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Scalping Dukes

Saint Kitts and Nevis|1-2 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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Full License

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ScalpingDukes-Server MT5
Server Location Canada

Hamilton Development, Unit B, Charlestown, Nevis, West Indies.


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Scalping Dukes LLC


Scalping Dukes

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Saint Kitts and Nevis

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Warning: Low score, please stay away!
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Scalping Dukes · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Scalping Dukes
Registered Country/Area Saint Kitts and Nevis
Founded Year 2023
Regulation Unregulated
Trading Platforms MetaTrader5(MT5)
Spreads As low as 0.2 pips
Tradable Assets Currencies, Commodities, CFDs
Minimum Deposit $250
Educational Resources Teams of market experts
Customer Support Online chat

Overview of Scalping Dukes

Scalping Dukes is a trading platform founded in Saint Kitts and Nevis. Established in 2023, Scalping Dukes has not been regulated by any major financial regulatory authority.

Scalping Dukes offers a range of trading products through its MetaTrader5 platforms, including CFDs, Commodities, and currencies.

Traders can choose from three account types with competitive spreads and bonus percentages from 50% to 100%. The broker provides Copy Trading to traders, which lets them discover and start copying from experienced traders with a proven track record. Scalping Dukes' customers can leave their name and email to contact the broker.

Overview of Scalping Dukes

Regulatory Status

Although Scalping Dukes has declared that it is regulated by The Autonomous Island of Anjouan UNION OF COMOROS OFFSHORE FINANCE AUTHORITY and the certificate will be valid until the 5 February 2025 as follows, after our inspection, it shows that the broker is not regulated by any authority. This means that investors need to be cautious when choosing this trading platform.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

As it is shown at the bottom of the official website of Scalping Dukes, the broker is proud of its trading platform, range of assets and so on. In detail, it has the following advantages:

  1. The best trading platform: Clients at Scalping Dukes have access to Meta trader 5, the most preferred currency trading platform worldwide. Further, the broker ensures that its clients have access to the best technologies out there.

  2. Wide range of assets: Traders can choose from a wide range of currencies, commodities, and CFDs, to meet their trading goals. They can select trading instruments that are convenient to them from a vast array that the broker offers.

  3. Competitive spreads: As a global brand, Scalping Dukes strives to provide the best for their clients. Traders can trade with spreads as low as 0.2 pips on their platform.

  4. High security: Get quick, hassle free, fund transfer to clients' trading accounts, no need to worry about their funds as the broker vouch for safety.

  5. Instant client support: Scalping Dukes is ready to help traders with all their trading needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week just with an email.

At the same time, its drawbacks cannot be ignored: It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Traders must be aware of the risk during the transaction.

Pros Cons
Best trading platform MT5 Lack of regulation
Wide range of assets Limited educational resources
Competitive spreads Limited base currencies
Instant clients support

Spreads & Commissions

Scalping Dukes boasts competitive spreads as low as 0.2 pips. Traders can choose from a wide range of currencies, commodities, and CFDs, to meet their trading goals.

Deposit Range

The deposit range is from a minimum of $250 to an unlimited maximum.

Deposit Range

Trading Platform

Clients of Scalping Dukes have access to Meta Trader 5(MT5). MT5 provides more timeframes, additional technical indicators, and support for trading a wider range of financial instruments. Meanwhile, Scalping Dukes provides traders with online trading platforms suitable for different suppliers, including IOS, Android, and Windows.

Trading Platform

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Scalping Dukes is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps:

  1. Registration: New traders need to click on the “REGISTER” button and then finish the following table. They need to fill in their name, email, phone number, and so on.

  2. Start Trading: With the account funded, traders can now access the trading platform provided by Scalping Dukes and start trading. The platform may include features like real-time market data, advanced charting tools, and various order types to execute trades effectively.

How to Open an Account?
How to Open an Account?

Copy Trading of Scalping Dukes

Copy Trading is a solution provided by Scalping Dukes that lets traders discover and start copying from experienced traders with a proven track record.

Copy Trading of Scalping Dukes

This is also beneficial as it eliminates the possibilities of human errors occuring due to emotions of fear and greed. In Scalping Dukes, traders can find expert traders, trading various commodities and currencies. They can glance through the experts, and their strategies and decide on suitable strategies to copy based on traders' requirement and convenience. Scalping Dukes will also offer options to customize their trades.

Copy Trading of Scalping Dukes

Bonus Percentage

Traders can choose a bonus percentage from options: 50%, 75%, or 100%. The selected bonus percentage will be promptly credited to the traders' account. The bonus and traders' initial capital will be subject to a lock-in period determined by their chosen bonus option.

Educational Resources

Scalping Dukes declares that they have teams of market experts, who are committed to help traders in taking informed decisions. All their products and services are designed with the objective of turning clients' dreams of financial independence into reality.

Customer Support

Traders can contact the broker through their official website. What they need to do is to click on the “CONTACT US” button and fill in their name, phone number, email, and message.

Customer Support
Customer Support


Scalping Dukes is a newly established trading platform. So far, it has not been regulated by any major authority. Scalping Dukes offers a range of trading platforms through its MetaTrader5(MT5) platforms including CFDs, commodities and currencies. Traders can choose a bonus percentage from options: 50%, 75%, or 100%.

Scalping Dukes take pride of their wide range of assets, competitive spreads as low as 0.2 pips, client support and so on. But the fatal thing is that due to its lack of regulation, there is a high level of danger in trading with it.

Scalping Dukes declares that they have teams of market experts, who are committed to help traders in taking informed decisions. And traders can contact the broker by email through their official website.


Q:Which platform should I use for trading?

A:Traders should use Scalping Dukes MetaTrader 5 platform for trading.

Q:What are the assets that can be traded?

A:Traders can trade all the assets available on Scalping Dukes, with norestrictions. However, cryptocurrencies cannot be traded.

Q: What happens when my initial deposit / position runs into losses? Will there be an auto exit?

A:Trades won't close unless margins demand. No automatic closure -trade with control and precision.

Q:Can I trade using my smart phone?

A:Yes, you can log into your account from the MT5 mobile app and trade from mobile phones.

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