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United Kingdom|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0541392) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0541392)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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BreeTrade · WikiFX Survey

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BreeTrade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name BreeTrade
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:400
Spreads Average spreads as low as 0.0 pips
Trading Platforms MetaTrader5 (MT5)
Tradable Assets Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Spot Precious Metals, Indices, Energy, and more
Account Types Live Accounts and Demo Accounts
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Email:, Web form for inquiries
Deposit & Withdrawal Cryptocurrency (USDT, ETH, BTC) and Wire Transfer (service fees may apply depending on the banks involved in the transfer process)
Educational Resources Market Analysis, Technical Analysis, Analysts' View, Economic Calendar

General Information

BreeTrade, a brokerage firm registered in the United Kingdom, provides a wide range of trading products to its clients. With over 150 trading products available, including foreign exchange, precious metals, energy, and indices, traders have diverse options to explore in the financial markets. BreeTrade offers leverage of up to 1:400, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions.

The company emphasizes its commitment to providing low spreads, with rates as low as 0.0 pips. This can be advantageous for traders looking to optimize their trading costs and potentially increase their profitability. Additionally, BreeTrade prides itself on offering dedicated customer support services, available 24/7, to assist with any trading-related issues or inquiries that traders may have.



It has been confirmed that BreeTrade lacks valid regulation, highlighting the importance of being cautious and aware of the associated risks. The broker is mentioned to have an NFA license number 0541392, but it is important to note that the regulatory status is abnormal and unauthorized. This indicates that BreeTrade does not hold the required authorization from the official regulatory body, the United States NFA. Furthermore, it is mentioned that the broker exceeds the business scope regulated by the NFA under license number 0541392, specifically the UNFX Non-Forex License. This further underscores the need to exercise caution and be aware of

Pros and Cons

BreeTrade, an unregulated brokerage firm based in the United Kingdom, offers a wide range of trading products and competitive spreads, providing traders with diverse opportunities in the financial markets.

The high leverage of up to 1:400 can be advantageous for experienced traders seeking potential returns. The availability of the popular MT5 trading platform and dedicated customer support further enhance the trading experience. However, the lack of regulation raises concerns about investor protection and financial oversight.

The abnormal regulatory status indicated by the United States NFA license number 0541392 adds to these concerns. Traders should carefully consider the potential risks associated with engaging with an unregulated broker, including limited legal recourse and potential exposure to fraudulent activities. It is advisable to explore regulated alternatives that offer a higher level of security and regulatory compliance.

Pros Cons
Wide range of trading products Lack of regulation
Competitive spreads as low as 0.0 pips Limited legal recourse and potential exposure to fraudulent activities
High leverage of up to 1:400 Limited information on specific tradable assets within each category
Access to popular MT5 trading platform Lack of transparency
Dedicated 24/7 customer support Potential variation in spreads depending on market conditions and volatility
Availability of demo accounts Limited educational resources
Convenient deposit and withdrawal options Uncertainty regarding the accuracy and current status of BreeTrade's offerings and services
Multilingual website and customer support

Market Instruments

BreeTrade provides its clients with extensive access to a vast array of financial markets. With over 150 different asset types available, traders can explore a diverse range of opportunities through the brokerage platform. These include popular markets such as Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Spot Precious Metals, Indices, and Energy. This wide selection allows traders to diversify their portfolios and take advantage of various market movements and trends. By offering access to such a significant number of asset types, BreeTrade aims to cater to the diverse trading preferences and strategies of its clients.

Account Types

BreeTrade provides traders with two distinct trading account options: live accounts and demo accounts. Live accounts are designed to cater to traders of all levels of experience and expertise. These accounts come with various features, including competitive spreads as low as 0.0 pips, leverage of up to 1:400, a stable trading system, and fast execution speeds. With these features, BreeTrade aims to provide an optimal trading environment for live account holders, enabling them to execute trades efficiently and effectively.

In addition to live accounts, BreeTrade also offers demo accounts. These accounts are specifically designed for traders to practice their trading strategies and test the trading environment without the risk of losing real money. Demo accounts provide traders with a simulated trading experience that closely resembles real market conditions. By using a demo account, traders can gain valuable experience, refine their strategies, and familiarize themselves with the trading platform offered by BreeTrade.


BreeTrade offers a maximum leverage level of up to 1:400, which is considered a generous offering. This high leverage level can be beneficial for professional traders and scalpers as it has the potential to amplify their potential returns. It allows traders to multiply their trading positions and potentially increase their profits, enabling them to take advantage of market movements.

Spreads & Commissions

BreeTrade provides average spreads for different trading instruments, showcasing their competitive pricing. The average spread for the EUR/USD pair is listed at 0.1 pips, while the AUD/USD pair and GBP/USD pair have average spreads of 0.4 pips each. These average spread figures can be utilized as a benchmark for comparing spreads among different forex brokers and determining which one offers the most favorable pricing.

Calculating the average spread over a specific time period, such as one month, is indeed a reliable method for comparing spreads offered by different brokers. By considering the average spread, traders can assess the overall cost of trading and identify the broker that offers the lowest spreads consistently.

Trading Platforms Available

BreeTrade provides its clients with access to the popular and widely-used MT5 (MetaTrader5) trading platform, which offers a robust set of features and can be accessed from various devices. Traders can enjoy a seamless trading experience and take advantage of the platform's powerful charting capabilities, including over 50 different technical indicators and intraday analysis tools. This extensive range of tools and indicators allows traders to perform detailed market analysis and make informed trading decisions.

Additionally, the MT5 trading platform supports the use of trading bots, such as Expert Advisors (EAs), which can automate trading strategies based on predefined rules. This automation capability enables traders to execute trades based on specific criteria and can be particularly useful for those who prefer algorithmic or systematic trading approaches.

Furthermore, the MT5 platform enables traders to study financial markets, access real-time market data, and engage in advanced trading operations. They also have the option to copy the strategies of other successful investors without difficulty, a feature known as social trading. This allows traders to learn from experienced traders and potentially replicate their trading strategies.


Trading Tools & Resources

In addition to the MT5 trading platform, BreeTrade offers a range of trading tools and resources to assist traders in familiarizing themselves with forex trading. These tools and resources aim to provide valuable insights and information for making informed trading decisions. Some of the tools and resources available are:

1. Market Analysis: BreeTrade provides market analysis, which includes regular updates and insights on various financial markets. This analysis helps traders stay informed about market trends, news, and potential trading opportunities.

2. Technical Analysis: Traders can access technical analysis tools offered by BreeTrade. Technical analysis involves studying historical price data and using chart patterns, indicators, and other analytical tools to predict future price movements. This tool can assist traders in identifying potential entry and exit points for their trades.

3. Analysts View: BreeTrade offers an analysts' view, providing expert opinions and perspectives on the market. These insights from experienced analysts can provide traders with additional guidance and different viewpoints to consider when making trading decisions.

4. Economic Calendar: Traders can utilize the economic calendar provided by BreeTrade. This calendar highlights important economic events, such as central bank announcements, economic indicators, and other significant news releases that can impact the financial markets. By staying updated with these events, traders can anticipate market volatility and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.

Deposit & withdrawal

BreeTrade offers its clients two payment processor options for making deposits and withdrawals: Cryptocurrency and Wire Transfer. Clients have the flexibility to use digital wallets to deposit and withdraw funds, supporting popular cryptocurrencies such as USDT, ETH, BTC, and others. The advantage of using cryptocurrency transactions is that BreeTrade does not charge any deposit or withdrawal fees for these methods.

Alternatively, clients can choose to deposit or withdraw funds through Wire Transfer. It's important to note that for Wire Transfer transactions, service fees may apply depending on the individual banks involved in the transfer process. Clients should consider these potential fees when opting for Wire Transfer as their chosen payment method.

With the option to utilize cryptocurrency or Wire Transfer, BreeTrade provides clients with choices for their deposit and withdrawal needs. Clients can opt for the convenience and potential cost savings of cryptocurrency transactions or opt for Wire Transfer, taking into account any associated service fees.


Customer Support

As for BreeTrades customer care, they offer a “Common Problem” section to offers answers to solve some common trading problems, and they can be contacted through email: Besides, there is also a web form for you to fill out some basic information and wait to be connected.



In conclusion, BreeTrade, an unregulated broker lacking valid regulation, presents potential risks that traders should be aware of. While the brokerage offers a wide range of trading products and leverages competitive spreads, the absence of regulation raises concerns regarding investor protection and financial oversight. Additionally, the abnormal regulatory status indicated by the United States NFA license number 0541392 further underscores the potential risks involved. Traders should exercise caution and carefully consider the potential disadvantages of engaging with an unregulated broker, such as limited legal recourse and potential exposure to fraudulent activities. It is advisable to explore regulated alternatives that provide a higher level of security and regulatory compliance.


Q: What trading products are offered by BreeTrade?

A: BreeTrade provides a wide range of financial instruments for trading, including forex, stocks, commodities, and indices.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by BreeTrade?

A: BreeTrade offers leverage of up to 1:400.

Q: Is BreeTrade a regulated brokerage firm?

A: BreeTrade is currently an unregulated broker, and traders should be aware of the potential risks associated with trading with an unregulated entity.

Q: What trading platform does BreeTrade offer?

A: BreeTrade offers access to the popular MT5 (MetaTrader5) trading platform.

Q: Can I practice trading with BreeTrade before risking real money?

A: Yes, BreeTrade offers a demo account where traders can practice their trading strategies and get familiar with the platform without using real money.

Q: How can I contact BreeTrade's customer support?

A: You can reach BreeTrade's customer support through email or live chat.

Q: What payment methods are available for deposits and withdrawals?

A: BreeTrade accepts various payment methods, including Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Neteller, WebMoney, bank transfers, and local transfers.

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