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FXPM · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name FXPM
Registered Country/Area Marshall Islands
Founded Year 2016
Regulation Not regulated
Market Instruments Cryptocurrency
Account Types N/A
Minimum Deposit Standard account, Silver account, Gold account, Premium account
Maximum Leverage 1:200
Spreads N/A
Trading Platforms MT5, AI trading robots
Customer Support 24/7 live chat, email support(
Deposit & Withdrawal Cryptocurrencies, credit cards, bank transfers

Overview of FXPM

FXPM, established in 2016 and headquartered in the Marshall Islands, offers trading services primarily focused on cryptocurrencies. While the platform provides advanced trading tools such as MT5 and AI trading robots, it operates without regulation. Traders can access various account types with flexible deposit options but should be mindful of the lack of regulatory oversight.

However, FXPM boasts 24/7 customer support via live chat and email, ensuring assistance is available whenever needed. Deposit and withdrawal methods include cryptocurrencies, credit cards, and bank transfers, providing convenience for traders in managing their funds.

Overview of FXPM

Is FXPM Legit or a Scam?

FXPM operates without regulation from any governing authority, potentially impacting transparency and oversight. Unregulated exchanges lack the legal protections and oversight provided by regulatory bodies, increasing the risk of fraud, market manipulation, and security breaches. This absence of regulation may also pose challenges for users in resolving disputes or seeking recourse.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Powerful Trading Platforms Not reglated
High Leverage Limited Educational Resources
Fast Execution
24/7 Live Chat Support


  1. Powerful Trading Platforms:

    1. FXPM offers a variety of robust trading platforms, providing traders with advanced tools and features to execute trades efficiently. These platforms, such as MT5 and AI trading robots, enable users to analyze market trends and make informed trading decisions.

  2. High Leverage:

    1. FXPM provides high leverage options of up to 1:100 and 1:200, allowing traders to amplify their trading potential and maximize opportunities in the market. Higher leverage ratios enable traders to control larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, potentially leading to higher profits.

  3. Fast Execution:

    1. With FXPM, traders experience lightning-fast execution on platforms like MT5. Advanced technology and optimized infrastructure ensure that trades are executed swiftly and efficiently, enabling traders to capitalize on market opportunities without delays.

  4. 24/7 Live Chat Support:

    1. FXPM offers round-the-clock live chat support, allowing traders to connect with customer service representatives and market analysts at any time. This instant support enhances the overall trading experience by providing assistance and guidance whenever needed.


  1. Not Regulated:

    1. One potential drawback of FXPM is its lack of regulation. Regulatory oversight ensures that brokers comply with industry standards and safeguards traders' interests. The absence of regulation may raise warnings about the transparency and security of the trading environment.

  2. Limited Educational Resources:

    1. FXPM may have limited educational resources available for traders. Comprehensive educational materials, such as tutorials, webinars, and market analysis, are essential for traders to improve their skills and knowledge. Without adequate educational resources, traders may face challenges in learning and mastering trading strategies.

Market Instruments

FXPM offers a range of trading assets, mainly Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies have emerged as a popular investment choice due to their decentralized nature and potential for high volatility, providing traders with opportunities to capitalize on price movements. With FXPM, you can navigate the dynamic digital asset market with ease, leveraging our platform's advanced trading tools and features.

Account Types

FXPM offers four types of accounts:

The Standard account type offered by FXPM requires a minimum deposit of $250 and accommodates investors looking for a modest entry point into trading. With a maximum deposit limit of $5000, this account type is suitable for beginner to intermediate traders seeking steady returns with a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 15%. Additionally, the $100 gift bonus may attract users looking for additional incentives to start trading.

The Silver account option requires a minimum deposit of $1000, serving investors with slightly higher capital levels. With a minimum return of 15% and a maximum return of 22%, this account type offers potentially higher returns compared to the Standard account. The maximum deposit limit of $15000 makes it suitable for investors looking to increase their investment size while still enjoying relatively moderate risks. The $1500 gift bonus adds further appeal to this account type.

For investors with larger capital and a higher risk tolerance, the Gold account may be more suitable. With a minimum deposit requirement of $15000 and a maximum deposit limit of $50000, this account type offers the potential for higher returns, ranging from 22% to 36%. The $2500 gift bonus adds to the attractiveness of this account option.

The Premium account type is for high-net-worth individuals or institutional investors seeking substantial returns. With a minimum deposit of $50000 and no maximum deposit limit, this account type offers the highest potential returns, ranging from 30% to 45%. The $5500 gift bonus may serve as an additional incentive for investors with larger capital to allocate.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Maximum Deposit Minimum Return Maximum Return Gift Bonus
Standard $250 $5,000 10% 15% $100
Silver $1,000 $15,000 15% 22% $1,500
Gold $15,000 $50,000 22% 36% $2,500
Premium $50,000 $10,000,000 30% 45% $5,500
Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Here's a concrete guide on how to open an account with FXPM in three steps:

  1. Create an Account:

    1. Visit the FXPM website and click on the “Create Account” or “Sign Up” button.

    2. Fill out the registration form with your preferred email/username and create a password.

    3. Submit the form to create your account.

  2. Make a Deposit:

    1. Log in to your newly created FXPM account.

    2. Navigate to the deposit section and choose your preferred currency for deposit.

    3. Follow the instructions to complete the deposit process using your chosen payment method.

  3. Start Trading/Investing:

    1. Once your deposit is confirmed, you can start trading or investing.

    2. Explore the various trading options available, including indices, commodities, and more.

    3. Begin trading by selecting the assets you're interested in and executing your trades through the FXPM platform.

How to Open an Account?


At FXPM, traders can access a maximum leverage of 1:200, allowing them to amplify their trading positions significantly. With this level of leverage, traders can control larger positions in the market with a relatively smaller amount of capital.

Trading Platform

The trading platform offered by FXPM is MT5, short for MetaTrader 5. MT5 is a widely recognized and popular trading platform in the financial industry, known for its robust features and advanced functionalities. As the successor to MT4, MT5 offers several enhancements, including additional timeframes, more technical indicators, and the ability to trade a wider range of financial instruments beyond forex, such as stocks, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Traders can execute various types of orders, including market orders, pending orders, and stop orders, providing flexibility in trading strategies.

Additionally, MT5 supports algorithmic trading through the use of Expert Advisors (EAs) and allows traders to conduct thorough technical analysis with its comprehensive charting tools. Overall, MT5 provides traders with a powerful and versatile platform for executing trades across different asset classes.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

FXPM offers various convenient deposit options. Users can deposit funds using cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or USDT, providing a secure and efficient way to transfer funds. Alternatively, credit cards offer instant transactions, allowing users to start trading without delay. For those preferring traditional banking methods, FXPM also accept bank transfers, ensuring flexibility for all clients.

When it comes to withdrawing funds from your FXPM account, the process is simple and flexible. Users can initiate withdrawals using the same methods available for deposits, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or USDT, credit cards, and bank transfers. Moreover, for clients with accounts holding over $20,000, FXPM offers a debit card connected directly to their account.

Customer Support

FXPM offers customer support via phone and email, providing assistance to users with inquiries or issues. Traders can contact them via email Additionally, users can reach out through the provided address at Samstagernstrasse 41, 8832 Wollerau, Switzerland.

Whether you have questions about account management, or trading platforms, FXPM's customer support aims to provide prompt and helpful assistance. Simply fill out the contact form on their website with your name, email, subject, and comments to get in touch with their support team.

Customer Support


In conclusion, FXPM offers a range of advantages such as powerful trading platforms, high-leverage options, fast execution, and 24/7 live chat support. These features enhance the trading experience, providing traders with the tools and support they need to navigate the markets effectively.

However, it's important to note the disadvantages, including the lack of regulation and limited educational resources.


Question: What trading platforms does FXPM offer?

Answer: FXPM offers powerful trading platforms such as MT5 and AI trading robots.

Question: What is the maximum leverage available at FXPM?

Answer: FXPM offers high-leverage options of up to 1:100 and 1:200.

Question: How can I contact customer support at FXPM?

Answer: You can contact FXPM's customer support through their 24/7 live chat feature or email.

Question: Is FXPM regulated?

Answer: No, FXPM is not regulated.

Question: Does FXPM provide educational resources?

Answer: FXPM may have limited educational resources available.

Question: What payment methods are accepted at FXPM?

Answer: FXPM accepts various payment methods, including cryptocurrencies, credit cards, and bank transfers.

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