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Bithub FX

United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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128 High St, THREE HOLES, PE14 8DU, United Kingdom


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Bithub FX · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Bithub FX
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded year 2022
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Cryptocurrencies, Forex, Commodities, Stocks, Options
Account Types Basic, Silver, Diamond, VIP
Minimum Deposit Basic: $200, Silver: $2,000, Diamond: $5,000, VIP: $10,000
Maximum Leverage 1:100
Customer Support
Deposit & Withdrawal Cryptocurrencies, Perfect Money
Educational Resources FAQ section

Overview of Bithub FX

Bithub FX, established in the United Kingdom in 2022, offers a range of trading assets including cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, stocks, and options. Its advantages include a wide array of payment methods, flexible trading hours, and leverage of up to 1:100.

However, the platform faces limitations such as a lack of advanced trading tools, minimal educational resources, and high minimum deposit requirements for certain account types. Notably, Bithub FX operates without regulatory oversight, potentially affecting user trust and investor protections.

Overview of Bithub FX

Is Bithub FX legit or a scam?

Bithub FX operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing users to risks such as fraud, manipulation, and loss of funds.

Absence of regulation means no safeguards for investors, leaving them vulnerable to unethical practices and lack of accountability. Unregulated entities like Bithub FX lack transparency and compliance standards, making it difficult to ensure fair treatment and resolution of disputes. Investors face heightened uncertainty and potential financial harm due to the absence of regulatory supervision.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Variety of payment methods including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin Limited educational resources
Wide range of assets including popular stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex pairs, commodities Lack of advanced trading tools
Flexible trading hours including weekends Limited customer support options
Leverage up to 1:100 High minimum deposit requirements for some account types


  1. Variety of payment methods:

  • Bithub FX offers a wide range of payment options, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, as well as Perfect Money. This variety provides flexibility for users to choose the most convenient method for depositing funds into their trading accounts.

  1. Wide range of assets:

  • Bithub FX provides access to a wide selection of assets for trading, including popular stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex pairs, commodities, and more.

  1. Flexible trading hours:

  • The trading platform of Bithub FX is available around the clock, including weekends. This flexibility enables traders to engage in trading activities at their convenience, regardless of their geographical location or time zone.

  1. Leverage up to 1:100:

  • Bithub FX offers leverage of up to 1:100, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions and potentially increase their profits. Leverage provides traders with the opportunity to control larger positions with a relatively small amount of capital.


  1. Limited educational resources:

  • Bithub FX provides only a basic FAQ section as its educational resource. While this may suffice for some users, others will find it insufficient for gaining a comprehensive understanding of trading concepts and strategies.

  1. Lack of advanced trading tools:

  • The trading platform of Bithub FX lacks advanced trading tools and features that are available on other platforms. This could limit the capabilities of more experienced traders who rely on advanced technical analysis or algorithmic trading strategies.

  1. Limited customer support options:

  • Bithub FX offers limited customer support options, which include only email support or a basic support ticket system. This could lead to longer response times for resolving user inquiries or issues compared to platforms with more robust customer support channels.

  1. High minimum deposit requirements for some account types:

  • Some account tiers have high minimum deposit requirements, such as $2,000 for the SILVER account. This could be prohibitive for traders with limited capital or those who prefer to start with smaller investments.

  1. Unregulated:

  • Bithub FX operates without regulatory oversight, which means it lacks certain investor protections and transparency measures that regulated brokers are required to adhere to. Traders should be aware of the potential risks associated with trading on an unregulated platform.

Market Instruments

Bithub FX offers a range of trading assets, including Cryptocurrencies, Indices, Forex, Commodities, Shares, Options, and ETFs. These assets provide users with various investment opportunities across various financial markets.

Cryptocurrencies enable trading in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, accommodating investors interested in the burgeoning cryptocurrency market.

Indices represent baskets of stocks from specific exchanges, allowing traders to speculate on the performance of entire markets rather than individual stocks. Forex, or foreign exchange, facilitates trading in currency pairs, enabling investors to profit from fluctuations in exchange rates.

Commodities encompass tangible goods like gold, oil, and agricultural products, providing avenues for diversification and hedging against inflation.

Shares allow investors to buy and sell ownership stakes in publicly traded companies, offering potential for capital appreciation and dividends.

Options provide the right to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price within a specified timeframe, enabling traders to hedge risk or speculate on price movements.

ETFs are investment funds that track the performance of underlying assets such as stocks, bonds, or commodities, offering investors exposure to various portfolios with the convenience of trading like a single stock.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Bithub FX provides 4 account types for users as below:

The BASIC account offered by the platform requires a minimum deposit of $200 and provides a leverage of 1:100. With a relatively low minimum deposit requirement, this account type appeals to novice traders or those who prefer to start with smaller investments. The leverage offered allows users to amplify their trading positions compared to their initial investment, potentially increasing both profits and risks.

The SILVER account, requiring a minimum deposit of $2,000 and offering a leverage of 1:100, suitable for traders who are willing to commit a higher initial investment. This account type is suitable for individuals with some trading experience or those who have a larger capital base to allocate to trading activities. The leverage provided enables users to maximize their trading potential while maintaining risk management strategies.

For traders seeking more advanced features and benefits, the DIAMOND account is a suitable option. With a minimum deposit requirement of $5,000 and leverage of 1:100, this account type targets experienced traders or those with a substantial investment capital. The higher minimum deposit reflects the additional perks and services provided, potentially including personalized support, advanced trading tools, and exclusive market insights.

The VIP account stands out as the premium offering, requiring a minimum deposit of $10,000 and providing a leverage of 1:100. Designed for high-net-worth individuals or institutional investors, this account type offers the most comprehensive suite of benefits and privileges. It includes dedicated account managers, priority access to new features, and enhanced trading conditions. The VIP account serves the specific needs and preferences of sophisticated traders looking for top-tier services and opportunities.

Trading Account Types Minimum Deposit Leverage
BASIC $200 1:100
SILVER $2,000 1:100
DIAMOND $5,000 1:100
VIP $10,000 1:100
Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with Bithub FX can be done in three simple steps:

  1. Registration Process:

    1. Visit the Bithub FX website and locate the “Sign Up” button.

    2. Fill out the registration form with accurate personal information, including your full name, email address, contact number, and country of residence.

    3. Create a secure password for your account and agree to the terms and conditions provided by Bithub FX.

  2. Account Verification:

    1. After completing the registration process, you will need to verify your identity and address by providing supporting documents.

    2. Typically, you'll be asked to upload scanned copies of your government-issued ID (such as a passport or driver's license) and a recent utility bill or bank statement.

  3. Account Activation:

    1. Once your account has been successfully verified, you will receive a confirmation email from Bithub FX.

    2. Follow the instructions provided in the email to activate your account.

    3. Upon activation, you can log in to your Bithub FX account using the credentials you created during the registration process and begin trading immediately.

How to Open an Account?


Bithub FX offers a maximum leverage of 1:100 to its traders. This means that for every dollar in their trading account, traders can control up to $100 worth of a particular asset. Leverage allows traders to amplify their trading positions and potentially increase their profits, but it also magnifies the risks associated with trading, as losses can also be multiplied.

Trading Platform

Bithub FX's trading platform, known as Bithub FX Livetrader, offers a suite of features.

The platform provides access to live trading, equipped with technical analysis tools such as four chart types, eight indicators, and the capability to draw trend lines. This enables users to conduct in-depth analysis and make informed trading decisions based on market trends.

In addition to traditional trading options, Bithub FX Livetrader incorporates social trading functionalities, allowing users to observe deals taking place globally or participate in trading activities with friends within the platform's network. This social aspect may enhance user engagement and provide opportunities for collaborative learning.

Furthermore, Bithub FX Livetrader emphasizes prompt order executions and accurate quotes, without delays, to ensure efficient trading experiences for users. Additionally, the platform is accessible around the clock, including weekends, providing users with flexibility in their trading activities.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Bithub FX offers a variety of payment methods to accommodate the various preferences of its users. Among the accepted payment methods are cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin, as well as Perfect Money. These options provide flexibility for users who prefer digital currencies or online payment platforms for depositing funds into their trading accounts.

The minimum deposit varies depending on the chosen account type: $200 for BASIC, $2,000 for SILVER, $5,000 for DIAMOND, and $10,000 for VIP. These tiers serve traders with different experience levels and investment preferences.

Deposit & Withdrawal
Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Customer support at Bithub FX, located at 128 High St, THREE HOLES, PE14 8DU, United Kingdom, and reachable via email at, offers prompt and comprehensive assistance.

The support team is adept at resolving various inquiries, including account-related questions, technical issues, and general questions about trading.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Bithub FX offers educational resources primarily through its FAQ section. While limited to frequently asked questions, this resource provides concise answers to common queries regarding trading, account management, and platform functionality.

While not as extensive as comprehensive educational materials, such as tutorials or webinars, the FAQ section still serves as a valuable resource for users seeking quick clarification on various topics. It offers accessible guidance to help users navigate the platform effectively and address common questions, contributing to a smoother trading experience for both novice and experienced traders alike.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, Bithub FX offers a wide range of trading assets and payment methods, suitable for traders with varied preferences. Its leverage of up to 1:100 and flexible trading hours provide opportunities for traders to maximize their potential profits.

However, the platform faces limitations such as a lack of advanced trading tools, minimal educational resources, and high minimum deposit requirements for certain account types. Additionally, Bithub FX operates without regulatory oversight, which may raise risks regarding investor protections and transparency.


Q: What trading assets are available on Bithub FX?

A: Bithub FX offers a wide range of assets, including cryptocurrencies, forex, commodities, stocks, and options.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account?

A: The minimum deposit varies depending on the account type, ranging from $200 for the Basic account to $10,000 for the VIP account.

Q: What leverage does Bithub FX offer?

A: Bithub FX offers leverage of up to 1:100, allowing traders to amplify their trading positions.

Q: How can I contact customer support?

A: Customer support can be reached via email or through the platform's support ticket system.

Q: Are there any educational resources available?

A: Yes, Bithub FX provides an FAQ section to address common queries, but other educational resources are limited.

Q: Is Bithub FX regulated?

A: No, Bithub FX operates without regulatory oversight.

Broker Information

Company Name

Bithub FX


Bithub FX

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company










Company address
  • 128 High St, THREE HOLES, PE14 8DU, United Kingdom









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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