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Vanuatu|5-10 years|
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  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • VanuatuVFSC (license number: Unreleased) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Vanuatu VFSC regulation with license number: Unreleased is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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IGOFX · WikiFX Survey

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IGOFX · Company Summary

Company Name IGOFX
Headquarters Vanuatu
Regulations No license
Market Instrument Forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies
Account Type Mini Account, Standard Account, and Premium Account
Leverage 1:1000
Minimum Deposit Starting from $1
Deposit / Withdraw Method Wire Transfer, Visa and MasterCard, and Perfect Money
Trading Platform MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Customer Support Email, Facebook, Twitter
Educational Resources N/A

Overview of IGOFX

IGOFX is a brokerage firm that operates in the financial markets. Based in Vanuatu, the broker offers a range of market instruments, including Forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies, providing traders with diverse options to explore and diversify their portfolios. Their trading platform of choice is MetaTrader 4 (MT4), a widely recognized and user-friendly platform known for its stability and comprehensive analytical features. While IGOFX offers a variety of trading accounts to cater to traders of different experience levels, it has been noted that their educational resources may be somewhat limited, potentially leaving beginners with fewer opportunities to enhance their trading knowledge and skills.

Overview of IGOFX

Pros and Cons

IGOFX offers a diverse range of trading instruments, encompassing Forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies, granting traders a wide array of options to explore. Their platform is user-friendly and caters to traders of all levels, providing intuitive tools for efficient trading. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for both novices and experienced traders. Additionally, the broker a flexible leverage trading feature for traders to further extend their trading capacity with more capital.

While IGOFX offers some advantages, there are some cons following the advantages. IGOFX is currently not regulated by any regulatory authorities. Moreover, availability in certain jurisdictions may be restricted, potentially limiting access for traders in specific regions. Additionally, the selection of account types may be more limited than other brokers, potentially reducing flexibility for traders with specific preferences. Furthermore, deposit and withdrawal options may be constrained depending on the region, which could be a consideration for traders seeking a wider range of financial transaction methods.

Pros Cons
Diverse Market Access Limited Regulatory Information
User-Friendly Platform Limited Research Tools
Leverage Trading Availability in Certain Jurisdictions
Customer Support Limited Account Types
Deposits and Withdrawals may have limited options depending on the region

Market Instruments

IGOFX offers a wide range of market instruments, including the Forex market, which enables traders to engage in major, minor, and exotic currency pair trading. This diversity in Forex options allows for tailored strategies to suit various market conditions. Additionally, IGOFX extends its offerings to the commodities market, where traders can participate in trading precious metals, energies, and agricultural products, providing opportunities for portfolio diversification.

Furthermore, the broker facilitates indices trading, allowing speculation on global stock market segments. Lastly, IGOFX recognizes the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, offering clients the chance to trade digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and various altcoins. These diverse market instruments empower traders to diversify their holdings and implement strategic trading approaches.

Account Types

IGOFX provides a variety of trading account options to cater to traders at different stages of their trading journey. The Mini Account is an ideal starting point with its low minimum deposit of just $1, making it accessible for beginners. It offers leverage of up to 1:1000, a minimum trade size of 0.01 lots, and the flexibility to hedge positions. This account is exclusively denominated in USD and provides access to 30 currency pairs and metals.

For those who have gained some experience, the Standard Account is a step up with a minimum deposit requirement of $300. It maintains the same currency pairs and metals as the Mini Account but offers leverage of up to 1:500 and the option for hedging. Finally, the Premium Account is designed for advanced traders, demanding a higher minimum deposit of $20,000.

Account Type Minimum Deposit Leverage Minimum Trade Size Hedging Currency Options Swap-Free Option
Mini Account $1 1:1000 0.01 lots Yes USD, 30 currency pairs, metals Yes
Standard Account $300 1:500 1 lot Yes USD, 30 currency pairs, metals Yes
Premium Account $20,000 1:500 1 lot Yes USD, 30 currency pairs, metals Yes

How to open an account in IGOFX?

To open an account with IGOFX, the process is straightforward and typically involves a few key steps.

  1. Go to the IGOFX website to initiate the registration process.

  2. Fill in the required personal information, including name, contact details, and residence address.

  3. Provide necessary identification documents, which may include a valid government-issued ID and proof of residence.

  4. Select the account type and trading platform that best suits your preferences and trading style.

  5. Review and agree to the terms and conditions outlined by IGOFX.

  6. Upon successful completion, you will receive confirmation of your newly created trading account, along with login credentials to access the trading platform.

Spread and Commission Fees

IGOFX adopts a fee structure primarily defined by spreads, complemented by occasional commissions. It's important to highlight that while the broker provides accounts without commissions, traders should be aware that the spreads across all accounts might appear slightly elevated in comparison to prevailing industry norms. This aspect bears significance, especially for traders involved in high-frequency or large-volume trading activities.


The maximum leverage offered by IGOFX varies depending on the type of account. For mini accounts, the maximum leverage stands at 1:1000, while standard or premium accounts allow for a maximum leverage of 1:500. It's important to note that leverage selection is a part of the account opening process. If you wish to modify your chosen leverage after opening an account, it's necessary to reach out to the customer service team. Additionally, ensure that there are no active trades when making a request to adjust the leverage.


Trading Platform

IGOFX primarily utilises MetaTrader 4 (MT4) for trading, especially in the forex market, without considering platforms like Binary Options. MT4, established in 2005 by MetaQuotes Software, stands out as a widely favoured trading platform due to its stability, extensive customization options, and comprehensive analytical features. It is known for its compatibility with a wide range of indicators, expert advisors, and signal providers.

MT4's popularity stems from its interactive charts, support for multiple timeframes, one-click trading, and trade replication functionalities. Additionally, MT4 is exceptionally accessible, available for desktop download, Android and iOS apps, and as a WebTrader, enabling trading directly from internet browsers.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

IGOFX provides a selection of deposit methods for its users. It's important to note that the available options are somewhat limited, and certain processors are excluded from the list. Bank Wire Transfer is one of the methods, requiring a minimum deposit of $100 along with any applicable bank fees. Visa Credit/Debit and MasterCard Credit/Debit are also accepted, both necessitating a minimum deposit of $100 and incurring a 5% fee.

Additionally, Perfect Money offers an alternative option with a minimum deposit requirement of $2, and it does not entail any additional fees. These methods cater to a range of preferences and financial capacities, allowing users to choose the option that aligns with their specific needs.

The withdrawal methods at IGOFX mirror those available for deposits, maintaining consistency between the two processes. As indicated on the respective pages, the same details and conditions apply for withdrawals. Bank Wire Transfer is one option, requiring a minimum withdrawal of $100 and being subject to any relevant bank fees. Visa Credit/Debit and MasterCard Credit/Debit both have a minimum withdrawal amount of $100, with a 5% fee applied. Alternatively, Perfect Money offers a minimum withdrawal of $2, without any additional fees.

Customer Support

IGOFX extends customer support through multiple channels for traders seeking assistance. They can reach out to the support team via email at, ensuring 24/5 availability during the trading week, from Monday to Friday. This accessibility aligns with the active trading hours, allowing traders to promptly address their concerns and queries.

In addition to email support, IGOFX also maintains a presence on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, providing alternative channels for engagement and information dissemination. These platforms offer traders additional avenues to connect with the broker and stay informed about updates, news, and developments related to their trading activities.

Educational Resources

IGOFX has been noted for its somewhat limited educational resources, which have left some traders, particularly beginners, with fewer opportunities to bolster their knowledge and trading skills in the complex trading landscape.

Comprehensive educational content, including tutorials, webinars, and written guides, plays a pivotal role in helping traders understand fundamental concepts, refine strategies, and navigate risk effectively.


IGOFX provides a selection of account options, yet discerning the unique features of each can be somewhat challenging. Notably, the spreads across all accounts appear to be higher than industry standards, even for those without commission.

Additionally, outdated sections on the website may raise questions about IGOFX's positioning in the forex brokerage arena. These factors suggest the importance of conducting a thorough assessment of the broker's offerings and transparency before engaging in any trading activities.


Q: Is IGOFX a regulated broker?

A: No, IGOFX is not regulated by any authorities.

Q: What types of market instruments are available for trading on IGOFX?

A: IGOFX offers trading in Forex, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies.

Q: How can I reach customer support at IGOFX?

A: You can contact IGOFX's customer support team through live chat, email, or phone.

Q: What trading platform does IGOFX offer?

A: IGOFX provides access to the widely used MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform.

Q: Does IGOFX offer any educational resources?

A: No, educational resources are not available in IGOFX.


WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Is IGOFX reliable?

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2024-05-07 17:37

In this article, we will discuss the broker named IGOFX. If you plan to invest in this broker, it is wise to read this article before taking action.

2024-05-07 17:37
WikiFX Broker Assessment Series | Is IGOFX reliable?

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