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19 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Freeze my account

I clearly remember the transaction password Also typed in notepad Now it says my transaction password is wrong Then enter multiple times Cause account freeze Is it right to need another amount of funds? If you want to cheat money Do not use various reasons and excuses

Taiwan Taiwan 2024-04-03
Taiwan Taiwan 2024-04-03
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

When I wanted to withdraw a great deal of money, it rejected me without any reason. I lost more than 200,000. Stay away from it.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-16
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-09-16

Unable to withdraw

Was I scammed? I do not know what to do now.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-08-01
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-08-01
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw for 3 times.

It said transactions were illegal. The system was under maintenance. Customer service asked me to pay a margin of more than 20,000.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-07-31
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-07-31
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Fraud platform

My withdrawal took two months from May 24. I was told the swift code was wrong in early June and corrected it. Then it asked me to fill in FACTA and CRS on June 16. On July 21, customer service of the platform told me in email that the withdrawal was done on June 8. 1)It was not invoice. 2)I did not fill in my bank name and bank number. I kept sending emails asking the customer service how to transfer funds to my account. I also checked my bank account, and no funds were transferred to it. After that, I tried to call the customer service, the phone only connected to the mailbox. Now their customer service doesn’t reply at all.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-07-25
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-07-25

This broker sucks recently

I encountered so many problems such as unable to place orders or close positions. But I can place orders on other brokers at the same time. They do not receive new customers and deposits. If you wanna withdraw funds, your positions should be settled before the withdrawal. Be careful of this broker.

Taiwan Taiwan 2021-04-13
Taiwan Taiwan 2021-04-13
Unable to Withdraw

Frauds in ADSS induce me to invest. Can't withdraw after profiting, it's said that the bank card number was wtong and I have to pay margin to unfreeze it. Now my account balance is cleared.

Frauds in ADSS induce me to invest. Can't withdraw after profiting, it's said that the bank card number was wtong and I have to pay margin to unfreeze it. Now my account balance is cleared.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-16
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-16
Unable to Withdraw

On November 14, 2020, I withdrew after the operation in ADSS. I was told that my card number was wrong and I could not withdraw money. I needed to provide the front and back of my ID card and the photo about holding my ID card. I also need to submit 20% of the withdrawal amount, which is more than 34,000 yuan. And also restrict me to transfer the money in before 5:30, or it will freeze my account permanently. Open the platform on the 15th and found that the money is all gone! Is this a scam?

The card number has been checked. But it said that my bank card is wrong, and I cannot withdraw the funds. Fraud.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-15
Unable to Withdraw

Card number was modified

At first, it's said that I can withdraw after depositing. But now I wa told that my card number was wrong when I withdrew. Don't believe in such fraud platform. Besides, they will add your WeChat and chat with you to build a relationship. I was cheated of 54,000

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-13
Unable to Withdraw

ADSS gave no access to withdrawal.

The withdrawal is unavailable because of varied reasons.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-07-19
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-07-19
Unable to Withdraw

ADSS fraud platform

Told by the customer service,only by paying 150000 RMB margin and changing card number can I withdraw my money.After so that,I was told that my credit score was below 80 and asked to pay 12680 RMB.When my credit score raised to 96,the customer service asked me to deposit another 8600 RMB.Fraud platform!!!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-12
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-12
Severe Slippage

It’s true that ADSS manipulated clients’ accounts with severe slippage and delayed order trading.

ADSS manipulated clients’ accounts with severe slippage and delayed order trading.Garbage platform!!!!!!!!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-06
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-09-06


The platform gives no access to withdrawal,inducing me pay 100000 RMB for kinds of margin.After that,it still declines my request,continuing to ask for money.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-08-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-08-15
Unable to Withdraw

Capital and profits withdrawal is unavailable in ADSS, with the account and and backstage frozen

With the help of agents, I invested in a platform named ADSS. Because FX110 and other websites show the high credibility of ADSS, I deposited my money to trade by batch in June. But, I was prevented from doing so soon. When applying for withdrawal, I was turned down with the reason that my account was under a trading investigation. How could that happen? Why? After several short and unsmooth talks with the customer service personnel, I didn't yet get reasonable explanations . | 6 13th, I opened an account on this platform. | 6 14th, I deposited over 500,000 through Unionpay and Bipipay by batch, and the receiver was two ADSS-assigned individual accounts in ICBC. | 6 18th-21st, I made small deals. | 6 26th, I was making deals by batch, but the account was suspended one more hours later. When it happened, there was a paper profit of 30% in my account. (Since ADSS offers leveraged deals, the profit was calculated after deleveraging, equivalent to 2.5%. Customers' accounts are restricted from making deals, and their applications for withdrawal was refused next day. | 7 8th, tradings were restricted, the capital frozen and the customer back stage couldn't be logged in. So far, there were no explanations, for example, why was my account suspended? How long did it took to investigate the whole thing? When can I withdraw my money? Why can the platform restrict customers' trading because of "abnormality".

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-17
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-17
Unable to Withdraw

ADSS fraud platform refused to give back withdrawal!

Xuewen Zhu, introduced by ADSS agent Lijuan Liang, opened three trading accounts in ADSS in batches from June 13 to 24,namely,was 222058591,222058665,222058712, with a total deposit of $83453.19. Considering that ADSS is a well-known forex broker, he was rest assured to have a deposit.There has been a profit since the three accounts were traded on the 26th,June.But within an hour,the account was banned.He applied for the withdrawal next day,but haven't received payment yet.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-07-11

ADSS showed us virtual market and made us lose.

I deposited 50000 RMB on September 2018 on ADSS and traded CSI300 on it. Their original website was, now it became I found it is regulated after searching it on WikiFX and then deposited on it. However, from November to December, ADSS’s website became inaccessible and I can’t withdraw. They changed to a Chinese domain in late December. I suspected them at that time. On December 25th, they illegally closed all their positions and made my 33 lots CSI300 unable to stop loss, causing great loss to me. I contacted ADSS’s service, who told me I can’t be compensated and the market we invested is not the real market. It is actually a dealing-desk virtual market. They could shut the market whenever they want.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-01-08
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2019-01-08

ADSS’s service is trash.

ADSS’s service is trash. All their customer service is missing. Their candlestick chart is fake, which produced ridiculous slippage to make us lose.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-09-26
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-09-26
Severe Slippage

I also want to talk about the slippage in ADSS.....

ADSS is actually quite good, but I quit it now, because of the slippage. When the stop-loss and take-profit orders were set, the gold slippage slid out 1 dollar. I am overwhelmed. As for the ten pips of foreign exchange slippage is very normal. If you open the position manually, there is no way to get the evidence. This kind of slippage is actually like a thief. The broker clearly profits from the spread. The gold spread of ADSShas more than 100 points, which is equivalent to a 100 dollar for a standard lot This is already good. It also steals 100 dollars. . Don't you think it is low? It is better to provide a spread of 200 pips, the price is clear,

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-08-06
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-08-06
Severe Slippage

Serious slippage on ADSS

I set stop loss level but they produced ridiculous slippage. It never happened to me when I traded on other platforms.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-06-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2018-06-30
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