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Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw. Maliciously lock the account

In mid-December 2022, a female staff under the Yuanda Bank claimed to be an investment specialist and contacted me through a social app, claiming to be able to earn high returns through foreign exchange operations on this platform. Based on her script, she chose a $20000 plan. Initially, she used the virtual currency platform to exchange New Taiwan dollars for USDT deposits and then operated for two weeks. The other party used the high point difference and several hands of the currency pair to notify me to immediately go long or short, Quickly earned $100000, and after the end of the two Ti weeks, I was informed that I had to pay a commission before I could withdraw it. After the commission was paid, I was informed by the platform that I was suspected of insider trading and was unable to withdraw the money. Both the account and the account have to be blocked, and if you want to unlock it, you need to pay 50000 US dollars to unlock it. It's despicable!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-05-10 16:41
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-05-10 16:41
Unable to Withdraw

I can not withdraw money from Trading Account!

I put 500 in AMTOFX, I win 398 usd, I put withdraw order 800 usd from my account 14022 from 21/4/2023! Until now 7/5/2023 the money not yet arrived to my bank ?? It is a SCAMER BROCKER ?!? Help me please!

Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-07 11:45
Vietnam Vietnam 2023-05-07 11:45
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to Withdraw

I was tricked by a man who posed as a manager who would help me that after a role with his instructions I would be able to earn what I liked then, but after each role he had a reason to invest more. When I tried to withdraw some money from, I saw that this was not possible and they ask with different reasons to add more funds. my two request has been standing for week for payment and they do not want to confirm it Host over $20000 and $30000

India India 2023-04-16 09:31
India India 2023-04-16 09:31
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