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3 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

It should be the same fraud platform as Interest Arbitrage FX!

I was introduced by an online friend and was induced to be defrauded by a real teacher. In the end, the platform was unable to withdraw money! The 20,000 USDT has gone back and forth. On March 1, 2022, I told the teacher named Shao Platform that I would like to do it as soon as possible. To withdraw money, you need to pay 20,000 USDT but only 300USDT is approved, and the remaining 19,700USDT will not be given to you. I seriously suspect that this teacher is related to this fraudulent platform and is linked to a fraudulent group in the name of teaching investment! By the end of May, this platform will be Disappeared and closed. Please use the proper channels to invest and make money properly, and stop believing in underground investments and high-profit platforms, etc. These are all scams.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-01 21:14
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-01 21:14
Unable to Withdraw

UK's FEG Technologies and Broker InterestArbitrage Defraud Chinese Clients Together

Starting from March 21, 2022, the withdrawal will not be available. After many people reported it, the company on the 24th issued a notice to accept the audit. , said that the materials were handed over to the British Economic Management Bureau, and told us to wait at home honestly, FEG will definitely come back! Recently, it was found that the official website of the securities company has long since been opened, and no customer service staff of any securities company can be found, that is, the company that manages the money for us has lost contact. Yes, it is said that it is the top company of the British International Finance Group. Now there is only one profit-sharing system left to log in, and you can see a bunch of fascinating figures. I don’t know who to get back the millions of investment funds. When I contacted the recommended teacher, I didn't answer the phone or WeChat, so I just disappeared! What's even more hateful is that there are still many investors who think that this is real finance. It's time to wake up. Being deceived is a cognitive defect.

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-05-06 08:30
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-05-06 08:30
Unable to Withdraw

Int brokerage, UK FEG technology company

It is no longer possible to withdraw money. Since the audit started on March 14th, it has still been said on to wait on May 2nd, the official website cannot be opened now!

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-05-02 21:17
Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2022-05-02 21:17
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