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2 pieces of exposure in total


UNforex is holding back my money for 1,5 months already although they say it has been send.

FYI they work as follows: In general they will pick out specific kind of investors and the moment you want to withdraw your money they hold it back for themselves and pretend as if they have send the money back to you. Consequently they hope you will leave it after some time, sending numerous of emails and/or chats with the request for only a simple investigation update with their CIMB bank (they will not give to you). Maybe after days of frustration they sometimes respond and joke you around with: "We are busy with it and will come back to you the moment we know more". My opinion is that if UNforex do NOT have the courtesy and politeness to update you (especially after weeks and months) about where my money is and why they are holding it back, for sure they are scamming you which is a criminal act. Summarized: My current experience is to NEVER NEVER send any money to these scammers because you can be rather for sure you will be one of them who will never see your money back. For sure I will continue to hunt them down till they stop their criminal activities.

Philippines Philippines 2021-09-28 15:01
Philippines Philippines 2021-09-28 15:01
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds after profiting in UNforex

After the profit is made, it is said your profit should be deducted because of illegal operations, and then the transaction number is completed before the withdrawal can be made. After the completion, it is profitable, and it is also said that the illegal operation

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-06-04 21:39
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2021-06-04 21:39
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