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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-27
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The AustraliaASIC (Regulatory number: 493579) Institution Forex License (STP) held by belongs to the scope of institutional business, excluding retail business. It cannot open accounts for individual investors. Be aware of the risks!

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WARANA · WikiFX Survey
Danger The Office of WARANA in Australia is Bogus

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WARANA · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Australia
Founded Year Not specified
Regulation Regulated by Australia Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC)
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads Typically between 0.2 and 1 pip
Trading Platforms Meta Trader 4, Web Platform, Desktop Platform
Tradable Assets Equities, Bonds, Foreign Exchange, Commodities, Derivatives
Account Types Savings Account, Checking Account, Money Market Account
Demo Account Not specified
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Bank wire, ACH transfer, Credit card, Debit card
Educational Tools Live webinars, Video library, Glossary of financial terms

Overview of WARANA

WARANA CAPITAL PTY LIMITED is an Australia-based company regulated by the Australia Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) under the Investment Advisory License. However, it is important to note that WARANA has received negative field survey reviews, indicating potential risks and a potential scam. The business scope of WARANA exceeds the regulations set by ASIC, raising concerns about its operations. Caution should be exercised when dealing with this licensed institution.

WARANA offers a variety of market instruments to its clients. These include equities, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities, and derivatives. Clients can invest in stocks of various companies listed on major exchanges, trade currency pairs in the forex market, invest in fixed-income securities, trade commodities, and engage in hedging strategies or speculative trading using derivative instruments. The availability of these instruments provides clients with options for diversifying their investments.

The company also provides various account types, such as savings accounts, checking accounts, and money market accounts. These accounts offer different features and interest rates, allowing clients to choose based on their preferences and financial goals. Additionally, WARANA offers leverage of up to 1:500 on forex trades, which is in line with the industry average. The trading platforms provided by WARANA include Meta Trader 4, a web platform, and a desktop platform.

While WARANA provides educational tools, including webinars, videos, and a glossary of financial terms, there have been negative reviews and concerns regarding the company's legitimacy. It is crucial for individuals to conduct thorough research and exercise caution before engaging with WARANA CAPITAL PTY LIMITED.


Pros and Cons

WARANA, a regulated brokerage firm overseen by ASIC, offers a range of investment instruments including equities, bonds, forex, commodities, and derivatives. They provide multiple account types with different features. With a maximum leverage of 1:500, traders can amplify their positions. Deposits and withdrawals can be made through various methods. WARANA offers the widely recognized Meta Trader 4 platform for Windows and provides both web-based and desktop trading platforms. They also offer educational tools to enhance traders' knowledge. However, it is important to note that WARANA has received negative field survey reviews and exceeds the business scope regulated by ASIC, which raises concerns. There is also an inactivity fee for accounts with balances below $100, and the demo account is unavailable. Additionally, the main website is currently unavailable, and customer support is limited.

Pros Cons
Regulated by ASIC Negative field survey reviews
Offers equities, bonds, forex, commodities, and derivatives Exceeds business scope regulated by ASIC
Multiple account types with different features Inactivity fee if account balance falls below $100
Maximum leverage of 1:500 Demo account unavailable
Deposits and withdrawals via various methods Fees for some deposit and withdrawal methods
Meta Trader 4 platform for Windows Main website currently unavailable
Provides a web-based and desktop trading platform Limited customer support channels
Provides educational tools for traders

Is WARANA Legit?

WARANA CAPITAL PTY LIMITED is regulated by the Australia Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) under the Investment Advisory License. However, it is important to note that this broker has received negative field survey reviews, indicating potential risks and a potential scam. Furthermore, WARANA CAPITAL PTY LIMITED exceeds the business scope regulated by ASIC, which raises further concerns. Caution should be exercised when dealing with this licensed institution.


Market Instruments

EQUITIES: WARANA offers a range of equities instruments to its clients. These include stocks of various companies listed on major exchanges, such as ASX (Australian Securities Exchange) and international markets. Clients can invest in individual stocks, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and equity derivatives like options and futures. Examples of equities instruments offered may include shares of well-known companies like Apple, Microsoft, and BHP Group.

BONDS: WARANA provides access to bond instruments, allowing clients to invest in fixed-income securities. These may include government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds. Bonds offer investors regular interest payments and return of principal upon maturity. Examples of bond instruments offered may include Australian Government Bonds, corporate bonds issued by companies like Telstra, and municipal bonds issued by local governments.

FOREIGN EXCHANGE: WARANA enables clients to participate in the foreign exchange market, offering instruments for currency trading. Clients can trade major currency pairs like EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY, as well as crosses and exotic currency pairs. The forex market allows investors to speculate on the exchange rate movements between different currencies.

COMMODITIES: WARANA offers instruments for trading commodities, allowing clients to invest in physical assets such as gold, silver, crude oil, and agricultural products. Clients can participate in commodity futures contracts or trade commodity-based ETFs. Examples of commodity instruments offered may include gold futures contracts, silver ETFs, and crude oil options.

DERIVATIVES: WARANA provides access to derivative instruments, allowing clients to engage in hedging strategies or speculative trading. These may include options, futures, and swaps. Clients can use derivatives to manage risks associated with various underlying assets, such as equities, bonds, commodities, or currencies. Examples of derivative instruments offered may include equity options, interest rate futures, and currency swaps.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Access to derivative instruments for hedging and speculative trading Limited information on trading volume and market depth
Access to bond instruments for investing in fixed-income securities No information on specific market instruments provided
Participation in the foreign exchange market for currency trading Main website currently unavailable
Ability to trade commodities and invest in physical assets Lack of transparency regarding pricing and liquidity

Account Types


WARANA offers two types of savings accounts. The Basic Savings Account has a low minimum balance requirement and no monthly fees. On the other hand, the High-Yield Savings Account requires a higher minimum balance but offers a higher interest rate.


WARANA provides two checking account options. The Checking Account has no monthly fees, offers free ATM withdrawals at WARANA ATMs, and includes online bill pay and mobile banking. For additional benefits like waived ATM fees at any ATM and a higher interest rate, clients can opt for the Premium Checking Account, which comes with a higher monthly fee.


WARANA offers two types of money market accounts. The Money Market Account requires a high minimum balance but provides a high interest rate. This account also offers check writing privileges and access to ATMs. For a higher interest rate, clients can choose the High-Yield Money Market Account, which has a higher minimum balance requirement compared to the standard Money Market Account.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Basic Savings Account with low minimum balance High-Yield Savings Account requires a higher minimum balance
Checking Account with no monthly fees Premium Checking Account comes with a higher monthly fee
Money Market Account with high interest rate High-Yield Money Market Account has a higher minimum balance


WARANA offers a maximum leverage of 1:500 on forex trades. This means that for every $1 you deposit, you can trade up to $500 worth of currency. The leverage offered by WARANA is in line with the industry average.


Spreads & Commissions

WARANA charges spreads on all forex trades. The spreads are typically between 0.2 and 1 pip, but they can vary depending on the currency pair and the trading conditions. There is a small inactivity fee of $10 per month if the account balance falls below $100. WARANA does not charge commissions on forex trades.

Deposit & Withdrawal

WARANA offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank wire, ACH transfer, credit card, and debit card. The minimum deposit amount is $100 and the minimum withdrawal amount is $50. There are fees associated with some deposit and withdrawal methods, such as a 3% fee for credit card deposits and a $10 fee to withdraw funds via ACH transfer.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods available Fees associated with some deposit and withdrawal methods
Low minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts 3% fee for credit card deposits
$10 fee to withdraw funds via ACH transfer

Trading Platforms


WARANA offers the Meta Trader 4 trading platform specifically designed for Windows operating systems. Meta Trader 4 is a widely recognized platform known for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features. It provides traders with advanced charting tools, order execution capabilities, and access to real-time market data.



WARANA provides a web-based trading platform that can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. The web platform offers essential features for traders, including charting capabilities to analyze price movements, order execution for placing trades, and account management tools for monitoring and managing positions. Additionally, the platform provides access to news and research materials to stay updated on market developments. Traders can also utilize technical analysis tools to make informed trading decisions.



WARANA offers a desktop trading platform that can be downloaded and installed on a user's computer. The desktop platform provides a more advanced set of features compared to the web platform. It includes real-time market data, allowing traders to stay up-to-date with the latest price movements and market trends. The platform also supports algorithmic trading, enabling traders to automate their strategies based on pre-defined conditions. Additionally, traders can utilize back testing functionality to evaluate the performance of their trading strategies using historical data. The desktop platform may also provide a paper trading feature, allowing traders to practice and test their strategies in a simulated environment before risking real capital.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Offers Meta Trader 4 trading platform No mention of mobile trading platform
Provides web-based platform Limited information on customization options
Offers advanced features and real-time market data No specific mention of customer support or assistance available

Educational Tools

WARANA provides a range of educational tools enhances traders' knowledge and understanding of the markets. Their offerings include a live webinar series that covers essential topics like technical analysis, risk management, and trading psychology. Traders can also access a comprehensive video library featuring educational videos on various subjects. Additionally, WARANA offers a glossary of financial terms, which serves as a helpful resource for traders to familiarize themselves with key terminology in the industry. These educational tools helps empower traders with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed trading decisions.

Customer Support

WARANA provides customer support through email. Clients can reach out to the customer support team at for assistance with their inquiries, account-related concerns, or any other issues they may have.


In conclusion, WARANA CAPITAL PTY LIMITED is regulated by the Australia Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC), but it has received negative field survey reviews, indicating potential risks and a potential scam. The company offers a range of market instruments, including equities, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities, and derivatives. They provide various account types with different features and leverage up to 1:500 on forex trades. WARANA charges spreads on forex trades and has certain fees associated with deposit and withdrawal methods. The trading platforms offered include Meta Trader 4, a web platform, and a desktop platform. They also provide educational tools to enhance traders' knowledge. Customer support is available through email. It is important to exercise caution when dealing with this licensed institution due to the negative reviews and concerns regarding its business scope regulated by ASIC.


Q: Is WARANA a legitimate company?

A: WARANA CAPITAL PTY LIMITED is regulated by the Australia Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC), but caution should be exercised due to negative reviews and concerns about exceeding business scope.

Q: What market instruments does WARANA offer?

A: WARANA offers equities, bonds, foreign exchange, commodities, and derivatives for trading.

Q: What types of accounts does WARANA offer?

A: WARANA offers savings accounts, checking accounts, and money market accounts.

Q: What leverage does WARANA offer?

A: WARANA offers a maximum leverage of 1:500 on forex trades.

Q: What are the spreads and commissions at WARANA?

A: WARANA charges spreads on forex trades with varying rates and does not charge commissions.

Q: What are the deposit and withdrawal methods at WARANA?

A: WARANA accepts bank wire, ACH transfer, credit card, and debit card for deposits and withdrawals.

Q: What trading platforms does WARANA provide?

A: WARANA offers MetaTrader 4, a web platform, and a desktop platform.

Q: Does WARANA offer educational tools?

A: Yes, WARANA provides educational webinars, videos, and a glossary of financial terms.

Q: How can I contact WARANA's customer support?

A: You can reach WARANA's customer support team via email at


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