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Adam Capitals

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|2-5 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


Rating Index

MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
AdamFxCapitals-Server MT5
Server Location United Kingdom

Suit 305, Griffith Corporate Center Beachmont, P.O.Box 1510, Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

Single Core



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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Adam Capitals · Company Summary

Category Details
Company Name Adam Capitals
Registered Country Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Founded Year 2021
Regulation No Regulation
Tradable Assets Forex, Stocks, Commodities, Indices, Metals, Energies, CFDs
Account Types Standard, VIP, ECN
Minimum Deposit 100 (Standard), 1000 (VIP), $2500 (ECN)
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads 1.5 PIP (Standard), 1.0 PIP (VIP), 0.6 PIP (ECN)
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 5
Customer Support Email (, Phone (+44 7852 768759), Contact form available
Educational Resources Global Capital Insights

Overview of Adam Capitals

Founded in 2021, Adam Capitals is a forex and CFD broker registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The broker offers forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals, energies and CFDs. However, it operates without regulatory oversight. Adam Capitals provides access to the MetaTrader 5 platform, with three types of accounts: Standard, VIP, and ECN, with leverage up to 1:500. Customer support is available through email, phone, and a contact form, though the transparency regarding deposit and withdrawal methods is limited.

Overview of Adam Capitals

Pros and Cons

Adam Capitals provides access to global stock markets and commodities such as agricultural products and natural resources, along with 40 forex currency pairs. The availability of the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform helps to enhance the trading experience. Additionally, the broker offers a contact form for easy communication and support.

However, Adam Capitals operates without any regulation. The lack of transparency around commissions and fees can make it difficult for traders to understand the true cost of trading. Opaque payment methods further complicate the financial processes. The imposition of swaps on Standard and VIP accounts could increase trading costs for those account holders. Lastly, the absence of customer support on weekends could be inconvenient for traders who require assistance outside regular business hours.

Pros Cons
  • Access to global stock markets
  • No regulation
  • Inclusion of both soft and hard commodities
  • Lack of transparency of commissions and fees
  • 40 forex currency pairs
  • Opaque payment methods
  • MT5 platform available
  • Swaps on Standard and VIP accounts
  • Contact form offered
  • No support on weekends

Is Adam Capitals legit or a scam?

Adam Capitals currently operates without regulation from any established financial authority. This unregulated status indicates a lack of fund security and transparency in trading practices.

Is Adam Capitals legit or a scam?

Market Instruments

The broker supports trading in the following categories:

  • CFDs: Multiple CFDs on stocks, commodities, indices, and bonds.

  • Commodities: Involves both physical commodities like gold and commodity derivatives such as futures contracts. This includes agricultural products (soft commodities) and natural resources (hard commodities).

  • Stocks: Access to over 500 publicly traded companies from the US, UK, France, and Germany.

  • Forex: 40 currency pairs, including major, minor, and cross pairs.

  • Indices: Baskets of top shares representing countrywide performance.

  • Metals: Commodities such as gold, silver, and platinum.

  • Energies: Opportunities to trade UK and US crude oil, as well as natural gas.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Adam Capitals offers three trading account types: Standard, VIP, and ECN.

The Standard account is ideal for beginners or those with a lower initial investment, requiring a minimum deposit of $100. This account type offers a spread of 1.5 PIPs and a leverage of up to 1:500.

The VIP account, targeted at more experienced traders, requires a minimum deposit of $1000. It offers a tighter spread of 1.0 PIP and maintains the same leverage of up to 1:500.

The ECN account is suitable for professional traders. With a minimum deposit requirement of $2500, this account type provides the tightest spread of 0.6 PIP and the same leverage of up to 1:500. Additionally, the ECN account offers a swap-free option.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Spread Leverage Swap
Standard $100 1.5 PIPs Up to 1:500 Yes
VIP $1000 1.0 PIP Up to 1:500 Yes
ECN $2500 0.6 PIP Up to 1:500 Swap-free
Account Types

How to Open an Account with Adam Capitals

  1. Register: Visit the Adam Capitals website and click on the 'Register & Start for Free' button. Fill out the registration form with your personal information, including your full name, email address, phone number, and country of residence. You will also need to create a unique username and password.

How to Open an Account with Adam Capitals
How to Open an Account with Adam Capitals
  1. Verify Documents: After submitting your registration form, you will need to verify your email address by clicking on the verification link sent to your inbox. Next, complete the account verification process by providing additional information such as your identification documents (ID) and proof of address.

  2. Top Up: Once your account has been verified, log in to your Client Portal and top up your account.

  3. Start Trading: After funding your account, you can start trading by logging into the MetaTrader 5 platform using your account credentials. Adam Capitals provides access to over 275 trading instruments across six major markets.

How to Open an Account with Adam Capitals


Adam Capitals offers a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:500 across its various account types. This unregulated broker offering such high leverage intends to attract more innocent traders.


Spreads & Commissions

Adam Capitals features a tiered spread structure:

  • Standard Account: Spreads start from 1.5 pips.

  • VIP Account: Spreads start from 1.0 pips.

  • ECN Account: Spreads start from 0.6 pips.

Other Fess

Adam Capitals charges overnight interest fees (swap rates) for positions held overnight. However, the ECN account offers a swap-free option.

Trading Platform

Adam Capitals provides the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform across all account types, offering a powerful and versatile trading tool. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, MT5 supports algorithmic trading with Expert Advisors (EAs), market depth information, and advanced order management tools. It also includes numerous technical indicators for detailed market analysis. MT5 is accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, and the mobile platform retains the core functionalities of the desktop version.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

Customer support is available 24/5.

Company Mail:

Phone Number: +44 7852-768759

Physical Address: Plot No. 341F, 4th B Road, Sardarpura Jodhpur-342001, Rajasthan, India.

Address: Ground Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, P.O. Box 838, Castries Saint Lucia.

Contact form is provided on the broker's website.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Adam Capitals enhances trader education through its “Global Capital Insights” program. This educational hub includes three parts:

  • MOBILE TRADER: This resource explains how to elevate trading on the MetaTrader 5 platform with the Mobile Trader feature.

  • METALS & COMMODITIES: This section provides insights into trading precious metals and commodities, emphasizing the opportunities in these highly traded markets and offering practical trading tips.

  • METATRADER 5: An overview of the MetaTrader 5 platform, detailing its capabilities for technical analysis and trading operations in Forex and exchange markets, and highlighting key features that support traders' activities.

Educational Resources


Adam Capitals, founded in 2021 and based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, operates as an unregulated forex and CFD broker. The broker offers forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals, and energies, accessible through the MetaTrader 5 platform. Adam Capitals provides three account types—Standard, VIP, and ECN—with leverage up to 1:500 and varying spreads. However, the lack of regulatory oversight is a major drawback. Additionally, the unclear fee structure and limited customer support on weekends indicate potential challenges for traders.


Q: Is Adam Capitals regulated?

A: No, Adam Capitals operates without any regulatory oversight.

Q: What is the minimum deposit for Adam Capitals accounts?

A: The minimum deposit is $100 for Standard, $1000 for VIP, and $2500 for ECN accounts.

Q: Which trading platform does Adam Capitals use?

A: Adam Capitals utilizes the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform.

Q: What is the highest leverage available at Adam Capitals?

A: Adam Capitals offers leverage up to 1:500.

Q: What instruments can be traded at Adam Capitals?

A: Traders can access forex, stocks, commodities, indices, metals, energies, and CFDs at Adam Capitals.

Risk Warning

Online trading poses substantial risks, with the potential for complete loss of invested capital, rendering it unsuitable for all traders. It is imperative to comprehend the inherent risks and acknowledge that the information provided in this review is subject to change due to continuous updates in the company's services and policies.

Additionally, the review's generation date is a critical consideration, as information may have evolved since then. We strongly advise readers to verify updated details directly with the company before making any decisions, as the readers must be aware of and willing to accept the inherent risks involved in utilizing this information.

Broker Information

Company Name

Adam Capitals


Adam Capitals

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • Suit 305, Griffith Corporate Center Beachmont, P.O.Box 1510, Kingstown St. Vincent and the Grenadines

  • 71-75, Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary


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