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United States|5-10 years|
MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Fomoso Global Holdings Co., Ltd



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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 6 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0511076) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0511076)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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FOMOSO · Company Summary

Company Name FOMOSO
Registered In Road Town, Tortola, BVI
Regulated No (Unregulated)
Years of Establishment 5-10 years
Trading Instruments Forex, Spot Gold, Spot Silver, Indices, Crude
Account Types Mini, Standard, Pro
Minimum Initial Deposit $100 for Mini Account
Maximum Leverage Up to 200:1 for Standard Account
Trading Platform MetaTrader 4, MAM System
Deposit and Withdrawal Method Bank Transfer, Small-amount Internet Banking
Customer Service Email, Online Live Chat

Overview of FOMOSO

FOMOSO is an American brokerage firm that markets itself as a comprehensive platform catering to the diverse needs of investors. It pledges commitment to various key aspects that contribute to a seamless trading experience, including competitive spreads, a user-friendly deposit and withdrawal system, and a professional customer service team.

The brokerage establishes a robust trading ecosystem where customers can participate in various market activities under one umbrella, from forex to commodities such as spot gold and spot silver. With a choice of four account types and leverage options going up to 200:1, FOMOSO could cater to both novice and professional traders. However, it's important to note that FOMOSO is currently unregulated, which significantly increases the level of risk and calls for extra due diligence on the part of potential investors.

Overview of FOMOSO

Is FOMOSO Legit or a Scam?

The absence of regulatory oversight is a significant red flag when it comes to assessing the legitimacy of FOMOSO. Regulatory bodies play a crucial role in ensuring that brokerages adhere to laws and regulations designed to protect investors. Unregulated brokers, like FOMOSO, pose a heightened risk as there's no third-party oversight to guarantee transparency, security, or fair practices. That said, while being unregulated raises concerns, it does not automatically label the brokerage as a scam. However, it does mean that traders should approach FOMOSO with caution, understanding that they do not have the same protections they would have with a regulated broker.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Extensive Trading Instruments Lack of Regulation
Flexible Account Options Limited Deposit and Withdrawal Options
Platform Choices
High Leverage


  • Extensive Trading Instruments: FOMOSO offers over 600 trading instruments, a variety that allows traders to diversify their portfolios across multiple asset classes, from forex to commodities and indices.

  • Flexible Account Options: With account types ranging from Mini to Pro, FOMOSO accommodates traders with different levels of experience and investment sizes. This flexibility can be especially appealing for those looking to start small and gradually move to higher tiers.

  • Platform Choices: The brokerage provides two trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 and MAM system, each offering distinct advantages. MetaTrader 4 is known for its user-friendly interface, and the MAM system is beneficial for managing multiple accounts.

  • High Leverage: High leverage allows traders the opportunity to control a large position with a relatively small investment, increasing the potential for higher returns.


  • Lack of Regulation: FOMOSO is unregulated, which automatically elevates the risk associated with trading through their platform. There's no guarantee that your investment is safe or that the platform will adhere to industry standards.

  • Limited Deposit and Withdrawal Options: The absence of popular payment methods like PayPal, Skrill, or Neteller can be inconvenient for many traders. Additionally, the flat fee of $10 for small-amount Internet Banking withdrawals could deter small investors.

Market Instruments

FOMOSO markets itself as a one-stop-shop for traders by offering an extensive range of market instruments, claiming to offer over 600 trading instruments. This variety creates an opportunity for traders to engage in multiple markets from a single platform. Instruments include not only the popular forex pairs but also other financial products like spot gold, spot silver, indices, and crude oil.

The diverse range of market instruments ensures that traders with different risk appetites and investment strategies can find something that suits them. Forex trading often draws traders who are interested in leveraging small capital into significant gains through currency movements. On the other hand, spot gold and spot silver trading could attract investors looking for more stable, long-term assets. Commodities like crude oil and various indices broaden the trading possibilities further, offering avenues for speculative and hedging strategies.

Account Types

FOMOSO offers four live account types: Mini, Standard, and Pro, each with different initial deposit requirements and leverage options. The Mini account, targeted primarily at beginners or those who want to start trading with low capital, has a minimum initial deposit requirement of just $100. The leverage for this account is set at a maximum of 100:1.

For more experienced traders or those with a bigger investment size, the Standard and Pro accounts require considerably higher initial deposits of $3,000 and $50,000, respectively. The Standard account offers maximum leverage of up to 200:1, while the Pro account limits leverage to 100:1.

Account Type Minimum Initial Deposit Maximum Leverage
Mini $100 100:1
Standard $3,000 200:1
Pro $50,000 100:1

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with FOMOSO involves several standard steps but should be approached cautiously given the broker's unregulated status. The first stage usually requires filling out an online registration form available on their website. This will entail providing personal details such as your full name, contact information, and possibly some identification documents for verification, complying with Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures.

Once the account is approved, you will be prompted to make an initial deposit to activate the account. The minimum initial deposit varies depending on the type of account you have chosen, ranging from $100 for a Mini account to as high as $50,000 for a Pro account. FOMOSO offers limited deposit methods, focusing on Bank Transfers and Small-amount Internet Banking. However, these methods are not as flexible as other popular online payment platforms, and this could be a hindrance for many prospective traders.

Open an Account


Leverage is a crucial aspect of trading that can magnify both gains and losses. FOMOSO offers varying degrees of leverage depending on the type of trading account. For Mini and Pro accounts, the maximum leverage is capped at 100:1, whereas the Standard account allows leverage up to 200:1. While these options provide traders with the flexibility to adopt different trading strategies, they also come with increased risk, especially in the volatile markets that FOMOSO offers, like forex and commodities.

It is crucial for traders to understand the implications of using high leverage, especially when trading with an unregulated broker like FOMOSO. High leverage can lead to significant losses, and without regulatory oversight, there's a higher risk that the platform may not adhere to industry standards that safeguard traders from excessive risk. For instance, regulated brokers are often required to offer negative balance protection, ensuring that traders cannot lose more money than they've deposited. Such protections may not exist with FOMOSO.

Trading Platform

FOMOSO offers two main trading platforms: MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and the MAM system. MT4 is one of the most popular and versatile trading platforms in the industry, renowned for its user-friendly interface, robust technical analysis tools, and support for algorithmic trading. The MAM system, meanwhile, is designed for traders who need to manage multiple accounts simultaneously. It integrates with MT4 and allows for bulk order placements across various accounts.

While these platform options are generally beneficial and offer flexibility to traders with different needs, it's important to consider them within the context of FOMOSO's unregulated status. Reliable trading platforms are essential for executing trades efficiently, but they are only as trustworthy as the broker that offers them. Without regulatory oversight, even a robust platform like MT4 can become a tool for unfair practices, such as manipulated spreads or delayed order executions.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

FOMOSO offers a limited array of options for depositing and withdrawing funds. The available methods are Bank Transfer and Small-amount Internet Banking. Unlike many other brokers, especially those regulated, FOMOSO does not provide the option to use popular online payment methods like PayPal, Skrill, or Neteller. This restriction could be an inconvenience for traders who are accustomed to the flexibility that such platforms offer.

Furthermore, FOMOSO imposes a minimum withdrawal limit of $50 and charges a flat fee of $10 per withdrawal when using Small-amount Internet Banking. These costs could add up over time, especially for traders who need to move money frequently.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

FOMOSO's customer support is accessible via multiple channels, including email and online live chat. Their support email is, providing a direct line of communication for resolving technical issues or answering account-related queries.

Additionally, for immediate assistance, users can reach out to FOMOSO's customer service through their online chat feature. Although the broker does not explicitly mention a contact phone number, their physical address is listed as OMC Chambers, Wickhams Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola, BVI. The availability of these multiple contact points suggests that FOMOSO aims to provide various ways for traders to seek help or clarify doubts, although it's worth noting that the broker is unregulated, which might affect the quality and reliability of customer service.

Customer Support

Brokers Comparison

Regulation Unregulated CySEC, ASIC CySEC, FCA
Account Types Mini, Standard, Pro Micro, Standard, XM Zero Standard, Cent, ECN
Trading Platforms MT4, MAM MT4, MT5 MT4, MT5
Deposit & Withdrawal Options Bank Transfer, Small-amount Internet Banking Multiple including PayPal, Skrill Multiple including Neteller, Skrill
Customer Support Email, Live Chat Email, Live Chat, Phone Email, Live Chat, Phone

Educational Resources

While the information available does not specify the kind of educational resources that FOMOSO offers, educational content is an increasingly important feature that many brokers provide. Such resources can range from webinars, e-books, and tutorials to news updates and market analysis. They serve as an essential tool for both novice and experienced traders, helping them understand market dynamics and sharpen their trading strategies.


FOMOSO presents itself as a comprehensive trading platform offering a wide range of instruments and account types to suit different trading styles and experience levels. Its features such as a diverse asset selection, multiple account types, and platform choices make it an appealing option at first glance. However, the broker's lack of regulation is a significant concern that can't be ignored. Regulatory oversight provides an additional layer of security and transparency that FOMOSO currently lacks.

Therefore, if you're considering trading with FOMOSO, it's essential to exercise extreme caution. Conduct thorough research, understand the associated risks, and consider whether the broker aligns with your trading objectives and risk tolerance.


Q: What types of trading accounts does FOMOSO offer?

A: FOMOSO offers three main types of live trading accounts: Mini, Standard, and Pro, each catering to traders with different investment sizes and experience levels.

Q: Is FOMOSO a regulated broker?

A: No, FOMOSO is currently unregulated, which means it doesn't adhere to any financial regulatory standards and poses higher risks for traders.

Q: What trading platforms can I use with FOMOSO?

A: FOMOSO provides traders the option of using MetaTrader 4 or the MAM system, each offering distinct functionalities suited to different trading needs.

Q: What is the maximum leverage available?

A: The maximum leverage at FOMOSO varies depending on the account type, with up to 100:1 for Mini and Pro accounts and up to 200:1 for Standard accounts.

Q: Are there any fees for withdrawals?

A: Yes, FOMOSO charges a flat fee of $10 for withdrawals made through Small-amount Internet Banking.

Q: What types of market instruments does FOMOSO offer for trading?

A: FOMOSO offers a wide range of more than 600 trading instruments, including foreign exchange, spot gold, spot silver, indices, and crude.

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