, the previous operations were normal. Until the platform was updated two weeks ago, I never received a letter. I asked the customer service how to deal with it, but the customer service delayed! What I am angry about is that the rebate activity I joined in Kcm was merged into Acc due to the platform replacement. The activity is continuous, but because the recharge was not completed within 7 days, there is no rebate. However, I have repeatedly confirmed with customer service that the trading account is still operational. , I can't withdraw it until I complete the recharge. I still recharged and operated before the account was cancelled. Until last night when I went to check it out, the account was canceled without warning. I couldn't log in and said it was an invalid account. So what is the 14900usdt in my account? ! Being taken away by force like this is obvious, what is this but deception? I also asked customer service about the rules of the rebate activity. They were not clearly written and did not include what would happen if the goal was not achieved. When I asked customer service, I was told that our company reserves the right of final interpretation. The rules were not clearly written and the right of final interpretation was not stated. In your case, it is obvious that you are the ones doing all the talking! If I complete the activity today, you can also tell me how much more you have to pay before you can withdraw it. Anyway, it’s up to you as a platform to do whatever you want! It is clearly stated that there is no time limit, and I cannot withdraw money until I complete the recharge goal. It is still operable even if the goal is not completed! It's all bullshit now! Such defrauding of hard-earned money...the above is my experience of being defrauded this time! Just a reminder for everyone.
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