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IDX Trader

China|1-2 years|
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IDX Trader · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name IDX Trader
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year 2023
Regulation Unregulated
Minimum Deposit $50
Products&Services Forex,forex set,commodities,metal,stocks
Spreads from 0.6 pip
Trading Platforms Meta Trader 4
Demo Account Available
Customer Support The IDX official website is inaccessible
Deposit & Withdrawal Credit/debit card

Overview of IDX Trader

IDX Trader, a trading platform registered in China, emerged in 2023, operating within an unregulated environment.

With a low minimum deposit requirement of $50, IDX Trader offers a diverse range of financial products and services, encompassing forex, forex sets, commodities, metals, and stocks, making it accessible to traders interested in various markets. The platform provides competitive spreads starting from 0.6 pips and utilizes the widely recognized Meta Trader 4 trading platform.

Traders can explore their strategies risk-free with a demo account option, and customer support is available through their website at Deposit and withdrawal methods include credit and debit cards, providing flexibility for traders' financial transactions.

Overview of IDX Trader

Is IDX Trader Limited Legit or a Scam?

IDX Trader operates in an unregulated environment, which means it lacks oversight and regulatory framework typically found in traditional financial markets.

Unregulated trading platforms, like IDX Trader, will pose higher risks to participants due to limited investor protection and increased susceptibility to potential fraudulent activities.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Asset Offerings Lack of Regulation
Competitive Spreads Limited Information
Demo Account Availability Customer Support Concerns
User-Friendly Trading Platform Risk of Fraud
Low Minimum Deposit Limited Payment Options


  1. Diverse Asset Offerings: IDX Trader provides a wide range of trading options, including forex, forex sets, commodities, metals, and stocks, allowing traders to diversify their portfolios and explore various financial markets.

  2. Competitive Spreads: With spreads starting from as low as 0.6 pips, IDX Trader offers competitive pricing that can potentially reduce trading costs for participants, making it attractive for cost-conscious traders.

  3. Demo Account Availability: The availability of a demo account allows traders to practice and test their trading strategies in a risk-free environment, helping beginners gain confidence and experienced traders refine their approaches.

  4. User-Friendly Trading Platform: IDX Trader uses the Meta Trader 4 platform, a widely recognized and user-friendly trading platform that offers advanced charting tools, technical indicators, and automated trading capabilities.

  5. Low Minimum Deposit: A minimum deposit requirement of $50 makes IDX Trader accessible to traders with varying levels of capital, allowing individuals to start trading without a significant upfront investment.


  1. Lack of Regulation: IDX Trader operates in an unregulated environment, which will raise concerns about investor protection, transparency, and accountability, as traders have fewer regulatory safeguards.

  2. Limited Information: The lack of regulatory oversight will result in limited access to comprehensive information about the platform's operations, financial stability, and dispute resolution mechanisms, potentially increasing the risk for traders.

  3. Customer Support Concerns: Depending solely on the platform's website for customer support ( will present challenges if traders encounter issues or require timely assistance, as there will be limitations in the availability and responsiveness of support services.

  4. Risk of Fraud: Unregulated trading platforms can be vulnerable to fraudulent activities, traders need exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence to mitigate the risk of falling victim to scams or unscrupulous practices.

  5. Limited Payment Options: IDX Trader appears to offer credit and debit cards as the primary deposit and withdrawal methods, which will limit options for traders who prefer alternative payment methods or seek greater flexibility in financial transactions.

Products & Services

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange):

    1. Currency Pairs: Trading in various currency pairs, including major, minor, and exotic pairs.

    2. Spot Trading: Immediate exchange of currencies at the current market price.

    3. Currency Derivatives: Trading in currency futures and options contracts.

    4. Forex Brokers: Access to trading platforms, leverage, and research tools offered by brokerage firms.

  2. Forex Sets (Forex Indices):

    1. Creation of Indices: Formation of custom indices that represent the performance of specific groups of currencies.

    2. Trading Forex Sets: Trading instruments that track the value of these indices.

    3. Portfolio Diversification: Allows traders to gain exposure to a basket of currencies rather than individual pairs.

  3. Commodities:

    1. Commodity Futures: Trading in futures contracts for various commodities like oil, natural gas, and agricultural products.

    2. Physical Commodity Trading: The physical purchase and sale of commodities, such as precious metals, agricultural goods, and energy resources.

    3. Commodity ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds): Investment in exchange-traded funds that track the performance of specific commodity indices.

  4. Metals:

    1. Precious Metals: Trading in precious metals like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, often used for investment and hedging purposes.

    2. Base Metals: Trading in base metals like copper, aluminum, and zinc, primarily used in industrial applications.

    3. Bullion Trading: Physical trading and investment in precious metal bars and coins.

  5. Stocks (Equities):

    1. Equity Trading: Buying and selling shares of publicly traded companies on stock exchanges.

    2. Stock Indices: Investment in stock market indices representing the performance of specific groups of stocks.

    3. Stock Brokers: Access to trading platforms, research, and investment advisory services provided by brokerage firms.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with IDX Trader could generally follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Account Type: Visit the IDX Trader website, review the different account types available, and decide which one best fits your trading experience and financial capabilities.

  2. Complete the Registration Form: Click on the 'Open Account' or similar button and fill out the registration form with your personal details such as name, email address, phone number, and any other required information.

  3. Verification: Submit the necessary identification documents to verify your identity and residence. This typically includes a government-issued ID (passport or driver's license) and a utility bill or bank statement for proof of address.

  4. Fund Your Account: Once your account is verified, proceed to fund it using the available deposit methods such as credit/debit card, as mentioned in the provided information. Ensure you meet the minimum deposit requirement for the chosen account type.

How to Open an Account?


IDX Trader stands out with its attractive trading conditions, offering traders highly competitive spreads that start from as low as 0.6 pips.

These tight spreads enhance the cost-efficiency of trading various financial instruments, including forex pairs and other assets.

Trading Platform

IDX Trader provides its clients with Meta4 platforms,which is commonly known as MetaTrader 4 (MT4), this is a widely used platform in the online trading industry.

It is well-regarded for its advanced technical analysis capabilities, automated trading features through Expert Advisors (EAs), and extensive back-testing environment. MT4 offers a large marketplace for trading robots and indicators, and it supports a wide range of instruments including forex, CFDs, and futures.

Deposit & Withdrawal

IDX Trader presents a straightforward and adaptable system for managing financial transactions, prioritizing the convenience of its clients. The initial investment threshold to commence trading is modestly set at $50. To ensure a seamless and flexible transaction experience, IDX Trader supports the following method:

Credit/Debit Cards:

  • This universally accepted mode of payment stands as the sole method for conducting both deposits and withdrawals with IDX Trader, ensuring transactions are handled with efficiency and expediency. Clients can benefit from the immediacy of deposits, which typically enables rapid access to trading capital.

  • Similarly, the withdrawal process is designed to be just as convenient, with funds being returned to the card originally used for deposit. This approach underscores IDX Trader's commitment to providing a hassle-free financial experience for its traders.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

The official website of IDX Trader is inaccessible, therefore, it is impossible to obtain the methods of customer support.

Some well-known brokers offer multiple ways to contact customer service, such as by phone and email, but this company has not disclosed such information, and its company website is also difficult to open.

Customer Support


In conclusion, IDX Trader, a China-based trading platform established in 2023, offers a diverse range of financial products and services, coupled with competitive spreads and the convenience of the Meta Trader 4 platform.

However, its unregulated status raises concerns about investor protection and transparency, and limited customer support channels will pose challenges for traders seeking assistance.

While its low minimum deposit requirement and demo account option provide accessibility and learning opportunities, users must exercise caution due to the inherent risks associated with unregulated trading environments, including the potential for fraudulent activities.


Q: Where is IDX Trader registered?

A: IDX Trader is registered in China.

Q: When was IDX Trader founded?

A: IDX Trader was founded in the year 2023.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to start trading with IDX Trader?

A: The minimum deposit required to start trading with IDX Trader is $50.

Q: Does IDX Trader offer a demo account?

A: Yes, IDX Trader offers a demo account for users to practice trading without financial risk.

Q: How can I contact IDX Trader customer support?

A: IDX Traders customer support can be reached through their website at

Broker Information

Company Name

IDX Trader


IDX Trader

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

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