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Amos Limited

United States|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+1 246-888-0653
8502 Preston Rd. Ingle, Maine 98380, USA


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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Amos Limited · Company Summary

Company name Amos Limited
Registration United States
Regulated Unregulated
Years of establishment Within 1 year
Trading instruments Stocks, forex, indices, commodities
Account types Standart, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
Minimum Initial Deposit Varies based on the account type chosen(The minimum deposit amount for credit/debit cards is $250 USD)
Maximum leverage Up to 1:200
Minimum spread Not specified
Trading platform Web Trader Terminal
Deposit and withdrawal method Bank/wire transfer, legitimate crypto wallets, credit/debit cards
Customer service Phone and online message

Overview of Amos Limited

Amos Limited, established within the past year, is an unregulated trading company based in the United States. They offer various trading instruments, including stocks, forex, indices, and commodities. With multiple account types, such as Standart, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond, they cater to different trading preferences.

The minimum initial deposit varies based on the chosen account type, with a minimum of $250 USD for credit/debit card deposits. They provide a maximum leverage of up to 1:200. The minimum spread is not specified, and they utilize the Web Trader Terminal as their trading platform. Deposits and withdrawals can be made through bank/wire transfer, legitimate crypto wallets, or credit/debit cards.


Is Amos Limited legit or a scam?

Amos Limited, being an unregulated broker, means that it operates without oversight from any recognized financial regulatory authority. The absence of proper regulation raises doubts regarding the legitimacy and credibility of the company.

Regulatory oversight serves several important purposes in the financial industry, including ensuring transparency, protecting investors' interests, and maintaining the integrity of the markets. Traders should exercise caution when considering an unregulated broker like Amos Limited, as it may expose them to potential risks and vulnerabilities.

Therefore, it is generally advisable to select a broker that is regulated by a reputable financial authority. Traders should thoroughly research and verify a broker's regulatory status before engaging in any transactions or depositing funds.

Pros and Cons

Amos Limited offers a wide range of market instruments, allowing traders to access various asset classes such as stocks, forex, indices, and commodities.The competitive leverage options provided by Amos Limited enable traders to amplify their positions and potentially increase their trading gains. Additionally, the availability of different account types caters to traders with varying needs and preferences. The Web Trader Terminal platform offered by Amos Limited is a user-friendly and feature-rich trading platform that provides access to over 450 assets. Furthermore, Amos Limited provides learning materials, company analysts, and expert advice.

One of the significant concerns with Amos Limited is its lack of regulation. Traders should be cautious as this lack of regulation may expose them to potential risks and vulnerabilities. Another potential drawback is the limited information provided on spreads and commissions. Traders may need to contact Amos Limited directly to obtain specific details regarding trading costs.

Additionally, the customer support hours are limited, which may impact traders' ability to receive timely assistance. Moreover, there may be potential delays in withdrawal processing, which can be frustrating for traders who require quick access to their funds. The lack of transparency and oversight associated with an unregulated broker is another concern that traders should take into consideration.

Pros Cons
Wide range of market instruments Unregulated
Competitive leverage options Potential delays in withdrawal processing
Deposit with no fees Limited information on spreads and commissions
Option for different account types Lack of information on trading platform features
Expert advice available Limited customer support hours
Web Trader Terminal platform Lack of transparency and oversight

Market Instruments

Amos Limited may offer market instruments such as stocks, forex, indices, and commodities for trading. Stocks provide opportunities to invest in well-known companies like Ferrari, Apple, and Amazon, aiming for potential profits through dividends and capital appreciation. Forex trading on major, minor, and exotic currency pairs enables investors to speculate on the fluctuations in exchange rates.

Indices like the Dow Jones, NASDAQ, and S&P represent a selection of stocks and can offer diversification with potentially lower risks. Commodities such as gold, copper, and others can be traded, serving as reliable and safe tools for investors looking to participate in the commodities market.


Account Types

Amos Limited offers different account types to cater to varying trading needs and preferences. The account types provided are Standart, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond, each with its own features and benefits.

In the Standart account, traders can start with a minimum deposit of $500. It offers leverage up to 1:10, allowing traders to amplify their positions. The maximum number of trades is set at 10, providing a controlled trading environment. While the Standart account does not mention specific benefits like company analysts or expert advice, it serves as a basic option for traders looking to get started with a lower initial investment.

Moving up the account tiers, the Silver account requires a minimum deposit of $1,000. It offers higher leverage up to 1:30 and a maximum number of trades set at 15. The mention of “Our Support” suggests that traders in the Silver account may have access to customer support services from the company. This can be beneficial for traders who may require assistance or have inquiries regarding their trading activities.

As traders progress to higher-tier accounts, they gain access to additional benefits. The Gold account, requiring a minimum deposit of $10,000, offers leverage up to 1:80 and a maximum number of trades set at 20. It also mentions “Company analysts,” implying that traders in this account may receive research and analysis from the company's experts, which can provide valuable insights for trading decisions.

The Platinum account, requiring a minimum deposit of $100,000, offers leverage up to 1:150 and a maximum number of trades set at 25. Along with “Company analysts,” the mention of “Expert advice” suggests that traders in this account can benefit from personalized guidance and recommendations from experienced professionals, potentially enhancing their trading strategies.

At the top tier, the Diamond account requires a minimum deposit of $500,000. It offers the highest leverage up to 1:200 and a maximum number of trades set at 30. Similar to the Platinum account, traders in the Diamond account can also expect to receive “Expert advice,” indicating a high level of personalized support and guidance from seasoned professionals.


How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Amos Limited, you can follow these five steps:

  1. Visit the Amos Limited website: Go to the official website of Amos Limited, which is

  2. Account Registration: Look for the “Open Account” or “Sign Up” button on the website. Click on it to start the account registration process.

  1. Choose an Account Type: Select the account type that suits your trading preferences and financial capabilities. Amos Limited may offer different account options, such as Standart, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond, each with its own features and requirements. Consider the account type that aligns with your trading goals and risk tolerance.

  2. Complete the Application: Fill out the necessary application forms with accurate and up-to-date information. You may be required to provide additional documentation for identity verification, such as a copy of your identification document (passport, driver's license) and proof of address (utility bill, bank statement).

  1. Fund Your Account: After completing the application, you will typically need to deposit funds into your trading account. Amos Limited may specify the minimum deposit amount based on the chosen account type. Follow the provided instructions to make a deposit using the available payment methods, which may include bank transfers, credit/debit cards, or electronic payment processors.


Amos Limited offers a maximum leverage of 1:200. Leverage refers to the ratio of borrowed funds to the trader's own invested capital, allowing traders to control larger positions in the market with a smaller amount of capital. With a leverage of 1:200, traders can potentially amplify their trading positions up to 200 times the amount of their invested capital.

It's important to note that while leverage can magnify potential profits, it also increases the risk exposure. Higher leverage means that even small market fluctuations can have a significant impact on the trader's account. Traders should exercise caution and have a thorough understanding of how leverage works before utilizing it in their trading strategies.

Spreads & Commissions

The spreads and commissions offered by Amos Limited vary depending on the account type. While the specific details regarding spreads and commissions are not explicitly mentioned in the provided information, the company highlights that all account types, including Standard, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond, benefit from tight spreads. Tight spreads generally refer to narrow differences between the buying and selling prices of financial instruments, which can be advantageous for traders as it reduces transaction costs.

The mention of “deposit with no fees” suggests that Amos Limited does not charge fees for depositing funds into the trading accounts. However, specific information regarding commissions and other trading costs such as overnight fees or transaction fees would need to be obtained directly from Amos Limited or their official documentation. Traders should carefully review the terms and conditions, including the spreads and commissions, associated with each account type before making trading decisions.

Trading Platform

The Web Trader Terminal offered by Amos Limited provides access to over 450 assets, allowing traders to build a secure and diversified portfolio. With advanced features such as customizable graphics, detailed transaction history, real-time quotes updates, and the ability to open trades directly on the chart, traders can make informed decisions and execute trades with ease. The platform also offers risk management tools like limit orders, empowering traders to manage their exposure effectively.


Deposit & Withdrawal

Amos Limited's deposit policy outlines the terms and conditions for clients depositing funds into their trading accounts. Clients are required to deposit money into their trading accounts in order to engage in trading activities. Deposits can be made through various methods such as bank/wire transfer, legitimate crypto wallets, or credit/debit cards.

Deposits can be made in various currencies, acceptable to the company, and will be managed in US Dollars and/or Euro and/or GBP based on the available market rates. The minimum deposit amount for credit/debit cards is $250 USD, while there is no maximum deposit limit specified. The company highlights the importance of compliance with anti-money laundering laws and regulations, stating that funds transferred should not derive from any criminal or illegal activity.

Amos Limited's withdrawal policy governs the process of withdrawing funds from clients' trading accounts. Withdrawals are required to be performed through the same bank account or credit/debit card that was used for depositing funds, in compliance with generally accepted anti-money laundering rules and regulations. Withdrawals must typically be made in the same fiat currency as the respective deposit. However, the company reserves the right to execute withdrawals to a different facility if required by anti-money laundering regulations.

The processing time for withdrawals may vary, usually taking up to five business days to reach the designated bank account or credit/debit card. The company is not responsible for any delays caused by third-party policies or events beyond their control. The policy also mentions that any fees imposed by third parties will be deducted from the withdrawn amount. The company may charge an inactivity fee on trading accounts, and bonuses and trading credits rewarded to clients are subject to certain terms and conditions, including a minimum trading volume requirement.


Customer Support

Amos Limited provides customer support to assist traders with their inquiries and concerns. Their customer support team consists of specialists who are experts in their field, offering knowledge and guidance to traders. Traders can reach out to Amos Limited's customer support through various channels, including phone calls, with two phone numbers +1-246-888-0653 and +1-222-632-0194 for contact. The opening hours for customer support are Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Additionally, traders have the option to send a message through the website, providing their name, email, phone number, and optional message.


Educational Resources

The educational resources provided by Amos Limited include a market overview tool and an economic calendar. The market overview tool allows traders to gain a macro-level view of the market, enabling them to analyze their portfolio and identify profitable assets. This tool provides insights into market trends, performance indicators, and key market factors that can influence trading decisions.

The economic calendar, another educational resource, provides important information on upcoming economic events, such as economic releases, central bank meetings, and key announcements. Traders can use this calendar to stay informed about significant market-moving events, anticipate potential market volatility, and adjust their trading strategies accordingly. Together, these educational resources empower traders with valuable market analysis and economic insights, helping them make informed decisions and navigate the financial markets more effectively.



Amos Limited is an unregulated broker that offers a variety of market instruments and competitive leverage options. While it provides a user-friendly trading platform and different account types to cater to traders' preferences, the lack of regulatory oversight raises concerns about its credibility and exposes traders to potential risks.It is strongly recommended that traders exercise caution and conduct extensive research before considering any involvement with Amos Limited.It is advisable to choose a regulated broker to ensure transparency and investor protection.


Q: Is Amos Limited regulated by a financial authority?

A: No, Amos Limited is an unregulated broker.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account?

A: The minimum deposit varies based on the account type chosen.

Q: Does Amos Limited charge fees for depositing funds?

A: No, Amos Limited offers deposit with no fees.

Q: Can I access customer support outside of business hours?

A: Customer support is available Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Amos Limited?

A: Amos Limited offers a maximum leverage of 1:200.

Broker Information

Company Name

Amos Limited


Amos Limited

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +1 246-888-0653

  • +1 222-632-0194









Company address
  • 8502 Preston Rd. Ingle, Maine 98380, USA









Customer Service Email Address


Company Summary


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