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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Hong Kong|2-5 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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UpWay3-live MT4
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+852 2385 0868
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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 33 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The China Hong Kong CGSE regulation (license number: 084) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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JR · WikiFX Survey

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5-10 yearsRegulated in AustraliaMarket Making(MM)MT4 Full License
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JR · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

JR Review Summary
Registered Country/Region Hong Kong
Regulation CGSE
Investment Products gold and silver CFDs, physical gold
Trading Platforms MT4
Education beginner's guide, basic knowledge, market perspectives, an investment encyclopedia, technical analysis materials, and an investment Q&A section
Customer Support email, telephone, 24-hour customer service

What is JR?

JR is a precious metal brokerage firm based in Hong Kong. They offer various trading products, including gold and silver CFDs (Contracts for Difference) and physical gold. As a brokerage firm, JR facilitates trading activities for clients who are interested in precious metals. They provide trading platforms, customer service, educational resources, and other services related to precious metal trading.

JR's home page

We will examine this broker's attributes from a variety of angles in the following post, giving you clear and organized information. Please continue reading if you're curious. To help you quickly comprehend the broker's qualities, we will also provide a concise conclusion at the end of the piece.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Offers a variety of trading products, including gold and silver CFDs and physical gold • Reports of difficulties with withdrawals and potential scams
• Provides an educational platform for clients
• Valid regulation
MT4 supported

JR Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to JR depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • JM Bullion - JM Bullion is a popular precious metal broker offering a user-friendly platform, competitive pricing, and a wide range of bullion products, making it an excellent option for both new and experienced investors.

  • - is a reputable precious metal broker founded by renowned investor Mike Maloney, providing educational resources, a seamless trading platform, and a variety of physical precious metals to cater to investors seeking to protect and grow their wealth.

  • Kitco - Kitco is a well-established precious metal broker known for its reliable pricing information, extensive market analysis, and a wide selection of bullion products, making it a valuable resource for traders and investors in the precious metal markets.

Is JR Safe or Scam?

Based on the information provided, it is essential to approach JR with caution. While JR is regulated by CGSE, indicating a level of oversight, there have been reports of difficulties with withdrawals and potential scams associated with the firm. These reports raise concerns about the safety and reliability of JR as a brokerage firm.

It is crucial for individuals considering engaging with JR to conduct thorough research, gather more information, and exercise caution. It is recommended to explore alternative options and consider brokerage firms with a strong track record of reliable customer service, transparent operations, and positive client feedback.

CGSE License

Investment Products

JR offers a diverse range of market instruments for precious metal trading. Their offerings include gold and silver CFDs (Contracts for Difference), which allow clients to speculate on the price movements of these metals without owning them physically. CFDs offer flexibility and leverage, enabling traders to potentially profit from both rising and falling prices.

gold and silver CFDs

JR also provides the option to trade physical gold, which involves the actual ownership and possession of physical gold bullion. This allows investors to hold a tangible asset and benefit from the long-term value and security of owning precious metals. With these market instruments, JR caters to different trading preferences and investment strategies, providing opportunities for both short-term speculation and long-term investment in precious metals.

physical gold

Trading Platform

JR provides its clients with MT4 (MetaTrader 4) trading platforms, which are widely recognized and utilized in the financial industry. The MT4 platform is a powerful and popular trading software known for its advanced features and user-friendly interface. It offers a range of tools and functionalities that enable clients to engage in efficient and effective trading. Additionally, the MT4 platform offered by JR allows for the customization of trading preferences and the development of automated trading strategies through the use of expert advisors (EAs). EAs are software programs that can automatically execute trades based on predefined rules and parameters, helping clients implement their trading strategies more efficiently.


See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platforms
JM Bullion Online Trading Platform Online Trading Platform
Kitco Online Trading Platform

User Exposure on WikiFX

You may find reports of frauds and withdrawal issues and scams on our website. Investors are urged to evaluate the risks involved with trading on an unregulated platform and carefully study the information offered. Before trading, you may check the information on our site. Please let us know in the Exposure area if you come across any such dishonest brokers or if you have been the victim of one. We would appreciate that, and our team of professionals will make every effort to help you solve the problem.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Customer Service

JR provides multiple channels for customer service to cater to the needs of its clients. Clients can reach out to JR's customer service team through various means, including telephone, email, online customer service, and a physical customer center.

Clients can contact JR's customer service via telephone at the provided number: (+852) 2385 0968. This allows for direct communication and the opportunity to address any queries, concerns, or issues promptly.

For written correspondence, clients can utilize email and reach out to JR's customer service team at This provides a convenient and documented channel for communication, allowing clients to express their inquiries or provide detailed information.

Working hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-17:00 (closed on holidays).

Company address: 21/F, Nina Tower Phase 2, No. 8 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong.

contact details


JR places great emphasis on supporting the education of their clients by providing an extensive educational platform. This platform offers a wide array of resources designed to enhance clients' knowledge and understanding of precious metal trading.

For beginners, JR offers a comprehensive beginner's guide that serves as an introduction to the world of trading. It covers the fundamentals of trading, including basic knowledge, concepts, and essential strategies. This guide provides newcomers with a solid foundation to start their trading journey.

beginner's guide and basic knowledge

In addition to the beginner's guide, JR's educational platform encompasses a range of resources that cater to clients with varying levels of expertise. They provide depth-inknowledge resources that delve into specific topics related to precious metal trading. These resources cover areas such as market perspective, offering insights into current market trends, news, and analysis. This information helps clients stay informed about factors influencing the prices of precious metals and make well-informed trading decisions.

To further expand clients' understanding, JR offers an investment encyclopedia that serves as a comprehensive reference tool. It provides detailed information about various investment concepts, strategies, and techniques. This resource helps clients deepen their understanding of investment principles and broaden their knowledge base.

market perspective and investment encyclopedia

Technical analysis materials are also available on JR's educational platform. These resources focus on technical analysis techniques and tools used to interpret price charts and identify potential trading opportunities. Clients can learn about popular indicators, chart patterns, and trend analysis methods, enabling them to make more informed trading decisions based on technical factors.

To address specific queries and concerns, JR provides an investment Q&A section where clients can find answers to commonly asked questions. This section covers a range of topics related to trading, risk management, and general investment queries, offering valuable insights and clarification.

technical analysis and investment Q&A section


In summary, JR is a precious metal brokerage firm based in Hong Kong, regulated by CGSE. They offer trading products such as gold and silver CFDs and physical gold. Their customer service can be accessed via telephone, email, and online channels during specified hours. They provide an educational platform for clients to enhance their understanding of trading. However, there have been reports of difficulties with withdrawals and potential scams associated with JR.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is JR regulated?

A1: Yes, JR is regulated by CGSE.

Q2: What trading products does JR offer?

A2: JR offers a range of trading products, including gold and silver CFDs and physical gold.

Q3: How can I contact JR's customer service?

A3: JR's customer service can be reached via telephone at (+852) 2385 0968 or through email at They also offer a 14-hour online customer service option.

Q4: What are JR's working hours?

A4: JR operates from Monday to Friday, 9:00-17:00, and is closed on holidays.

Review 42

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