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Saint Vincent and the Grenadines|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+352 - 27871595


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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OasisTrade · WikiFX Survey

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OasisTrade · Company Summary

Note: OasisTrades official site ( is currently not functional. Therefore, we could only gather relevant information from the Internet to present a rough picture of this broker.

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

OasisTrade Review Summary
Registered Country/Region Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Regulation No regulation
Market Instruments CFDs, indices, commodities, precious metals, stocks, and cryptocurrencies
Leverage 1:200
EUR/USD Spread 4 pips (Basic)
Trading Platforms web-based platform
Minimum Deposit €250
Customer Support email, phone, social media

What is OasisTrade?

OasisTrade is an unregulated trading platform that offers a wide range of trading options, including currency pairs, CFDs on indices, commodities, precious metals, stocks, and cryptocurrencies. With various account types and leverages available, OasisTrade aims to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of traders. The platform provides multiple customer service channels for user support.

We will examine this broker's attributes from a variety of angles in the following post, giving you clear and organized information. Please continue reading if you're curious. To help you quickly comprehend the broker's qualities, we will also provide a concise conclusion at the end of the piece.

Pros & Cons

Pros & Cons
Pros Cons
• Wide range of trading options • Lack of valid regulation
• Multiple account types • Unavailable to website
• Wide spreads
• No MT4/MT5 platforms
• High minimum deposit
• Various fees charged

OasisTrade Alternative Brokers

There are many alternative brokers to OasisTrade depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

  • IG - A globally recognized broker known for its competitive spreads, extensive market coverage, and user-friendly platforms - recommended for traders of all levels seeking a reliable and feature-rich trading environment.

  • Avatrade - A well-regulated broker with a comprehensive range of trading instruments and multiple trading platforms - recommended for traders looking for a diverse range of markets and advanced trading tools.

  • eToro - offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of trading instruments, a good choice for beginners and those interested in social trading.

Is OasisTrade Safe or Scam?

Considering the lack of information about OasisTrade's current regulation, it is essential for traders to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with any trading platform. Traders should verify the broker's regulatory status, read reviews, and consider factors like reputation, security measures, and the overall trading experience offered by the platform. To determine if OasisTrade is safe or a potential scam, traders should also look for any recent updates, reviews, and news related to the platform to ensure they have the most current and accurate information available. Consulting financial experts or seeking advice from reputable sources can also be beneficial in making an informed decision.

Market Instruments

OasisTrade provides a broad selection of trading options, encompassing various currency pairs, including majors, minors, and exotic combinations. Additionally, the platform offers an extensive range of Contract for Difference (CFD) products, covering indices, commodities, precious metals, individual stocks, and a diverse selection of cryptocurrencies. This diverse array of trading opportunities allows users to explore and engage with different global markets and asset classes, fostering a neutral and inclusive environment for traders of all experience levels.


OasisTrade provides a tiered account system to cater to the varying needs and preferences of traders. Each account type comes with distinct features and benefits, making it easier for traders to choose the one that aligns with their trading goals and investment capabilities. Here is a general summary of the different account types offered by OasisTrade:

Account Type Minimum Deposit
Basic €250
Bronze €1,000
Silver €5,000
Gold €10,000
Platinum €25,000

Basic Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: €250

  • This is the entry-level account, suitable for traders who are just starting and want to test the waters with a smaller initial investment.

Bronze Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: €1,000

  • The Bronze account is designed for traders looking to take their trading experience to the next level with a more substantial investment.

Silver Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: €5,000

  • The Silver account is suitable for traders who are more experienced and committed to active trading.

Gold Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: €10,000

  • The Gold account is tailored for serious traders seeking a more comprehensive trading experience.

Platinum Account:

  • Minimum Deposit: €25,000

  • The Platinum account is the highest-tier offering, tailored for experienced and high-net-worth traders.



OasisTrade offers a maximum leverage of 1:200 for all types of accounts. Leverage allows traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. With a leverage ratio of 1:200, for every €1 of the trader's capital, they can control up to €200 in the market. While leverage can amplify potential profits, it also increases the risk of losses. Traders should use leverage responsibly and be aware of the potential risks associated with trading on margin.

Spreads & Commissions

OasisTrade offers a spread starting from 4 pips for Basic accounts. However, specific details regarding the spreads for other account types are not provided. Additionally, information about commissions charged by OasisTrade is not mentioned. Traders interested in the spreads and commissions for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum accounts should refer to OasisTrade's official website or contact their customer support for up-to-date and accurate information. Spreads and commissions may vary based on the account type and the financial instruments traded on the platform.

Below is a comparison table about spreads and commissions charged by different brokers:

Broker EUR/USD Spread (pips) Commissions (per lot)
OasisTrade 4 (Basic) N/A
IG 0.6 $10 per trade
Avatrade 0.9 None
eToro 1.0 No commission (Spread-only)

Trading Platform

A web-based, user-friendly, in-house trading platform is available from OasisTrade. However, we don't think there's any way to compare this trading interface to the industry standard MetaTrader 4 (MT4), which has been a favored trading platform for many years. MT4's improved charting, automatic trading techniques (EAs), and programming environment, which enables simple modification, are its key benefits.

See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platforms
OasisTrade Web-based trading platform
IG IG WebTrader, IG API, MetaTrader 4, ProRealTime
Avatrade AvaTradeGo, L2 Dealer, MetaTrader 4, cTrader
eToro eToro Platform

Deposits & Withdrawals

The brokerage accepts deposits and withdrawals from customers through wire transfers, credit cards, AstroPay, and bitcoin. The minimum deposit requirement to open an account is 250. For withdrawals made using a wire transfer, the minimum is $1,000, compared to $100 for withdrawals made using a credit card. Such clauses should not be present in an authorized brokerage's terms and conditions. A $30 fee, which isn't enormous but nevertheless hurts traders, will be assessed on any trading account that remains dormant for more than two months.

OasisTrade minimum deposit vs other brokers

OasisTrade Most other
Minimum Deposit €250 $100
Additionally, there is a 1 percent clearing charge, which we find to be rather unfavorable. A minimum trading volume of 25 times the total of the bonus plus the initial deposit must be executed by traders. In a clear statement, the brokerage emphasizes that it maintains the right to deny any withdrawal requests without providing a reason. Such a clause reveals solely the broker's malicious motives. We advise traders to stay away from OasisTrade.

Payment Options


Profit clearance fees are assessed by the broker for each deal in USD, GBP, or EUR, with a minimum cost of 1.50 and a maximum fee of 5.00. It pertains to transactions that are profitable or those that are sold. Additionally, the recipient will be charged the fees for wire withdrawals. Additionally, there are 7.50 (USD, GBP, EUR) monthly maintenance costs that cover all services and features offered to traders.

Furthermore, if a client's trading account hasn't had a deal made in the last 60 days, the broker will levy a monthly administration fee of $10.00 for inactive accounts.

Customer Service

OasisTrade offers comprehensive customer service through multiple channels to ensure that traders receive timely assistance and support:

  • Phone Support: Traders can reach OasisTrade's customer service team by calling the provided phone number: +352 - 27871595. This direct contact allows for real-time communication and quick resolution of queries or concerns.

  • Email Support: Traders can also get in touch with customer service by sending an email to Email support is beneficial for non-urgent inquiries or when traders prefer written communication.

  • Social Media: OasisTrade engages with its customers through popular social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. This provides an additional avenue for users to ask questions, seek assistance, and stay updated on the latest platform developments and news.


In conclusion, OasisTrade offers a diverse range of trading opportunities across various asset classes. While information regarding regulation and specific spreads/commissions is not available, traders are encouraged to conduct thorough research and exercise caution. The availability of different account types, leverage options, and customer service channels indicates efforts to accommodate traders' needs. However, it is crucial for traders to stay informed about the current regulatory status and conduct due diligence before engaging with the platform. Considering these factors, traders should make informed decisions and prioritize their own safety and risk management when considering OasisTrade as a trading platform.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What are the minimum deposit requirements for different account types on OasisTrade?

A1: OasisTrade offers different account types with varying minimum deposit requirements. The minimum deposits for Basic, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum accounts are €250, €1,000, €5,000, €10,000, and €25,000, respectively.

Q2: Is OasisTrade a regulated trading platform?

A2: No, OasisTrade doesn't have any valid regulations. Traders are advised to verify the platform's current regulation and licensing status before engaging with it.

Q3: What is the maximum leverage offered by OasisTrade?

A3: OasisTrade offers a maximum leverage of 1:200 for all types of accounts. However, traders should use leverage responsibly and be aware of the associated risks.

Q4: How can I contact OasisTrade's customer service?

A4: OasisTrade's customer service can be reached through multiple channels, including a phone number: +352 - 27871595, email:, and social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Broker Information

Company Name

Oasis Tech Ltd



Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +352 - 27871595





Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary


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